Angel Card Reading for Nov through Dec 2021

Angel card reading
This blog post is an angel card reading. It contains guidance about how you can keep your light shining brightly for the rest of this year.

From the full moon and eclipse through the solstice next month, energies will be like a rollercoaster. You can expect life to feel like riding waves in an ocean with several ups and downs.

Your deepest layers of past hurts will surface for healing which may cause intense emotions. These could include fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, or disappointment.

As you release heaviness, it can be followed by times of feeling elevated joy, excitement, or bliss.

Remember the importance of taking care of yourself. Remain grounded, and call upon angels for assistance daily. 

Angel Card Reading For November - December 2021

The names of each card are provided as a way for you to connect deeper with the messages. All these messages are specifically for you, the reader of this blog post.

Card #1 Cheer Up and Live in The Moment

This card reveals the current situation for this full moon eclipse through the solstice next month.

Dear one, there are waves of new light arriving which has potential to stir up the days for you now through the end of this year. There will be days where you feel blissfully elated and days where you feel down.

On the days when you're not feeling very good, take extra good care of yourself. Also, download unconditional love from source and ask your guardian angel to remove a layer of stress or heaviness.

Bathe in a waterfall of refreshing white light daily to uplift your spirit and infuse your mind with light. Also, comfort your body in a layer of love from angels. 

You Already Have A Solid Foundation

There is a solid foundation below you that you can call upon anytime for support through challenges. This solid foundation includes calling upon your guardian angels and archangels. They want to help you with everything big and small for they are here to serve you. Without calling upon angels for help, they can get bored not having any assignments to work on.

Be assured that there is an endless supply of angels who always have more than enough time to fully commit to serving you anytime.

Another part of a solid foundation is only living in the present moment. This prevents your mind from living in the past or future.

Visualize the sparkles of source light all around you. See the beauty of nature out your window. And, know that angels are here wrapping you in their wings of love to comfort you whether you feel them or not. 

Card #2 Commitment

This card reveals present or upcoming challenges you may be facing during this period.

It may feel challenging at times, but remember to commit to yourself first. It’s essential to take care of all your own needs first before you can expect to fully give the best of yourself to others.

Connect to your higher self to see the amazing soul that you really are. Keep returning to the center of your heart and feel the love and light that you are at your core. 

Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Commit to taking care of your mind, body, and spirit in all ways. Nourish your body with healthy foods and the right amount of exercise for you.

Uplift your mind by expanding your consciousness to get a peak at the vastness of the universe.

Feed your spirit with a waterfall of rainbow light to infuse you with the perfect blend of healing light for the present moment.

Utilize positive affirmations to plant new seeds in your subconscious mind. Later, these will naturally uplift you as they sprout and grow. These seeds of positive beliefs also help align you with your next highest timeline. This is where you can anchor your roots to begin walking a beautiful pathway that includes more blessings. 

Card #3 Potential: Plan and Think Big For Your Future

The meaning of this card provides angelic guidance for resolving challenges from the previous card.

To assist you in resolving challenges, take a moment to focus on your future. See the massive potential that is available for your life.

Remember the importance of dreaming bigger than you ever imagined possible. Because as Earth continues to ascend, it will be easier for you to achieve your biggest dreams.

As you think about your future dreams, you're infusing your mind with goals and steps needed to reach those dreams. Doing this also aids you in seeing how now is the time to finish releasing everything that no longer serves you. Let it go. Holding onto those outdated hurts, beliefs, and patterns only delays your progress.

Take Care of Yourself First

The world needs you to use your unique set of gifts which not only benefits humanity and the Earth. It tremendously improves and transforms your entire life.

When you're fulfilling your soul purpose, it adds immense joy, abundance, and peace, and excitement into your life.

Remember that one aspect of taking care of yourself daily includes cleansing and protecting your energy. These are important aspects of daily life that are needed to maintain and increase your vibration. Additionally, they help you feel your best so you can continue ascending higher. 

Card #4 Quiet Your Ego Mind

This card’s message shows what the angels want you to focus on now through the end of the year.

Among the tidal waves of intense emotions, it opens up the opportunity for your ego mind to become very loud.

Each time a very deep layer of the past is exposed for removal, your ego can quickly activate into full protection mode. This only causes more fears and holds you back.

This is a natural part of being human; the ego works to protect you from further harm. However, the ego does not know the difference between what is helpful and what is harmful to you. Anything that changes, plus all emotions that do not feel good are triggers for the ego mind to step up in full armor. 

Discover What Caused The Emotional Triggers?

When the ego mind becomes loud, take a moment to find out why. Noticing the cause significantly aids you in recognizing what needs to be cleared away or healed. Once you know the reason why, then call in Archangel Michael for help in quieting and calming your ego mind.

Not taking action to quiet the ego leads to a busy mind. When your mind is spinning through a mess of tangled thoughts, different scenarios, and fears, it clogs up your ability to think clearly. 

A Tool For Your Ascension Journey

Additionally, focus on the good memories from your past. Utilize the feelings of love and excitement embedded within cherished past memories as a way to elevate yourself.

Recalling peaceful and blissful memories also provides your mind and soul with a boost of encouragement. Ride the rainbow wave of happiness when traveling through your past memories. Also tap into feeling the same positive emotions you felt when each of those memories were created. 

Card #5 Celebration and Trust Your Intuition

Two cards appeared for this final section of the card reading. They reveal the potential outcome when you follow the angelic guidance mentioned above.

Starting shortly after the solstice, it's time to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter. As the new year approaches, allow your inner child to come out and have some fun. Be carefree. Let your soul dance in bliss and magical wonderment for the exciting opportunities arriving next year.

Enjoy life to the fullest by celebrating the little things in life. For in the end, it's the little moments of elation that add up into a lifetime filled with happy moments. Have fun, and celebrate the arrival of the new year in a way that is uplifting for you. 

Always Trust Your Intuition

By the end of the year, you may also have a spike in your intuitive abilities. As your intuition heightens, remember to trust your intuition and follow the sacred wisdom from your soul.

Angels will watch over you to assist anytime you have a question. Or, when a situation appears where you need clarity or guidance. Connect to the angels deeply through your third eye to see their guidance. Or, close your eyes to sense the angels providing you with support and messages.

The fire burning within your soul is a magnificent resource that illuminates the wisdom of your soul for you to recognize it. Trust and be confident that your intuition and angels are your best guides in life. 

What Does Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Need?

Find out from the angels what your mind, body, and spirit need most right now through an angel card reading.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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