What To Expect on Your Ascension Journey

Ascension journey
Ascension is a process that can be confusing and difficult at times. There are many misconceptions about ascension. And you may not be sure if you're ready for all aspects of this life-changing event.

This blog post will help you understand what to expect throughout your ascension journey. There is information for both beginners and those who have been on the ascension path for awhile.

It's important to remember that no two people’s paths are the same, but there are common themes along the way.

My hope is that this blog post helps someone who is struggling or confused. I am happy to answer any questions about my experiences or anything related as well in the comments section. 

What is An Ascension Journey?

What does the term "ascension" mean? The broadest definition is that ascension is a journey of lightworkers on Earth who are helping bring in the Golden Age.

While each individual’s path is different, part of ascending means discovering your soul purpose. And, shining your light brightly in the world while spreading love to others. The more love and light you flow toward others, the more you help all of humanity to ascend.

Some people will play large roles by being in the public eye while others quietly contribute only within the community where they live.

Many people feel uncertain or lost when they hear about other people's experiences with ascension. This is because everyone's path is different. 

Ascension is A Personal Transformation

Your transformation into higher light is beautiful, yet can be overwhelming at times.

As you transition, you expand your consciousness and discover oneness. The concept of oneness means understanding that we're all connected through the same, one source light.

The collective human consciousness has been congested with heavy, toxic energies for millennia. While humanity and the Earth are ascending higher, those densities still affect all of us to a certain degree. This is where following a spiritual journey is an optimal way to free yourself from outdated constraints.

Your journey also contains energetic healing for your mind, body, and spirit. The more density you clear away from the past, the more light you’re able to carry within your system.

Carrying higher vibrational light leads to living a high vibrational life. This is when you can align with manifesting your dreams through the Law of Attraction.

5 Common Phases of Ascension

There are five different aspects of awakening that are common on the ascension journey. The first three can easily occur simultaneously for some people. 
  1. 1
    Awakening of the mind
  2. 2
    Personality and life modifications
  3. 3
    Spiritual energy awakening
  4. 4
    Your soul awakening to a new level
  5. 5
    Reaching a stage of enlightenment
While looking at each aspect below, try to think about how it relates to your life.

Take a look at the situations in your life. Are you happy with every aspect, or are there areas where you'd like to make improvements? Following a spiritual journey will aid you in ascending as high as you wish. 

1. Awakening of Your Mind

The first stage of ascension is when your mind wakes up to the realization that there is much more to existence than what you can see.

At this stage, it’s common to begin exploring new topics and wanting to learn more about spirituality, angels, and metaphysics. Once your mind discovers how vast the universe is, and that everything is energy, then you’re able to start expanding your consciousness.

An essential part of your ascension journey is making the decision to be non-judgmental toward yourself and others. Always be aware of your thoughts and emotions, and choose to live from a place of love, gratitude, and joy.

Expanding your consciousness is easier when you recognize that you’re an infinite soul of light. And that your soul is composed of pure love. 

2. Personality and Life Modifications

Once you choose to ascend, stepping onto the ascension path leads to changes in your life. Old aspects of your personality that no longer serve you will begin to fade away. And, are often replaced with more feelings of love and oneness.

As you release the old, outdated things in your life, the universe will bring you new things that are in alignment with the new person you’re becoming. 

Relationship Changes

Another major change is with relationships in your life. In order to keep ascending higher, it's recommended to take inventory of your current life situation.

Take an honest look at all aspects of your relationships with friends, family members, and coworkers. Explore how each person affects your physical health, emotional well-being, and mental stability.

People who are no longer in alignment with the new version of you will leave your life. The only exception is with relatives. If a relative does not support your spiritual journey, then distance yourself from that person. Once you’re further along your ascension path, then it's easier to protect your energy when you're around non-supportive people. 

3. Spiritual Energy Awakening

This aspect of ascension includes Kundalini awakening. Additionally, it’s the stage where daily energy cleansing of your chakras and aura becomes important.

After you cleanse your energy daily, it’s equally important to protect your energy at least twice a day.

Cutting etheric cords with other people who are draining your energy is vital at this stage too.

This phase involves discovering your soul purpose. And, healing from your deepest hurts, which includes past life healing and inner child healing. 

4. Soul Awakening

Through the energy work you did in the previous phase, you removed hurts from your heart along with any walls around your heart. With that work completed, it means you're now living a more heart-centered life. And, you feel more love, compassion, and kindness towards others.

This does not mean that there still won't be challenges and deeper wounds that come up for release. Rather, it means you've ascended high enough to feel more in control of energies, and you're able to recover faster when density appears.

Living with an open heart is the direct path to sensing your soul. As your soul becomes more integrated in your new life, your soul will push you to reach a higher timeline.

It's also easier to receive messages from your soul. Just tune into your heart, and then trust and listen to your intuition. 

5. Enlightenment

The stage of enlightenment takes the longest to reach. It means you have control over your ego mind, so when your ego attempts to get loud, you immediately recognize it and are able to stop it.

Enlightenment is when you see and feel oneness with the divine and with all of humanity. You see how your thoughts, words, and actions affect you and others.

This is the stage where you’re able to manifest your dream life much easier through the Law of Attraction. You'll be maintaining a high vibration, and doing energy work daily. Also, you take responsibility to clear away every unwanted energy or feeling that appears in your life. 

Defining An Endpoint

The angels remind us that no human has ever fully reached the stage of enlightenment. But, that means you would not have a wonderful endpoint or goal to reach for your spiritual journey.

This is why it's better to strive toward reaching enlightenment while having a defined goal to reach. It's true that ascension is an ongoing journey.

So, why not create your own definition of enlightenment with a list of what your dream life contains? Combine them together if you want.

That way you'll have an obtainable goal clearly defined. What do you want your dream life to be like? Write it down, and see it as part of your journey to reach a level of enlightenment that is obtainable for humans. 

What To Do During Your Ascension Journey

In addition to cleansing and protecting your energy, there are a few other essentials for your spiritual journey. These include, but are not limited to self-love, self care, and maintaining awareness.

As you progress on your ascension journey, you may become more sensitive in several ways. You might experience heightened sensitivity to energies, foods, chemicals, sounds, and more. Plus, you will most likely be affected by full moon energies every month.

As you continue to increase your vibration, the connection to your intuition strengthens. This opens up the opportunity for you to further develop your clairs if you wish. These include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. This is also the point where it's easier to intuitively communicate with angels for guidance. 

Free Yourself From Blockages and Density

You can break free from density, negativity, and other low vibrational energies one step at a time. As you remove the layers of heaviness, fill yourself up with source light. 
Get unstuck
When you immediately fill in the newly created gaps with love and light, it accelerates your ascension journey. And, your vibration will remain higher when you're carrying more love and light in your system. Then when a challenge appears, you'll recover much faster.

It's natural for your vibration to fluctuate. However, your overall vibration is what is the most important. 

How To Handle Falling Backwards After Ascending Higher

If you slip backwards on your ascension path, then take steps to get back on track. The more you navigate further away from love, the more work it requires to get back on track. Take one step at a time, and remember that your soul is composed of pure, unconditional love.

Never judge yourself! It only brings you down and holds you back in life much longer. Accept it for what it is.

It happened, you cannot change the past, but you can restart over again as many times as needed.

What you do in the present moment is what matters the most. Keep releasing everything that does not feel good to rise up higher and higher. 

As Within, So Without

The saying “as within, so without” means that the types of energies within your energetic system are reflected back to you. Every experience you attract, and the people who enter your life, are a direct match to your beliefs. And to the energies contained within your subconscious mind and chakras. If you don't like what you're attracting, you can change it.

During the process, you're also returning to a more natural state where your soul is emanating love, happiness, and unity into the world. This benefits you and everyone around you. 

How To Choose A Higher Timeline

If you want to step onto the next highest timeline in your life, let the angels know this is your intention.

Then, be willing to take action steps when the angels show you what to do. Even if you do not understand something in the moment, trust the angels. It will make sense later on, and often you’ll look back and be grateful that you followed advice from the angels. 

You Are A Master Creator of Your Life

You are meant to live a happy life, full of abundance, and have your dreams come true. The only blocks holding you back are dense energies. Heavy energies contained within your system will continue holding you back until you clear them.

You hold the key to unlocking your dream life! And, you have full control over the types of energies and circumstances you attract into your life. It might take some time for the universe to catch up to your new energetic improvements, but it will happen.

Life does not have to be difficult. There will be challenges that appear off and on, but you have all the tools you need to overcome them quicker. Angels, energy work, and mindfulness are your most powerful tools to resolve challenges. 

Why Do You Feel Tingling Sensations?

There are a few reasons why you might experience tingling sensations on your ascension journey. However, let’s look at the top five most common reasons.

First, as you become more sensitive to energies, it’s easy to feel tingling when angels or spirits are very close to you. This most commonly begins during meditations.

Second, tingling can occur when you’re receiving new downloads of light codes.

Third, when you’re connected to source light, you might tingle from high vibrational light entering into you.

Fourth, you might experience full body tingling or tingling in one area during Kundalini awakening. You might also feel one or more chakras pulsating.

Fifth, as you continue to ascend, your physical body will begin to crystalize more. This most often occurred during the middle of the night for me, and can include brief sensations of intense pain for a couple seconds. 

Why Tingling Occurs Regularly For Some Lightworkers

One thing I noticed is that the higher I continued to ascend, the more often I felt tingling sensations even when not meditating.

The reason why this happens is because my physical body acts as a bridge between heaven and Earth. I’m a gateway for source light, love, and new light codes to flow through me and into the Earth. This benefits both the Earth and all of humanity.

If this happens to you too, know that your energetic system is also benefiting from the light flowing through you. Additionally, it increases your vibration. 

Fully Embrace Your Ascension Journey

Always remember that you're a very powerful soul of light having a human experience. While there will be challenges along the journey, you can overcome them easier with angelic help.

You have the power to co-create your dream life with the universe. Do not be afraid of your power for doing so only creates a big block.

Use your power in loving ways to tap into the infinite possibilities of the universe. When you serve the world through your soul purpose, the universe will line things up to support you. That is how dreams come true. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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