Being Energetically Sensitive is A Gift

As a lightworker, you know what it feels like to be energetically sensitive. You’re fine one moment, and then the next, something happens that triggers you. It’s not always easy being energetically sensitive, however there are ways to help make life easier.

Understanding the benefits of your sensitivity along with viewing it as a gift is a wonderful way to begin embracing your unique gift. This blog post provides you with tools for dealing your sensitivity including for times when emotions become intense. 

Why Are You Energetically Sensitive?

The main reason why lightworkers are sensitive is so we can help improve the world. Without this sensitivity, your goals, pathway, and entire life would be much more ordinary. But, you’re not ordinary. You are extraordinary!

Part of your purpose for being energetically sensitive was to get you to awaken spiritually. Another reason is because you have unique gifts that need to be shared with the world. At first glance, it might appear that other people have the same gifts as you, but your combination of gifts truly is unique. No two people have the exact same set of gifts.

Your Past Challenges Provided You with Understanding

Think back to childhood and struggles you had prior to awakening. Those experiences provided you with the ability to better understand other people who went through the same thing. Without those experiences, you would not have the same level of understanding that you had after overcoming the struggles.

Additionally, if your future path involves living in a different geographical area, then being tied down would only hold you back. If you would be very close to people from childhood, then you might never move away. And, that would mean possibly missing out on an amazing opportunities in a new location.

Not fitting in when you were younger, or even as an adult, had a specific purpose. It was difficult when you did not know the reason why, but once you find out, then everything from the past makes more sense. 

Example of Why Being Energetically Sensitive Creates Understanding

Consider a lightworker who was very sensitive as a child. Perhaps the child cried often, and did not know why. In addition to never fitting in very well anywhere, the child might have only had limited friendships. Why did this happen?

Because the person's life purpose is to be a psychic. The gift of being extra sensitive to energies helps the person connect with angels and spirits. And this is how the person brings messages of love and healing into the world.

When you can relate to another person’s past and/or current experiences and situations, it creates a mutual level of understanding. And, it opens up an opportunity to help someone by utilizing your unique gifts. 

Embrace Your Energetic Sensitivities

Being energetically sensitive is a gift that helps you receive messages from angels. While everyone is born with the ability to communicate with angels, not everyone is able to tap into those abilities.

It requires deeply cleansing your energy, increasing your vibration, and aligning with the vibration of love. Plus, you have to master the skill of mindfulness and learn the concept of oneness. These are also tools to assist you in dealing with your sensitivities.

Then, there is the ongoing process of cleansing and protecting your energy. It’s a significant amount of work, but these become daily habits that enhance your journey. And, once the majority of dense energies and past hurts are removed, then you open up to the unlimited possibilities that the universe offers you. This is when you can more easily manifest your goals, dreams, and anything you desire. 

Your Life Purpose is Very Important

As a lightworker, you have a mission to help improve the world. Exactly how you do this is based upon your unique set of gifts. If you do not know your soul's purpose yet, the angels can help you discover it. However, it’s helpful to know that the details are usually not revealed to you until you're ready to know it. Usually this happens after you’ve cleared away enough density in your energetic system.

Once your mind, heart, and soul connect to knowing that information, your soul will start to drive you toward fulfilling your soul purpose. 

You Must Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

How this appears in your life can sometimes show up as an inner desire of being frustrated or anxious to move forward faster. You might also feel held back by your current circumstances. It’s a sign that your soul is pushing you to make changes, and it can indicate that a big shift is coming up soon.

There are also times when the angels will push you out of your comfort zone. You will be required to do things that you might never have imagined yourself doing before.

Stepping out of your comfort zone will be necessary to fulfill your soul purpose. Don’t worry because you can handle it. You signed up for this specific life mission before being born. And, you were given all the gifts and tools needed to achieve your important life purpose. 

11 Tools For Dealing with Being Energetically Sensitive

  1. 1
    Protect your energy daily with light orbs and/or Metatron’s Cube
  2. 2
    Live only in the present moment
  3. 3
    Cleanse your chakras and aura
  4. 4
    Maintain awareness
  5. 5
    Cut etheric cords with help from Archangels Raphael and Michael
  6. 6
    Practice forgiveness
  7. 7
    Immerse your aura in a waterfall of source light: white, rainbow, and/or golden light
  8. 8
    Listen to isochronic music or solfeggio tones
  9. 9
    Refresh yourself in nature or sit outside
  10. 10
    Calm your ego mind; ask Archangel Michael to help quiet your ego
  11. 11
    During stressful moments, take deep breaths, then exhale the dense energies. Transmute the heavy energies into source light (visualize the energies dissolve into tiny specks and be taken away by angels)

Take Care of Yourself First and Get Angelic Help

Your sensitivity to energies might drive you crazy some days, but using these tools will reduce how much you’re affected. Plus, these tools can sometimes prevent you from being impacted by other people’s energies.

Focus on yourself during and after intense moments. What do you need to feel better? Self-love, self care, a moment to walk away from the situation, a relaxing salt bath, essential oils, etc.

Keep calling upon angels for help anytime. The angels want to serve you and support you every step of the journey. All you must do is ask them for the exact type of assistance you want. 

Sample Daily Routine

To start incorporating these tools into daily habits, let’s look at a sample daily routine that you can modify as you ascend higher.

This is actually my current daily routine, so you might need to add more tools to begin with. For example, add in a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect upon situations that arose earlier in the day and apply mindfulness techniques to them.

Try to follow the morning list as much as possible. It will help set you up for a better day. 

Morning Routine

  • Connect to source light and set the intention that you’re downloading divine unconditional love
  • Download anything else you need from source: joy, oneness, motivation, creativity, inspiration, etc.
  • Ground to the Earth
  • Place yourself in protective orbs of light: white, purple, etc.
  • Use Metatron’s Cube for powerful protection
  • Connect to your guardian angel and ask for a message for the day, or use angel oracle cards to draw one card for yourself
  • Carry crystals or wear crystal jewelry

The Most Helpful Crystals

Selenite is wonderful to carry with you, or hold a piece in your hand when you have too much stress. It brings more source light into you for cleansing and relaxation. Even though it’s a self-cleansing crystal, it’s still good to cleanse selenite regularly.

Indigo gabbro moves dense energies away from you, however it needs more regular cleansing.

Larimar is perfect for relaxation and brings a sense of calm.

Always hold crystals in your left hand when connecting to them because the left hand is the receiving hand. 
Click here to visit Conscious Items to find genuine crystals, crystal jewelry, home decor, lamps, gift sets, and zodiac sets.

Afternoon or Night Routine

  • Reapply protective orbs of light after 12 hours, or after being around negative people
  • Cut etheric cords as needed; do this daily for as long as needed
  • Cleanse your chakras and aura before going to sleep at night to remove dense energies you picked up from others during the day
You’ll also need a regular routine to deeply cleanse your chakras with source light. Do this at least twice a week until your energetic system is cleared from the past. This will take time, so be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. The good news is that the more you continue to clear away heavy energies, the more you’ll feel better and better. 

Heal From Past Traumas

Get angelic help to heal from past hurts including past life traumas.

How do you know if you have unhealed past life trauma? It can appear in a variety of ways: recurring dreams, unable to move forward in a certain area, or deeply rooted fears. An example is feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster of sometimes doing well and other times going back to struggling.

For help with healing from past life traumas, call upon Archangels Raphael, Jeremiel, and Raziel. It’s also helpful to ask your personal team of guides and angels to assist you in recognizing the blockages. When you understanding the cause of blocks, you can start to move forward in life.

If you want help clearing deeper wounds from the past, an Angel Energy Healing session can speed up the process. 

Create A Plan For Moments of Extreme Energetic Sensitivity

Throughout your journey, your sensitivity might become extreme at times. Or, you might feel intensity on a regular basis if you’re very empathetic.

Create a plan for intense and challenging times. How will you respond when someone unexpectedly acts unkind, especially on social media?

To help you get started, here is the plan I use. Modify it to what works best for you.
  • Remain calm, silent, and mentally take a step away from the situation
  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Get help from Archangels Michael, Raguel (for harmony), and/or Metatron (to protect and cleanse your energy)
  • Remain mindful: how are you feeling? As much as possible, let the emotions flow through you before responding (wait at least 10 seconds)
  • After responding, take care of yourself first and remember the importance of self-love. What do you need to recover and feel better?

Dealing with Someone Who Triggers You Regularly

If someone in your life triggers you emotionally, think about how you're going to react before the next incident. Use the plan above, and experiment with one modification at a time to discover the best plan of action for you.

If you live with someone who triggers you often, then every day ask Archangel Raguel to bring peace and harmony into your home.

It also helps to place yourself inside Metatron’s Cube every morning. Ask Archangel Metatron specifically for energy cleansing and protection. 

Cherish Your Gift of Sensitivity

Embrace your gift of being sensitive to energies. And, appreciate this beautiful gift that aids you in communicating with angels.

If you have not developed your psychic gifts yet, get an angel card reading to find out what messages the angels have for you.

While being energetically sensitive is not always easy, it’s also what creates a beautiful journey for your life.

In what ways are you grateful for your unique gifts? Leave a comment below to help inspire others to feel grateful for their sensitivities. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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