Awakening and Enlightenment

Your spiritual journey begins with awakening, and often starts out slowly. Usually with minor adjustments occurring before you fully realize what is going on.

Awakening requires going within your heart and connecting with your soul. And, expanding your consciousness to see the vastness of the universe. 

Definition of Awakening

“Spiritual awakening refers to a shift in consciousness. It's an apperception of reality which had been previously unrealized. The culmination of such realizations is in the recognition of oneness with all of existence.”

What is Awakening?

Awakening is when you become aware of something. Spiritual awakening is becoming aware of your higher consciousness. This is what starts to free you from the limitations of attachments. Attachments include restrictions from your ego, and limiting beliefs from childhood. 

Spiritual awakening involves releasing limiting thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that come from your ego. When your ego is no longer controlling your life, then you’re free to expand your consciousness. Living in a higher level of consciousness means you’re able to see how everything in the universe is connected. 
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - Carl Jung

Energy is How we are all Connected

Being awakened is knowing that everything in the universe is energy including humans. At your very core, you are a soul, an infinite being of light.

Your physical body is vibrating at a certain frequency based upon the types of energies you’re carrying around. For example, if you have sadness stored inside your chakras, even from childhood, it decreases your vibration. If you’re feeling love, it increases your vibration. This is because high-vibrational energies vibrate fast. And low-vibrational energies vibrate slowly. 

Emotions Are Energies

Emotions are also made up of energies that have their own vibrational frequency. For example, sadness and love match their vibrational speed.

Feeling sad pulls you down, and can make you not feel like doing anything. That is because the energy of sadness vibrates slowly. It feels heavy, dense, and does not feel good.

The feeling of love makes you feel light, happy, and carefree. The energy of love vibrates fast which boosts your vibration up higher. It feels good, and is easier to spread love and happiness everywhere you go. 


When you’re awakened, you understand how everything in the universe is connected through energy. And, you know that all humans come from the same source light. Source light, is pure, white light composed of unconditional love.

Humans and everything on earth were all created from source light, and that is how we’re all connected. This connectedness is called oneness. As a soul of light, your light is part of a whole that makes up all of humanity. While you’re part of the same, big universal source light, you’re also an individual expressing your uniqueness in the world.

When you’re awakened, you’re able to see the oneness in everyone and in everything. You see that all humans come from the same source light, and this is how we’re connected. 

Why You are Here on Earth

You’re here on earth as an infinite soul having a human experience because your soul wanted to come here to learn. Every person is born with low-vibrational energies and certain challenges to overcome.

When your soul learns the soul lessons you came here to learn, then you’re able to ascend higher. The higher you continue to ascend, the more wonderful your life will become. You’ll feel energetically lighter, and have more love, joy, and happiness in your life. Living your dream life naturally happens when you're fulfilling your soul purpose. 

Signs You Are Fully Awakened

The following signs are common improvements you can expect along your spiritual journey.

Increased Awareness and Self-Reflection

  • You maintain awareness of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, patterns, and actions to recognize what no longer serves you
  • Clearing everything that no longer serves you when it appears
  • Energetically healing from past traumatic experiences
  • Making time to regularly reflect on your life
  • Recognizing if you begin to veer off course, and taking steps to get back on track
  • Removing negative relationships from your life
  • Significant drop in feeling stress

Quieting Your Ego & Gaining Control Over Emotions

  • Your ego mind no longer controls your life
  • No drama, hate, or negativity 
  • Your mind is clear, focused, open, at peace, and egoless
  • Free from emotional rollercoasters
  • Free from running outdated subconscious programs on automatic
  • Not judging yourself or others
  • Taking responsibility to immediately clear low-vibrational energies, and not acting out on them

Acceptance & Afterlife

  • Understanding, accepting, and respecting that every soul has a purpose to fulfill in this lifetime
  • Accepting that others are exactly where they need to be on their unique path in the present moment
  • Accepting things you cannot change, even if you know how to improve them
  • You see how reality on earth is simply an illusion 
  • Believing in reincarnation
  • Knowing that your soul lives on after the human body dies

Living Only In The Present Moment

  • Focusing on living only in the present moment
  • Being at peace with the past
  • You think about important things for the future, but do not focus on what might or might not happen in the future
  • You do not get caught up in any worries regarding the future
  • Inner peace in the present moment

Trusting Your Soul Purpose and Intuition

  • You know and understand your life's purpose
  • Determination to accomplish your goals
  • Actively fulfilling your life’s purpose, and staying in alignment with it
  • You’re being of service to humanity and/or the planet
  • You listen to your intuition and trust it
  • You know how to communicate with angels and follow angelic guidance

High-Vibrational Living 

  • You have higher standards
  • You make decisions for yourself that are best for you 
  • Not allowing the opinions of others to change your decisions
  • You know who you are, and see yourself as an eternal soul of light
  • Recognizing the importance of being responsible for your actions and beliefs
  • Being open to redeeming your actions/choices if something comes up
  • You’re aligned with living your dream life
  • Expressing gratitude daily

Manifesting What You Desire

  • Recognizing and respecting your true power to manifest anything you desire
  • Utilizing the law of attraction without abusing it 
  • Being open to receiving from the universe
  • Understanding how you play a role in co-creating your life with the universe
  • Only manifesting what you truly need in life and what will genuinely serve you

Oneness and Unconditional Love

  • Feeling oneness with all that is
  • Unconditionally loving yourself, other humans, and all living things on the earth

Living Your Ideal Life

  • Your entire life has completely changed for the better since you awakened
  • Stress does not affect you
  • You feel your heart light glowing with love
  • You radiate love and light to everyone you come into contact with
  • You’ve experienced how source light and divine unconditional love heals everything

Awakening Opens The Door to Ascension

Once you’re awakened, the door opens for you to start taking steps along your ascension path.

Ascension is a journey that completely transforms all areas of your life for the better. While your overall progress is ascending higher, there will still be challenging times.

Increasing the amount of high-vibrational light that you’re able to hold pushes up density. As this process occurs, you’ll be dealing with heavy energies that do not feel good. When this happens, remember that they’re just energies coming up to be released. They're not who you are at your core. You’re a loving, infinite soul, a being of light meant to live a happy life full of abundance, love, and happiness.

Take responsibility for the heavy energies within your system and clear them away. Releasing low-vibrational energies from your system is the only way to become free from them. 

Your Ascension Journey

Ascending higher on your journey is not a linear pathway. It’s a process where you have the freedom to keep choosing light, or to fall back into old ways of living that hold you back. Your spiritual journey also leads you to a better life where you’ll feel like you’re a new person with a new life.

Once you begin experiencing your new life, you won’t want to go back to living your old life. 
This image is a perfect example of the ascension journey. You started at the bottom of the steps below the green plant. As you walk up the stairs, ascending higher, you start to have more options for your life.

Once you reach the level by the potted flowers, you can choose to go left or right, up the next set of stairs. Whichever option you choose is best for you. There are no wrong choices, and your options are vast. Both pathways, both sets of stairs, will lead you further along your ascension path. The option to go left or right up the next set of stairs represents the decisions you have in life. 

Reaching A High Level

Once you’ve ascended higher on your spiritual journey, you’ll be enjoying your new life. This is where some people choose to maintain their progress and be content for the rest of their lives.

The ultimate goal of ascension is to reach the stage of enlightenment. Even after you've reached enlightenment, you always have the option to continue ascending higher.

Let the universe and angels know if you wish to ascend even higher. To do this, regularly remind the angels that you’re willing to serve at the highest level possible. Choosing this option does require more work, often through a business. Or, in some other way where you’ll be serving humanity on a larger scale. The rewards you receive from the universe will be bigger, but you have to be willing to put in more efforts over a longer time span. 

Definition of Enlightenment

“More than just the simple belief that divinity lies within all life equally, it is the personal experience of this. It is feeling this spirit that dwells in all life, oneness, that turns this belief into a personal knowing.”

What is Enlightenment?

The pathway to enlightenment begins by recognizing that you’re an eternal soul, an unlimited, infinite being of light. Then, it’s choosing to expand your consciousness.

5 Essential Actions to Reach Enlightenment:
  • Keeping an open mind and open heart
  • Cleansing your energetic system daily
  • Quieting your ego mind
  • Meditating to connect with your soul and your higher self
  • Feeling oneness with humanity, the earth, and all that is
Being enlightened means you’ve transmuted fears, negativity, and other low-vibrational energies. And, if any more appear, you remove them right away.

Enlightenment also means you continuously choose to live your life at a higher level. You don’t just awaken, clear away the past, and are then done. It’s an ongoing process. However, the higher you ascend, the easier it is to maintain the progress you’ve made along your journey. 

Reaching Enlightenment

Becoming energetically aligned with enlightenment is a journey that takes time. You’ve reached enlightenment when you truly feel universal oneness and unconditional love for all of humanity and the earth.

At this point, you no longer judge yourself or others. Your chakra system and aura will be clear. And, every day you continue to cleanse your chakras and protect your energy.

When you’re aligned with enlightenment, you regularly feel love, peace, joy, harmony, and bliss.

The Omega Vibrational Frequency Chart can assist you in knowing where you’re at on your journey. 

Your Total Life Transformation

The angels helped you awaken, and they'll always be there to assist you every step of the way. Keep asking the angels for assistance and guidance.

Your ascension journey is a beautiful process that completely transforms all areas of your life for the better. And, it all starts within you. Enjoy your path to enlightenment. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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