What Gratitude Means for Your Spiritual Journey

What Gratitude Means on Your Ascension Journey

Do you want to bring more abundance, joy, and peace into your life? Then take a moment to open your heart to the incredible power of gratitude. What gratitude means for your spiritual journey is feeling better more often. Maintaining an elevated vibration easier, and creating greater abundance with more ease.

Gratitude has been a central practice for spiritual guides and masters around the world for generations. Cultivating thankfulness helps you connect more deeply with the beauty in your life.

And aids you in experiencing profound joy that comes from within you, and leads to recognizing how blessed you are on this journey through life.

In this post, explore the power of gratitude and why it is an important practice for your spiritual growth. Then, start experiencing how the powerful effects of gratitude can change your life.

What Gratitude Means for Your Spiritual Journey

Gratitude is an essential part of any spiritual journey. It is the practice of focusing on the positive and becoming aware of blessings around you. Plus, appreciating everything that you already have in your life.

By doing this, you start to see the world through a new lens and are able to connect with living in the present moment.

You also open yourself up to viewing challenges from a higher perspective. Which then leads to more joy, peace, and positive transformations in your life.

Being thankful is a choice that can significantly impact your spiritual journey. Embrace gratitude and practice it every day to elevate your emotions, increase your vibration, and to start feeling better.

Then watch as good things multiply in your life while negative thoughts and feelings fade away. 

Examples of What Gratitude Means

You can apply gratitude to material items, non-material items, experiences, relationships, and more.

Practicing gratitude is not only about saying "thank you." When you truly feel grateful, you appreciate good things on a deeper level.

When you attach the powerful emotions of gratitude to experiences, you become a beacon of positivity. Radiating positivity that uplifts everyone around you.

Unlike thankfulness, gratitude allows you to harness the power of positive emotions. Including even before you receive something. Such as feeling grateful for an exciting upcoming event that you have planned. The joy and anticipation can fill your life with even more positivity.

Embrace the profound impact of gratitude and watch as your world transforms before your eyes.

Is there a Difference Between Gratitude and Gratefulness?

Both words are synonyms, and can be used interchangeably because they have the same meaning. Gratitude and gratefulness can be compared to saying cool or coolness. They mean the same thing.

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Daily

  • Increase and maintain a higher energetic vibration
  • Align with your dreams and goals faster
  • Manifest more abundance in your life
  • Helps you to feel better, boosts your mood, increases happiness
  • Opens up new opportunities in your life
  • Assists you in being more aware in the present moment
  • Ascend higher and easier on your spiritual journey

Additionally, gratitude is one key to unlocking the power of the Law of Attraction so it works to your advantage. Feeling grateful makes you an energetic magnet that attracts your dreams. 

What Gratitude Means with the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction and gratitude work together to bring you amazing results. Especially when you combine these with regular energy cleansing to remove energetic blocks.

Ever wondered why some people always seem to have good luck? It is not just luck; it is the power of gratitude at play at the energetic level.

Everything in the universe is energy. Therefore, when your vibration is high, you are automatically sending signals to the universe to bring you more things to be grateful for. This is the Law of Attraction at work. That is why expressing gratitude is a wonderful way to accelerate the process of manifesting your wishes.

Tap into this power to energetically align with your desires. And the Law of Attraction will more easily flow your desires into your life. 

How to Increase Your Gratitude

Start by appreciating the little things and big things in your life.

Take a moment to think about what makes your life easier and express gratitude for them. How would your life be different without those things?

Think about the shelter you have and be grateful for it.

Consider the blessings of having access to healthy food and clean water.

Be thankful for suitable clothing for the weather conditions where you live.

Remember the value of good health, the warm embrace of a friend, and the love and support from the people in your life.

Allow gratitude to fill your heart. And remember to regularly practice this by acknowledging the people, things, and situations you are grateful for in your life.

What to do when You are Feeling Down

When you find yourself feeling down, take a moment to understand the cause. If the cause remains unknown, be okay with it.

Harness the energy of angels to renew and revitalize your energy. With a simple aura and chakra cleanse, you can experience an instant upliftment. Close your eyes, connect with divine white light, and invite your guardian angel to cleanse your energy on every level. Take this opportunity to go within, meditate, and breathe deeply. This simple act can reignite gratitude within you.

Additionally, remember the power of self love and self-care as a pathway to uplifting yourself.

Also consider creating a gratitude list, and keep adding items onto that list. Then, watch as your mood elevates anytime you reflect upon these blessings in your life.

Powerful Angelic Help to Return to Feeling Grateful

If nothing seems to help, and several days have passed, getting an Angel Energy Healing session is a great way to elevate your vibration. And, to cleanse away density within your chakras and aura.

How to Switch Your Mindset and Emotions Back to Gratitude

During those inevitable moments when negativity creeps into your thoughts, release the negativity. One tool for doing this is to imagine the thoughts forming into balloons that drift upward and out of your mind.

Also, instead of dwelling on the things that bring you unhappiness, shift your attention to things you are thankful for. Cultivating gratitude helps maintain a positive mindset and keeps your energy vibrant.

When your emotions are unpleasant, only allow them 90 seconds. Science has proven that emotions only last for 90 seconds. The reason why they last longer is because the ego mind often tries to cling onto them, keeping them alive much longer.

After feeling an unpleasant emotion for 90 seconds, then release it. Imagine placing the emotions into a balloon that you hand over to the angels for them to transmute into love.

Practice Awareness Daily

Practicing self-awareness helps you to catch those moments when your ego tries to take control of your thoughts or emotions.

It also aids you in living more in the present moment. This makes it easier to instantly recognize when a lower thought or emotion appears. So you can handle it right away without letting it spiral out of control.

Awareness also assists you in embracing the power of gratitude in your daily life. Take a moment each day to appreciate and reflect on the blessings that surround you. Cherish relationships along with the simplest joys such as a bright sunny day. 

Take the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Gaining clarity and insight on your spiritual journey often requires being in tune with your inner world. This includes your current feelings, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and patterns. Additionally, it helps you to better recognize energetic blocks that need attention.

Looking inward and outward has the potential to bridge together different aspects of yourself. Connecting your body, mind, and spirit into a holistic experience of oneness with all that is. While also feeling grateful for the lessons learned from challenges.

One way to express gratitude is by creating a list of what you are grateful for every day. After 30 days, your list might contain a mix of both big and small items that you are grateful for.

Keep this list and look at it anytime you need to feel uplifted. Or, use it as a reminder of how many good things you already have in your life. 

Details for the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

  • Every day for 30 consecutive days, add at least 5 new items to your list
  • If you miss one day, start the challenge over at day 1
  • Tune into the feelings of gratitude for each item
  • Send thanks to the angels or universe for the new items on your list every day
  • Save your list and add to it anytime
Sample Gratitude List

I am grateful for: 

  • Being healthy
  • Loving, supportive friends
  • Clean drinking water
  • Healthy foods to eat
  • The abilities to hear, see, and speak
  • Having a special connection with angels
  • Being spiritually awakened
  • Having internet access
  • All of the beauty and relaxation that nature provides us

Improve Your Life through Gratitude

The 30 Day Gratitude Challenge is a marvelous way to make expressing gratefulness a natural habit.

If you ever find yourself struggling, get back on track by practicing gratitude. During times when you need extra powerful support, give yourself the gift of an Angel Energy Healing session. Or, Arcfusion Energy Healing to quickly shift into a higher vibration.

Keep practicing gratitude daily so you can feel it from within your heart space, not just intellectually. Remember that living from a state of gratitude makes you a magnet with the Law of Attraction. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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