A Near Death Experience Story with Angels

In your journey through life, you may have stumbled upon a near death experience story or two. While each individual's encounter is unique, they all appear to share one common trait - they transform lives.

In this blog post, I share with you my near death experience story. And some of the beautiful interactions with angels that happened during that time.

A Near Death Experience Story from 2002

What began as an ordinary day on February 25th, 2002 ended up changing my life forever.

At that point in life, I was enjoying an awesome alpine ski race season. And was the fastest female racer on the league. Not knowing that being athletic was about to contribute to saving my life.

My deep passion for skiing always sparked the willpower to ski as many days as possible every season. Which is why a near death experience was the only thing that could halt the season in a split second.

A Warning Sign from Angels

While driving to the ski area that day, the angels sent a warning sign. Yet at that time, I did not realize it was an important sign directly from the angelic realm.

As I was driving, the entire car and steering suddenly began shaking.

It was instantly concerning because the next traffic light was over a mile away. Immediately I prayed for help so everything would be okay with the car.

The steering wheel shook again. After another quick prayer to help the car be okay, the car was acting fine by the time I approached the next traffic light.

This made it easy to continue driving to the ski area. Especially since the remainder of the drive, the car performed normally.

Ignored the Warning Sign

Looking back, it is easy to see that the angels shaking the car was a warning sign. A new timeline option was available. And my soul was determined to go through with the miracle that was planned before being born.

The warning sign from the angels was kind of a point-of-no-return. If I would have gone back home, then my timeline would have remained the same. By choosing to go skiing, I was choosing the new timeline that guaranteed a major life shift.

Moments Leading up to the Accident

When getting on the chairlift, the clock next to the lift operator showed the time was nearing 7:00 pm. I was getting hungry, but wanted to take a couple more runs before going inside for a break.

As I got off the chairlift, I looked over at a ski patroller who was adjusting the buckles on his ski boots. A couple of my friends were ski patrollers, so I checked to see if I knew him.

Since I did not recognize the ski patroller, I did not stop to say hi. And proceeded to make my way over to the trail I had just skied down the previous run. So I could complete my eights in the snow.

Completing my eights meant finishing making tracks in the snow that look like the number 8 linked together.

The Beginning of a Near Death Experience Story

There was a water pipe alongside this trail that was being held up by wood posts that were about 6 inches wide. Next to the water pipe were trees and bushes.

While skiing, I glanced down at the snow to see my tracks from the previous run. Immediately I became surprised by how close I had skied to the wood posts during the last run. The ski tracks appeared to be touching the wood posts. Yet, I was determined to complete my 8’s in the snow. 

A Near Death Experience Story that Defies Gravity

Suddenly, the edge of one ski hit a wood post which threw me off balance. In an attempt to get onto the open part of the trail, I threw myself to the right. It was strange that I was not on the ground after trying to throw my body down onto the snow.

Two additional attempts to throw myself onto the ground did not work either. Why? Because my feet were still attached to the bindings inside the skis. And the skis were literally severing a wood post in half!

When I finally ended up on the ground, my body slid underneath the water pipe. Now I was sliding quickly downhill among the bushes and trees. As my eyes looked up, I noticed the skis flying through the air like rockets. At least a dozen feet up in the air above me.

No Medical Reason Why I Survived

Eventually my upper abdominal area slammed into a wood post. After my entire body wrapped around the post, it rebounded several inches back away from it. It was like my body was a rag doll being tossed around.

The impact severely lacerated my liver, bruised the spleen, and partially collapsed a lung. Plus, cartilage was torn in one shoulder from one ski pole dragging on the ground and pulling the arm.

The excruciating pain was overwhelming, and physically I could not get up.

No one saw me fall. There were no other people in sight. And the chairlift closest to that trail was closed.

Thoughts began flying through my mind while knowing that the injuries were serious enough to end my life.

Would anyone find me alive?

What am I going to do since I physically cannot move?

How long can I survive in these winter weather conditions?

Arrival of the Angels

Before I even had a chance to start worrying, the angels arrived. They opened up my clairaudience so I could hear the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. It was the voice of my Guardian Angel, Melinda.

Thousands of angels completely surrounded me. But Guardian Angel Melinda was the only angel who talked to me. The other angels continuously poured unconditional love into me. While also providing me with a sense of deep inner peace.

Guardian Angel Melinda informed me that I had internal bleeding while also assuring me that I would be okay. I completely trusted her. And then we continued to have a conversation while waiting for the ski patrol to arrive.

Help from a Familiar Face

A grandpa who was a chaperone for his grandson's school group skied down the trail and found me. It was a huge relief seeing a familiar face. We had talked on the chairlift countless times over a couple years.

First, he retrieved my glove and placed it on my snow-covered, freezing hand. Before he could leave to get the ski patrol, the ski patroller I had seen at the top of the hill skied down that trail.

The ski patroller who discovered the internal bleeding stayed by my side the entire time, and provided excellent care. I knew my life was literally in his hands. And am forever grateful for his training as both a volunteer ski patroller and volunteer firefighter.

Distracting the Mind

The excruciating pains made it difficult to even think about enduring a half hour ambulance ride. It was too much to handle. As my mind briefly started to panic, Guardian Angel Melinda said to focus on only living one second at a time.

She helped me realize that I had just made it through the previous several seconds. And now all those seconds were in the past. Seconds that I will never have to relive ever again. The current second is now passing. Forever in the past.

Following the Roads in the Ambulance

During the ride to the hospital, I focused on each turn the ambulance made and recognized big curves in the roads. This helped me to have a general idea of where we were located. Along with helping to keep the mind focused away from the excruciating pains.

It was working very well until I was distracted by an incident. An incident that was so powerful it instantly was ingrained into the long term memory.

Incident on the Highway

The ambulance driver asked one of the two emergency medical technicians for assistance. He needed them to write down the license plate number of a vehicle to report them. A car in front of the ambulance refused to pull over to the side of the road. Even though the ambulance had the lights on and siren on.

There was very little snow on the edges of the highway, so snow was not an issue. The person driving the car simply refused to get out of the way of the ambulance.

It made me wonder why the driver of the car did not care. I was medically dying, in critical condition, and already in decompensated shock. And now a person was interfering with me getting to the emergency room faster.

Arriving at the Emergency Room

The angels arranged perfect timing. Two relatives arrived at the exact same time that the ambulance arrived at the emergency room.

Being pushed through the hallway by the emergency medical technicians felt like a scene out of a movie. It did not feel completely real. Yet it was my reality at that moment.

There was a feeling of not being completely inside my body. It felt like part of my soul was next to me watching everything unfold, yet I remained conscious to remember the majority of what happened. It was a multidimensional experience with being in two places at the same time.

Comment from a Doctor Ingrained into the Memory

After being taken into a very large room, it took about 20 minutes before a doctor came in.

When the doctor arrived, another staff person set up an ultrasound.

As the doctor looked at the screen, I will never forget his initial response. He said "there is so much blood I cannot make anything out." A staff person made an adjustment on the machine so he could see the lacerated liver.

Next, I heard code blue being called over the intercom in the hallway. Being in a state of decompensated shock prevented me from figuring out that the call I heard was for me. Even after what seemed like 20 emergency room workers rushing into the room, I mentally could not compute that the code blue call was for me. And in my mind, I was praying for whoever the person is that the code blue call was for.

Keeping a Secret with Angels

After a CT scan, I was inside a small room while my relatives called other relatives to inform them about the accident.

The angels were still everywhere. And being alone in the room opened up a perfect opportunity for another conversation with Guardian Angel Melinda.

I almost told my relatives that I would be okay, but the partially collapsed lung made it too difficult to talk.

That is when Guardian Angel Melinda informed me not to tell them that I was going to survive. It was very important for them to experience the miracle unfolding.

I trusted the angels, and still have not told any relatives about this secret with the angels.

22 Hours in the Intensive Care Unit

Waking up in the intensive care unit the next morning, I had a very strong feeling of just knowing that I had been in heaven. While I could not remember the details, I still felt the immense peace and love from the angels.

After 22 hours in the ICU, they were forced to move me. Because the ICU was full and they needed to open up rooms for other people.

Visits from Healing Angels

Over the span of nearly two weeks in the hospital, two powerful healing angels visited countless times. Sometimes they came more than once a day. And they always helped relieve some of the burning sensation in the liver.

They communicated differently compared to my guardian angel. While there were never any words from them, I knew they were there to help. And I always thanked them with deep gratitude. Along with looking forward to their next visit.

One angel performed the healing while the other angel stood off to the side. I always sensed that they were monitoring my physical body. Consistently ensuring that they would not give more healing than what my body could handle at one time.

Plus, they had to respect my soul's decision to not be completely healed. Because I was also using the physical pains as a way to clear old energies for humanity.

Challenges from the Near Death Experience

When I started writing thank you cards in the hospital, that is when I realized a big portion of my memory was gone.

It was most likely due to lack of oxygen to the brain. And possibly from the massive amounts of pain medications that were continuously pumped into me during the first few days. I strongly disliked the pain medications because they did nothing to help with the pain.

Realizing that I forgot how to spell words and form sentences led to using a napkin to practice writing. Everything was written out on the tiny napkins that I had available. Then copied into the cards to avoid making mistakes.

Upcoming College Graduation

The accident happened less than three months away from graduating from the local university. All I could do was jump into relearning as much as possible.

The only way I graduated as planned was thanks to a professor. He had us write our entire thesis first. Since that part was completed before the near death experience, all I had left to do was create a few maps.

As I read my own thesis after the near death experience, I kept thinking that so many points in the thesis were interesting. Feeling intrigued as if I had never heard about those facts before. Yet, it was what I wrote prior to the accident. So I was learning from my own thesis.

At the time, I never told anyone about the memory loss. I was already dealing with enough, and knew that eventually I would relearn everything.

Embracing the Unique Situation

Another challenge from the near death experience was not remembering any feelings other than extreme pain. I viewed all those lost feelings as a wonderful, unique opportunity to re-experience things as if it were the first time again.

My favorite experience was inline skating again for the first time. I already knew how to inline skate very well. But all the feelings associated with inline skating were brand new.

I will never forget experiencing the thrill of going down a small hill, the winds blowing on my face, and the warm sunshine on my skin. And the excitement of enjoying inline skating as if it were the first time again. 

Returning to Skiing

Despite all the pain from the accident that lasted for five years, I could not wait to get back to skiing and ski racing. The deep passion for skiing is rooted with my heart and soul.

When the skiing season began in late 2002, I was finally able to enjoy experiencing what it felt like to ski again. The first ski area to open up within the state that year was one and a half hours away from home. I had never skied there before, but had to go.

The first day back on skis was amazing. And was filled with feelings of freedom. While enjoying sensing the cold winds and snowflakes hitting my face. Plus, feeling the snow under my carving skis as I explored a new ski area.

Live Life to the Fullest

The accident taught me that life can sometimes be too short, and reminded me of the importance of living life to the fullest. Humans are strong, yet organs are delicate enough to end a lifetime in a split second.

It is what we choose to do with our lives in the present moment that matters the most.

Listen to your intuition and follow your heart. And never allow the ego mind to hold you back from accomplishing your dreams.

Even though this is the short version of the near death experience story, I hope it has inspired you to:
  • Make positive changes in your life to ensure you’re healthy
  • Create your own definition of living life to the fullest
  • Always schedule time for activities you enjoy
It is the little moments of laughter, joy, and fun that can create the best memories.

Do You Have a Near Death Experience Story?

If you have a near death experience story, consider sharing it in the comments below. Or, leave a comment if this story touched you in any way.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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