Angel Card Reading for February 2022

Channeled Angel Messages
Are you curious to know what guidance the angels have for you this month?

In this blog post, you get an angel card reading for February. This reading will help you get a sense of what energies and messages the angels are sending your way in the coming weeks.

The angels are happy to support you through this guidance and insight, so you can make the most of your month.

So sit back, relax, and discover how to make the most progress during February. 

Card Reading For February 2022

February is an optimal time to expand your consciousness. And to flood your mind with source light especially when the ego tries to control your thoughts.

Now is also an ideal time to let go of everything holding you back in life. Release all thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that no longer serve you. The universe is extra supportive right now with assisting you in releasing the old. So, you can make positive, lasting improvements more easily. 

Expand Your Consciousness

Illuminate your mind and your consciousness to the next highest level. An easy way to expand your consciousness is to go into a meditative state.

Begin by taking a few deep breaths, focus within your heart, and ground. Connect to source light and flow a waterfall of white light around you, and through all your chakras.

Focus on the light within your mind illuminating your thoughts, beliefs, and also your emotions. Visualize the light cleansing your mind from everything that no longer serves you.

Once these are cleansed, focus your attention on the center of your mind. See an orb of white light in your third eye traveling upward into your crown chakra at the top of your head. Then, go further up. Keep going up until you see the stars. 

Open Your Mind to The Universe

Imagine your entire mind opening up among the stars. Do this in the same way as opening a book wide open with the cover flattened. Expand your mind this way to experience the expansiveness of the universe.

Enjoy expanding your consciousness while relaxing. There is nothing to expect from this process other than focusing on expanding your consciousness. The benefits occur at the energetic level.

If you desire, when your consciousness is expanded, send a blessing of love and light across the entire universe. 

Challenges for February

One of the challenges that February brings is applying new knowledge in a way that benefits both you and others.

In addition to finding new people to share your gifts with, applying your skills may have an added challenge this month to be aware of. This is only temporary and will pass. Therefore, utilize this time as a gift to focus more within along with learning something new.

What can you learn this month through a new activity or reading about a new topic?

How can you continue to grow your knowledge base as a lightworker?

Make Time For Spiritual Activities 

Another challenge for February is doing more light work. Life can easily become too busy, and some days your spiritual activities may get forgotten about or pushed off to the side until you run out of time.

During each day, take time to focus on yourself. Even if it’s only five minutes daily to flow source light through you for a quick cleanse at the end of the day. Prioritize at least a few minutes daily for yourself.

Then, do longer meditations with source light to cleanse deeper when you have time. 

Angelic Guidance for February

As you travel upon your pathway, you will begin to notice an immense light and open door that is approaching by the end of the month.

Notice the beauty that is already around you, and be grateful for the blessings already in your life. Throughout each day, feel gratitude every chance you get, and combine it with feeling more joyful. 

How to Make February More Joyful

Create joy every day even in the smallest ways. Find a way to laugh with a friend or through reading or watching something funny.

What one thing always brings you joy?

Now, find one more thing that always brings you joy. Record these joys as a list you can return to anytime to uplift yourself.

Start your list with a memory of an experience that made you feel joyful and uplifted. Remembering that moment is a fantastic way to reconnect to feeling joyful. This works because the feelings already attached to the memory contain joy. Return to this memory when you need to elevate your vibration after feeling down for any reason.

Also discover new ways to bring joy into your life. If you cannot do a favorite activity due to the weather, have another joyful activity to rely upon anytime. 

Remember Your Power and Strength

Another way to view the challenges this month, or anytime, is to remember how powerful you are. You are an unlimited soul of light having a human experience.

While it may be easy to sometimes feel limited in your human body, you have access to your unlimited nature as a soul.

Rise up higher into the light and re-center within the light among challenges around you. This is when you return to unlimited nature.

Also, connect to your higher self and ask archangels for whatever you need within the moment. Whether it is strength, optimism, or hope. Utilize your connection to your higher self and the angels to obtain everything your soul needs.

This makes your human life experience a little easier, and life flows more gracefully. 

Focus on Building The Early Stages of Your Dream Life

Throughout February focus on creating the exact life that you desire.

What is your biggest dream?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
What does your dream life look like?

Write down the details of your perfect day with you already living in your perfect location.
How does your day start out?
Does your morning routine have any changes?
Would you eat differently?
Is your career the same or different?
What would you do for enjoyment every day?
Who lives with you?
What does your house look like?
Are you fulfilling your soul purpose? If not, imagine it as if you are already sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Think about all these details and write them down. Then, take a brief moment every day to send this wish into the universe. 

How To Send Your Wishes into The Universe

Hold your hands out open in front of you while imagining holding a ball of light. Inside the light orb, see yourself living your dream life through your perfect day.

Feel the amazing feelings that you will have when you're living your dream life. Focus on this scene within the light for at least a minute while fully tapping into the feelings.

Then, release the dream orb up into the universe while feeling gratitude. While it floats upward, say: “Thank you universe for making my dream come true.”

Joy and gratitude make you more magnetic with the Law of Attraction. 

Manifest through Joy, Gratitude, and Action Steps

Examine how you can take your next step closer toward creating your dream life. If you’re unsure about which action step to take first, ask your team of guides and angels to help you know with certainty what to do.

In addition to taking action steps, think about how your life will be after you’ve manifested your dreams.

How will you feel when you're living your dream life?
Will you feel more joyful?
How about feeling more bliss or more peace?

Create those feelings in your life right now! This is a powerful way to manifest your dreams faster and easier.

Remove everything that is currently holding you back from feeling those wonderful feelings. If you hang onto feelings and patterns you dislike, they will be carried with you into the start of your dream life. Begin the process of eliminating them now. 

How to Better Deal with Stressful Situations and Unkind People

You may be living with someone who brings you down, however you have freedom to choose to react or not react. Adding to their negativity drags you down energetically.

Remember that silence is golden. You can remain quiet instead of lashing out and feeding the other person's fire which only worsens the situation for both of you. 

Live with an Open Heart

Remember that living with an open heart means you have more protection from the angels. You will not be hurt worse simply because your heart is open.

Living with an open heart often means recovering faster after experiencing something undesirable. The reason why recovery happens quicker is because you're already connected to your soul through your open heart. Love heals everything. And who you are is pure love, so your own love has a powerful healing effect that aids you in recovering. 

Success at the End of February

When you follow the guidance suggested by the angels in this card reading, it leads to success. The end of February will be vibrantly bright, beautiful, and starts to look like you’re living more of your dream life.

Combine action steps toward your dreams while adding more joy and gratitude into your life. This leads to feeling more powerful and grateful throughout each day. And these are the high vibrations that make you magnetic to attract more things to be grateful for.

By the end of the month, your consciousness will be expanded, your heart light glowing brighter, and you’ll be vibrating at a higher frequency. Remember that as a beautiful soul of light, you are unlimited, and can flow this into your human experiences. 

Get Deeper Insight from the Angels 

Do you have a question for the angels? Or, want specific guidance for a certain area of your life?

Get an angel oracle card reading for your situation. Or, to have your specific questions answered directly by angels. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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