Angelic Guidance for June 2021 to Release the Old

In this blog post, I share with you a message from the Council of Light about releasing everything that no longer serves you. The messages are to help you navigate the energies from now through the end of June 2021.

However, if you’re reading this blog post at a later date, then this message still applies to you. The angels led you here because this post contains an important message for you in the present moment, no matter what year it is. 

Eclipses, Full Moons, and Solstice Energies

We just entered into an intense period of energies flooding the earth. It all started with the full moon and lunar eclipse two days ago. These eclipse energies will continue to be present for a few months.

Next, is the upcoming solar eclipse on June 10th. Then, the solstice energies on June 21st followed by a full moon on June 24th.

After June 25th, the energies will start to improve. Until that time, remember the messages from the angels in this post. 

Channeled Message From The Council of Light

Greetings from the Council of Light. We bring you this message to assist you in navigating the intense energies that will continue through June.

It’s important to understand that eclipses happen a few times annually for the purpose of helping you release what is no longer serving you. When the universe shows you things in your life that are no longer working, and that are not good for you, it’s important to release them.

When you let go of them, then you become free and you open up yourself to welcoming in new and better things into your life. Whether it’s relationships, a job, a new home, or even just situations, release your tight grip. Then, you will be provided with better situations and new opportunities. You have to fully let go first of the people, places, and things that are no longer serving you. 

Full Moons Also Illuminate What No Longer Serves You

We also want to mention that eclipses are not the only time to release things that are no longer in your highest and best interest. Every month during the full moon, things that need to be released are illuminated. Full moons are not as intense as eclipses, but they’re still powerful.

Where Are You Stuck?

What direction do you want to go with in your life after this period is over? Starting at the beginning of July, what would you like your life to be like?

Look at the people in your life. Is someone holding you back? Release them if possible. And know that the universe will bring you a replacement in the form of someone new who is much better for you.

Are you stuck in a job or a career that is no longer fulfilling you? Or, that you don't like because of co-workers? Ask the angels for assistance in attracting a new job with a new employer who will treat you well while providing the income that you need. 

Your Emotions Reveal Blockages

What situations in your life do you dislike?

Do you feel anger or negativity when you’re around certain people? Whether it’s through relationships with relatives, friends, or neighbors who annoy you, notice how each person makes you feel.

Are you struggling with money to meet your human needs? Or, being held back in any way from reaching your biggest dreams?

Your emotions reveal where there are energetic blockages in your system. Release the low-vibrational energies that are attached to your struggles and challenges.

Ask the angels to help you recognize and release everything that no longer serves you. Also, keep cutting cords daily with the people who drain your energy. 

Start Taking Steps Toward Your Dreams

Write down a plan to reach your dream life. What one step can you take to make improvements now, so by the beginning of July you'll be making progress?

Remember that angels, and all of us who serve on the Council of Light, are always here to assist you any time. We love you. And we would love to assist you in creating a life full of abundance, love, joy, happiness, and having all your dreams come true.
Thank you to the Council of Light for this channeled message.

Angelic Guidance For June

In addition to the message from the Council of Light, the angels provided extra information to help you know what to focus on.

Remember That Releasing is Healthy

When releasing what no longer serves you, remember that it's a healthy process that will make you feel better. There may be sadness when letting go, however this is only temporary. New beginnings will open up beautifully for you as you remove each thing that is holding you back.

Releasing also helps you to carry more high-vibrational light within your system which increases your vibration. When you're vibrantly glowing on the inside, this attracts more good things into your life. 

What To Focus On Now Through June

Your inner child benefits when you let go of things that weigh you down. Dense energies also cause more stress in your life which makes your inner child unhappy.

Focus on doing things that make your inner child happy. These do not have to be big things. Something as simple as playing with a pet, or making your favorite meal boosts your happiness.

Do an activity you enjoy, and try to find time to incorporate it into your schedule at least once a week.

Spend time in nature to reflect on each area of your life, and think about what improvements to make. Being in nature is relaxing and helps you re-center. If you're unsure about what step to take next, ask your guardian angel to show you. The first step could be as simple as cleansing your chakras and protecting your energy everyday. 

Expand Your Heart and Consciousness

When you expand into a state of higher consciousness, it leads to feelings of liberation and inner peace.

Connect to source light through meditating to expand your mind to the vastness of the universe. Opening your consciousness is also a wonderful way to feel oneness with everyone and everything on the Earth.

Open up your heart and expand your heart light to surround your entire body and aura.

With an open heart and open mind, it's easier to release what no longer serves you. This is the point where you can feel free to create your dream life. 

What Can Happen When You Follow Angelic Guidance

By following this guidance from the angels, you can expect to have more inner peace by early July. The door has been opened with a beautiful pathway illuminated before you.

The choice is yours what you do with these eclipse and full moon energies. When you continue letting go of blocks, you keep taking one more step forward on a pathway that gets brighter and more beautiful along the way. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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