In this angel oracle card reading for March, the angels provide insight and guidance that can help you make great progress this month.
Also learn how you can help humanity with the disharmony that began recently in a particular area of the world.
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel channeled the information for this card reading for you. Follow their guidance throughout March, and by the end of the month, you’ll feel lighter and brighter.
Also learn how you can help humanity with the disharmony that began recently in a particular area of the world.
Archangels Gabriel and Uriel channeled the information for this card reading for you. Follow their guidance throughout March, and by the end of the month, you’ll feel lighter and brighter.
Angel Oracle Card Reading for March 2022
The overall energy for March indicates letting go. This is going to occur on both a personal level and across the world.
Internally, it is important to recognize what is no longer serving you, and to release that which is holding you back. Pay attention to the little things in your day to day life that are recurring.
What is present that is holding you back?
Pay attention to your feelings for they always reveal the truth to you, and are a direct indicator of what needs to be released. You may know the cause of these feelings which can be helpful in understanding why they are there.
Whether you have a feeling or a thought that does not feel good, view it as a red flag. It is a strong signal directly from your soul to let it go because it is no longer needed in your life.
Internally, it is important to recognize what is no longer serving you, and to release that which is holding you back. Pay attention to the little things in your day to day life that are recurring.
What is present that is holding you back?
Pay attention to your feelings for they always reveal the truth to you, and are a direct indicator of what needs to be released. You may know the cause of these feelings which can be helpful in understanding why they are there.
Whether you have a feeling or a thought that does not feel good, view it as a red flag. It is a strong signal directly from your soul to let it go because it is no longer needed in your life.
Are Thoughts Trapping You?
Do you feel trapped by any of your thoughts? It might be related to outdated subconscious mind beliefs, a soul lesson, or past life issues.
Be aware whether or not you are clinging onto thoughts that are trapping you. These include wondering why the outer situation is not improving.
Any type of questioning like this should be carefully monitored. Remember through the Law of Attraction, you are attracting the exact same types of energies back to you.
This is why all thoughts and feelings significant effect your life. Also be aware of any feelings related to strongly disliking a situation or a certain person.
These are all mental blocks that attract the same things back into your life. Now is the time to let them go. Call upon an archangel or your guardian angel to point out these blocks so you can remove the power they have over you.
Be aware whether or not you are clinging onto thoughts that are trapping you. These include wondering why the outer situation is not improving.
Any type of questioning like this should be carefully monitored. Remember through the Law of Attraction, you are attracting the exact same types of energies back to you.
This is why all thoughts and feelings significant effect your life. Also be aware of any feelings related to strongly disliking a situation or a certain person.
These are all mental blocks that attract the same things back into your life. Now is the time to let them go. Call upon an archangel or your guardian angel to point out these blocks so you can remove the power they have over you.
The World Needs You Now
Another aspect of letting go this month is related to you helping humanity. You can help release some of the tensions occurring in the world.
These heavy energies are clouding the collective human consciousness. Through oneness, you have the ability to release some of these low-vibrational energies for humanity.
View the world’s disharmony as a way to focus on how you can contribute to easing some of the tensions.
You are very powerful, and you can make a difference globally.
Flow the violet flame to areas of the world that need it, daily if possible. When you flow the violet flame into a specific area, it assists in lessening intense energies that are causing disharmony.
Additionally, you can help by asking archangels to flood certain areas of the world with white cleansing light. And, to bring in healing light for all the innocent people.
These heavy energies are clouding the collective human consciousness. Through oneness, you have the ability to release some of these low-vibrational energies for humanity.
View the world’s disharmony as a way to focus on how you can contribute to easing some of the tensions.
You are very powerful, and you can make a difference globally.
Flow the violet flame to areas of the world that need it, daily if possible. When you flow the violet flame into a specific area, it assists in lessening intense energies that are causing disharmony.
Additionally, you can help by asking archangels to flood certain areas of the world with white cleansing light. And, to bring in healing light for all the innocent people.
Let The Truth Shine Through You
The challenge for March revolves around returning to the truth within you. The truth of who you are as a magnificent, beautiful bright white light. Your soul is pure love which makes you very powerful and unlimited.
Expand your beautiful soul light to illuminate your surroundings with love, peace, and harmony. An additional benefit of doing this is that you are helping uplift humanity because we are all connected through oneness.
Expand your beautiful soul light to illuminate your surroundings with love, peace, and harmony. An additional benefit of doing this is that you are helping uplift humanity because we are all connected through oneness.
Be Part of a Global Team for Peace
Your soul knows the truth of who you are, and has wisdom to guide you toward making the best decisions for your life. You have a choice to keep returning to the truth within you even among disharmony.
Utilize your power to help the world by focusing within and spreading love and light across the planet to all of humanity.
Team up with archangels to send prayers for peace, harmony, and love to ripple across the Earth. Your intention to send cleansing and healing to people who need it the most makes it happen.
You may be one light in the world, but when many lights join together, the force becomes extra powerful. And this is when together we can improve the world with assistance from angels, ascended masters, and star beings.
Utilize your power to help the world by focusing within and spreading love and light across the planet to all of humanity.
Team up with archangels to send prayers for peace, harmony, and love to ripple across the Earth. Your intention to send cleansing and healing to people who need it the most makes it happen.
You may be one light in the world, but when many lights join together, the force becomes extra powerful. And this is when together we can improve the world with assistance from angels, ascended masters, and star beings.
Angelic Guidance for March
The guidance for March is to keep connecting to source light daily for everything you need. Because everything is energy, all your energetic needs are provided to you by source.
Imagine taking a walk outside along a river with trees and a gentle waterfall cascading over rocks. The stream itself contains a unique energetic signature in addition to all the fish and plants within the river’s ecosystem.
The trees and flowers also have unique energetic signatures that make up who they are; just like you.
Imagine taking a walk outside along a river with trees and a gentle waterfall cascading over rocks. The stream itself contains a unique energetic signature in addition to all the fish and plants within the river’s ecosystem.
The trees and flowers also have unique energetic signatures that make up who they are; just like you.
Obtain Everything You Need from Source Light
You are a unique spark of source light. This is why everything you need can be directly accessed from connecting to source light. Ask daily to have unconditional love downloaded into your energetic system along with anything else you need.
You can ask for anything and you will receive it from source to illuminate your mind, body, and spirit.
Do you need more joy in your life? If yes, download joy every day.
Are you desiring to have more peace and harmony? If yes, simply say "download peace and harmony, thank you, source."
You can ask for anything and you will receive it from source to illuminate your mind, body, and spirit.
Do you need more joy in your life? If yes, download joy every day.
Are you desiring to have more peace and harmony? If yes, simply say "download peace and harmony, thank you, source."
What to Focus on During March
No matter what is going on within your personal life or within the world, the angels are always all around you. Angels are whispering inspiration, guidance, and wisdom to you every day.
Take time to recognize their guidance whether it is through angel numbers, angel signs, or seeing your spirit animal.
Or, specifically ask to be shown the answer to your question. The answer may show up through talking to another person or reading something. Or, may even arrive as a sudden thought that appears out of nowhere in your mind. These answers are directly from angels. Pay attention, and write it down if needed.
Take time to recognize their guidance whether it is through angel numbers, angel signs, or seeing your spirit animal.
Or, specifically ask to be shown the answer to your question. The answer may show up through talking to another person or reading something. Or, may even arrive as a sudden thought that appears out of nowhere in your mind. These answers are directly from angels. Pay attention, and write it down if needed.
Expand Your Consciousness for Yourself and for Humanity
The other thing to focus on during March is expanding your consciousness. Higher levels of light are always obtainable.
When you expand your consciousness, it benefits and uplifts the entire collective consciousness.
During times of disharmony within the world, there can be many feelings of separation. This is why it is even more important to keep returning to the truths within you. And to continue expanding your consciousness to flow more love and light.
The more love and light you flow into yourself, the more it naturally ripples outward. This has a cleansing, healing, and uplifting effect on the people around you and humanity as a whole.
When you expand your consciousness, it benefits and uplifts the entire collective consciousness.
During times of disharmony within the world, there can be many feelings of separation. This is why it is even more important to keep returning to the truths within you. And to continue expanding your consciousness to flow more love and light.
The more love and light you flow into yourself, the more it naturally ripples outward. This has a cleansing, healing, and uplifting effect on the people around you and humanity as a whole.
Bright Ending for March
The outcome after March is that you will have ascended higher if you follow the angelic guidance in this reading. Focus on letting go of things no longer serving you, and ask the angels for help when needed.
When you keep returning to the truth of who you are as a soul of light, you can ascend several steps higher on your ascension journey.
Additionally, expand your consciousness regularly. And, obtain everything you need by downloading it from source.
The light that illuminates your path contains an abundance of wisdom, and everything you need to achieve your biggest dreams.
By the end of March, you can also start seeing and feeling how the universe is taking care of you and supporting you.
When you keep returning to the truth of who you are as a soul of light, you can ascend several steps higher on your ascension journey.
Additionally, expand your consciousness regularly. And, obtain everything you need by downloading it from source.
The light that illuminates your path contains an abundance of wisdom, and everything you need to achieve your biggest dreams.
By the end of March, you can also start seeing and feeling how the universe is taking care of you and supporting you.
Make Great Progress During March
You are here at this time as a lightworker because one aspect of your soul mission is to assist humanity through these transitions.
Darkness has come up for release so humanity all across the world can ascend higher together. And, enter into a better future where there is more peace, harmony, and love among all citizens of the world.
When this occurs, more people will feel and recognize that love is what is most important.
By ascending higher and uplifting yourself, humanity benefits. And this leads to more oneness and love for everyone. We love you, we appreciate you, and are always here for you.
Darkness has come up for release so humanity all across the world can ascend higher together. And, enter into a better future where there is more peace, harmony, and love among all citizens of the world.
When this occurs, more people will feel and recognize that love is what is most important.
By ascending higher and uplifting yourself, humanity benefits. And this leads to more oneness and love for everyone. We love you, we appreciate you, and are always here for you.
Thank you, Archangels Gabriel and Uriel for the guidance in this card reading. Channeled by Brenda Lott
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