Angelic Assistance For Full Moon Energies

Full moon energies
The full moon is a time for resting, releasing, and reflecting. It can be a challenging time for many people because the full moon illuminates dense energies within that need to be released.

In this blog post, Archangel Haniel, angel of the moon, helps you with ideas for handling full moon energies. Plus, you’ll learn about the meanings of full moons during each month. 

Channeled Message For Handling Full Moon Energies

My dearest beloved souls, greetings from Archangel Haniel. I am here to assist you with full moon energies.

Every month when the light of the moon starts approaching the full moon, it begins to illuminate anything within you that is no longer serving you. The reason things come up is because it is time for you to become freed from them.

Hand these old hurts, negativity, and everything that does not feel good over to the angels. They will sweep them away from you, and safely transmute them into more uplifting energies. 

New Moons versus Full Moons

The process of working with moon energies is rather easy. If you only pay attention to two phases of the moon, it should be the new moon and the full moon.

The full moon is for releasing the past so you open yourself up more to being ready for the new moon. Every new moon is a time to send your wishes out into the universe.

Remember that you can amplify the power of manifesting your dreams by making new moon wishes. This is why it is important to clear out what arises during full moons. 

Intensity Builds Days Prior To Full Moons

Dear one, please know that as a lightworker, you are more likely to start noticing full moon energies around two to four days before the actual full moon.

Pay attention to when you usually start sensing these energies. Awareness will assist you in better taking care of yourself, and knowing when to expect buried emotions to reappear.

Also note that every full moon may not affect you. The exact types of full moon energies are reliant upon which astrological sign the moon is in each month.

Therefore, if you have already cleared out all the blocks and density from a certain area, you will have a smoother transition through the full moon. 

Peak Full Moon Energies the exact date of the full moon, the energies may start to subside for you if you already spent the previous few days being affected. However, this does not always happen. Maintain awareness so you know what to possibly expect each month during full moons.

There is always help from angels every month for navigating through full moon energies. I, Archangel Haniel, am always only a breath away ready to assist you.

Shortly after the exact time of the full moon every month, you will slowly start to feel better. 

Collective Consciousness Energies Amplified During Full Moons

Remember that the collective consciousness will contain more intense energies during full moons. Unawakened people do not realize why they are suddenly dealing with intense energies. And this can be very frustrating and challenging for some people.

As a lightworker, try to plan ahead for full moon energies so you are not as affected as much by other people. When possible, do your grocery shopping a few days earlier. It will help so you spend less time in highly populated public areas when full moon energies are peaking. 

Manifestations Appear During Full Moons

Full moons are also a time for manifesting new moon wishes that you made two weeks prior to the full moon. Any previous goals that you have been working toward achieving may also start to show signs of manifesting more during full moons.

3 Aspects of Full Moon Energies

There are three aspects to remember about full moon energies.

First, full moons are not a time for starting anything new. Each full moon has the purpose of creating time for you to rest, release, and reflect upon your life in the present moment.

Second, full moon energies can easily cause intense emotions. That is why you should never make important life-changing decisions while being influenced by full moon energies. Instead, take this time to write down your emotions, reflect upon the situation, and release what does not feel good. Then, revisit your notes later after the full moon energies have subsided.

Third, make an attempt to rest which means not overworking and avoiding excess stress. Take care of yourself and focus on self-love. These will help you to have a smoother transition through the full moon energies. 

Rest To Refresh Your Soul

Utilize full moon energies for releasing, resting, and reflecting. Then, you can exit full moon phases feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to take actions toward your goals.

I, Archangel Haniel, send you bright blessings and lunar energies to refresh and uplift your spirit.
Thank you Archangel Haniel for this lovely message to help people navigate through full moon energies. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Releasing Often Means Healing

One aspect of releasing during full moons is healing. Oftentimes, many issues that come up for release contain hurtful feelings from past situations.

Ask Archangels Haniel and Zadkiel to assist you with deep hurts and to heal from traumatic situations. They will combine their powers to bring you the healing that you need most.

Remember that forgiveness is very powerful and can lead you toward complete freedom from the past. You only need to forgive for your own well-being and your own healing; not for the other person if you’re unable to do that.

Forgiveness is a powerful way to claim power over the situation. It’s a way to say that you are no longer allowing what the other person did to you to have control over you. Intend that from this moment forward, you’re no longer allowing the situation to hurt you because you forgive. 

The Meanings of Full Moons

Every month, the full moon has a different name based upon names given by ancient cultures. These are the most common names; other names also exist, but these are the most common. Note that the Harvest Moon name is sometimes applied to both September and October full moons.

During months when there are two full moons, the second full moon is a “blue moon.” The spiritual meaning behind blue moons is to embrace your truth especially as who you are as a soul of light.

Blue moon energies are perfect for connecting to your heart and soul through meditation to discover your heart’s desires. 

Full Moon Meanings By Month

  • January’s Wolf Moon is for social gatherings
  • February’s Snow Moon is for resting
  • March’s Worm Moon is for reflecting upon what needs to be released
  • April’s Pink Moon is for connecting with nature, and recharging crystals under moonlight
  • May’s Flower Moon is for planting seeds to harvest later; take steps toward your goals
  • June’s Strawberry Moon is a time for abundance
  • July’s Buck Moon is for harnessing energies of strength and growth
  • August’s Sturgeon Moon is for reflecting upon your strengths
  • September’s Harvest Moon is for harvesting or manifesting what has grown from the efforts made toward your goals
  • October is the Hunter’s Moon meant for reflecting upon the last few months, and making plans for the upcoming new season
  • November’s Beaver Moon is for grounding your energy and tuning into your intuition
  • December’s Cold Moon is for reflecting upon the entire year, resting, and focusing on self care

Angelic Help For Navigating Full Moon Energies

Full moon energies affect people every month. While dealing with full moon energies is not pleasant, it helps to view them as times for healing. When you recognize what needs to be released, you can become freed from those dense energies.

Listen to your intuition to help identify what needs to change. Then, ask angels to help you better handle any intense emotions that appear during full moons.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by life's struggles, call upon Archangels Haniel and Zadkiel for help. They will be there for you along with your entire team of spirit guides and angels. You might even sense the angels wrapping you in a blanket of love and comfort as a way of showing you their support. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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