Channeled Message For New Lightworkers

Lightworker Angel
Being a lightworker means choosing to take a beautiful journey through life. While it’s not always easy, the amazing progress and heights you can reach make it definitely worth the temporary challenges.

It means taking on the responsibility of being aware of your energy and how you are affecting those around you. There are many ways to be a lightworker, but it always comes down to spreading love, light, and peace in the world.

Anyone can be a lightworker. But, some people have chosen the lightworker path as part of their life purpose.

It takes time to discover the various ways you can spread love through being a lightworker. In this blog post, the angels share with you what it means to be a lightworker. 

Channeled Message For New Lightworkers

Greetings from the Council of Light. And, the watchtower archangels (Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael).

Welcome to the beginning of a beautiful new journey as a lightworker! We are so happy that you are now spiritually awakened, and are becoming aware of the truths of the universe.

Now that you have awakened to a vast universe with unlimited possibilities for your life, there is much to learn. We understand how you may want to quickly learn as much as possible about everything. However, ascension is a process. Enjoy it one day at a time. Learn new things you're interested in as you have time. There is no need to rush. 

Everything is Energy in Motion

Everything is energy, including humans. And everything in life always happens at the energetic level. Whether you realize it or not, the types of situations and people you are attracting into your life are all happening at the level of energy. What you attract is always based upon the types of energies you are carrying around in your system.

If you do not like any of the types of situations in your life, you have the ability to improve them. When you focus on modifying the energies within your system first, it’s much easier to attract the changes you want in your life. 
"Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." - Albert Einstein

The Lightworker Journey Through Ascension

What is ascension? It is the process of cleansing away all dense energies within your energetic system (chakras, aura, subconscious mind). The reasons why include to increase your vibration, live your most vibrant life, and to fulfill your life purpose.

Ascension is an ongoing process that is a lifelong journey. However, it is always your choice how far you go.

You may jump right in, keep learning, and keep ascending higher and higher. Or, you may choose to take breaks, and come back to learn new things at a slower pace. It is your decision. 

Why Lightworkers Love Ascending Higher

As a lightworker, you may quickly realize how blissful it is to maintain and live in a high vibration. As an infinite soul of light, you are vibrating at a certain frequency. The faster you vibrate, the better you feel.

Your emotions are a direct indication of your vibration. Feelings of love, joy, and peace all vibrate at fast speeds. While emotions of sadness, fear, and anger vibrate very slowly.

For a moment, think about how someone feels when depressed. The person has difficulty physically moving around and feels weighed down. These feelings illustrate how the heavy feelings, or dense energies, of depression vibrate very slowly.

The opposite is the feeling of love. When you are feeling love, you are upbeat, happy, and life feels wonderful. The reason why is because at the energetic level, love energies vibrate very fast. 

The Law of Free Will

One of the most important things you need to know about your ascension journey is how the Law of Free Will works. It prevents angels, ascended masters, and even your guidance team from stepping in and interfering in your life. They are not allowed to interfere.

If you want help with something, you must first ask. If there are several steps required to achieve your desired outcome, for example with a goal, you need to keep asking for assistance. The angels will only show you the next step to take, one step at a time, because action on your part is required.

The angels are always here for you any time. All you must do is ask for assistance, and you shall receive it. 

Feel Supported By The Universe

As a lightworker, it is very much possible to start feeling supported by the universe.

You can co-create your beautiful dream life with assistance from angels, and the universe. It is your birthright to feel taken care of by the universe with all your human needs. This includes shelter, food, clothing, and any other material items that are needed for you to fulfill your soul purpose. 

7 Main Chakras

One of the important aspects of following a spiritual journey, and being a lightworker is doing energy work on a regular basis. Take time to learn the basics about your chakras. There are many chakras, however the seven main chakras are all that you need to learn and focus on for now.
Click here to learn about the chakras and for a free chakra cleanse. 

Clearing Your Chakras Takes Time

The seven main chakras contain energies that you have picked up from other people throughout your entire lifetime. It is vital to start deeply cleansing your chakras, at least once or twice a week. Follow whatever cleansing routine feels comfortable for you. Once your chakras are fully cleansed, then, you can switch to maintaining their clearness.

This is a process that will take time. Be patient with yourself, and keep going one step at a time. The more you cleanse out density from your chakras, the better you will feel.

It is also essential to cleanse your energy every day. A quick energy cleanse by connecting to source light for five minutes or more daily is very important. And the benefits do accumulate over time.

Sweep Your Aura Daily

Also pay attention to the health of your aura. Your aura is your first line of defense in the world. When you are around other people, it is your aura that senses if there is danger near so it can alert you.

Everyday, sweep all four sides of your aura either with a piece of selenite or with your hands.

Your aura picks up dense energies from others, even when you are only walking past people without talking or looking at them.

These dense energies will remain in your aura until your aura becomes stressed. At that point, a stressed aura will leak dense energies into your chakras where they are stored. If your chakras become blocked, the dense energies travel into your body's meridian system. At this point, health problems can easily become noticeable in the physical body. 

Energy Work Leads To Feeling Better

This is how energy works. Clear out the blockages to feel better, and to start living your most vibrant life.

Also, keep asking your angels for help every day. We love you, and we're always here for you.
Thank you to the Council of Light for this message. And, thanks to Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Raphael.
Channeled message by Brenda Lott

Everyone Has Psychic Abilities

As you travel along the awakening pathway, you might start noticing your psychic abilities showing up. One common thought that many people have as new lightworkers is that they’re going crazy. You’re not going crazy!

Everyone is psychic, and it’s your birthright to have access to wisdom, guidance, and knowledge from angels.

There is only one difference between people who are psychic and those who appear to not be. People who are carrying around dense energies have the lines of communication blocked.

The “clairs” include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and clairaudience (clear hearing). Additionally, there is claircognizance (clear knowing). Most people are strong in one or two of these areas.

If your intuitive abilities start to appear embrace them. And, don’t try to force yourself to excel in a specific clair if you’re not naturally strong in that area. 

Steps For New Lightworkers

Now that you’re becoming more spiritually awakened, you can more easily co-create your dream life with the universe.

Go within your heart to heal the energetic wounds from the past, and open yourself up to a better and brighter life. It all begins with you, and every choice you make will always be your free will.

Check out these posts to keep learning more:

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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