Angel Card Reading for The Equinox

Equinox Card Reading
If you're looking for guidance and inspiration during this season of change, check out this angel card reading.

The angels provide you with helpful assistance along with showing you what to focus on now to make the most of these equinox energies.

In this blog post, Archangel Gabriel channeled information for this equinox card reading. Keep reading to see how the angels are helping you in navigating these times of transition. 

Equinox Card Reading from Archangel Gabriel

The overall energy for the equinox is centered around strength. Among distortion and disharmony within the world, continue returning to the light within you. The light of your soul is wise, strong, and always knows what is best for you in every situation.

Remain grounded to the center of the Earth, and be sure to ground your energy daily. This assists the natural flow of energies from both Gaia and source to flow through you, which also provides you with a solid foundation.

You are much stronger than you realize, and are only a breath away from calling in a team of powerful archangels to assist you. During this equinox, call upon Archangel Michael for courage, strength, and anything else you want help with.

Additionally, connect to archangels to request healing for humanity and the Earth, and this selfless act will uplift you at the same time. 

Equinox Challenges

The challenges for this equinox are related to the here and now. It is extra important now to focus on living only in the present moment.

Uncertainty within the world has already begun causing many people to question the future. Fears are abundant in the human collective consciousness. And as a lightworker, you are naturally taking on some of these fears.

The reason why is because you have the knowledge and ability to transmute them. When you take on excess heavy energies from the collective, it can easily begin to affect your personal journey.

These are the times when you might feel like you are traveling backward or stuck, possibly without knowing exactly why.

This is a sign that your energetic system has picked up too many heavy energies from humanity. Take time to clear them, and call upon angels for assistance if desired. 

How To Cleanse Heavy Energies

Spend some time quieting your mind while meditating in a waterfall of source light. Then, invite Archangels Michael and Zadkiel to connect with you.

Ask them to bring the violet flame into your energy field. And request that the violet flame burns through all low-vibrational energies. If desired, flow the violet flame through all your chakras too.

Set the intention that all lower-vibrational energies within you and around you are being fully transmuted. The powerful violet flame will transmute them for you.

Finish by refreshing and uplifting your mind, body, and spirit in a waterfall of white light.

If you feel any unpleasant feelings for any reason, focus within your heart, expand your consciousness, and connect to source light. Allow source light to flow into you to wash away any unwanted feelings. 

Guidance from Angels

Angelic guidance is to view everything from a broader perspective. Look at your overall progress, and acknowledge all the progress you have made to see how much you have grown.

This equinox is a perfect time to work on deeper healing. The universe is providing you with extra support now to release everything that no longer serves you. Take advantage of this extra powerful healing time.

If you are dealing with a struggle, write down everything you dislike about it. Then dig deeper to discover intense feelings that may be hidden. When you know what is present, then you can release the unpleasant energies.

This transformational period of releasing is assisting you on your journey to take another step forward. It is also helping your soul grow and shine even brighter in the world. 

Are You Struggling with Receiving Angelic Guidance?

The energies present now have potential to make it more difficult for you to hear angelic guidance. If you are struggling to hear, sense, or see guidance, do not worry because it is due to the equinox energies.

This is only temporary, and will begin to open up again like a flower blossoming overnight. 

Stay Positive During The Equinox

From now through the equinox, and continuing three days after the equinox, try to stay positive.

Take a moment to set positive intentions for this new season. What do you wish to create and manifest throughout the new season?

Positive thoughts and intentions will be noticed by the universe. And the angels will help you take actions toward manifesting those wishes.

Even if you do not yet see a clear pathway with how to achieve your dreams, the route will not remain hidden for very long.

As you work with angels, you begin seeing what action steps to take. And you will start to receive a glimpse of what you will harvest later in the season. 

Release Thoughts, Feelings, and Beliefs from The Past

As the endpoint of equinox energies near completion of their intensity, it is still an optimal time to release anything from the past.

Release every feeling, thought, and belief that does not feel good to you. Imagine that every unwanted emotion inside your heart is being infused with source light. Then, removed from you to lighten your load.

Your entire mind, body, and spirit are benefiting at the energetic level the more you heal from the past.

Remember that the past includes everything from one second ago. As the seconds pass by in the human concept of time, every second enters into the past as time ticks away.

Therefore, the past includes things that may appear to be from the present moment because it happened recently. But it really is in the past when you view time as each second moving into the past one second at a time. 

Beautiful Pathway Ahead for The New Season

The outcome of this equinox provides you with an opportunity to feel more connected to the eternal light of love. This is when your heart is more open, and your consciousness expands wider.

These acts of opening and expanding your energy assist you in receiving everything you need from source light for your life journey.

As the new season opens up more of its beauty, the path ahead becomes clearer and more vibrant. You can begin walking in a beautiful new direction with angels closely assisting you along the way.

Communicate with your guardian angel daily. And ask for signs to receive guidance for everything you want assistance with in your life. 

Equinox Leading to Positive New Beginnings

For the duration of these equinox energies, remember to live in the present moment.

Anytime when there is disharmony in the world, or if a personal struggle makes you confused or uncertain about the future, live one day at a time.

After the equinox is over, there is a beautiful, positive new beginning opened up for you. Will you claim it?

The steps needed to walk through the open door will be shown to you. Follow the angelic guidance from this card reading, and look forward to your personal new beginning being beautiful. 

Receive Deep Cleansing with Powerful Healing Angels

Get extra assistance from powerful healing angels to clear away deeper blocks by getting an Angel Energy Healing session. In one distance session, the angels cleanse your chakras, meridians, and aura. Plus, they remove subconscious mind beliefs that no longer serve you. They also deeply cleanse the energies within your home.

After your session, you’ll feel uplifted and energetically lighter. You may also notice additional benefits from the angels working on you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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