How To Align with Your Highest Vibrational Life

Highest Vibrational Life
Your spiritual journey is mostly composed of doing energy work and taking actions that improve your life. But. how do you fully align with your highest vibrational life where all of your dreams come true?

There are several things that you could do. But, focusing on building a strong foundation is what will serve you best long-term. It’s also how you naturally align with attracting your dreams through the Law of Attraction. 

3 Steps To Align with Your Highest Vibrational Life

  1. 1
    Build a strong foundation
  2. 2
    Continue increasing your vibration
  3. 3
    Let the universe know your dreams

1. How To Create A Strong Foundation For Your Highest Vibrational Life

Building a strong foundation for your spiritual journey creates a solid path. When your foundation is strong, you can rely upon it anytime a challenge appears.

There are a variety of ways to align with your highest vibrational life. However, these are the essentials to having a strong and supportive foundation.

7 Steps To Create A Strong Spiritual Foundation

  1. 1
    Ground your energy daily
  2. 2
    Protect your energy daily with orbs of light
  3. 3
    Daily self-care which includes self-love
  4. 4
    Cleanse your chakras and aura daily for at least five minutes
  5. 5
    Maintain Mindfulness
  6. 6
    Practice forgiveness
  7. 7
    Cut etheric cords daily or weekly, when you need it

Prioritize Daily Self-Care

Self-care is not a one time thing. It's a daily task that you should never stop doing. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or exhausted, then take some time for yourself. Go for a walk in your favorite park and breathe in the fresh air, drink some water with lemon, or listen to calming music.

Self-care is anything that makes you feel good. It includes getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and eating healthy foods that make you feel good.

Take care of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health because if you don't take your own needs into account, no one else will do it for you. Keep doing what makes you feel good, and love yourself first. 

The Power of Self-Love

Loving yourself is extremely important on your spiritual journey. Self-love is not selfish. You must take care of yourself first before you’re able to fully give to others. The more you love yourself, the more love you'll attract back to you.

Why You Need To Cut Your Cords

Cutting etheric cords is vital especially after you’ve been around people who drain you.

It’s important to understand why cords attach. Anytime your vibration is lower, it’s very easy for other people to attach cords to you. If you’re feeling physical pain, are sad, or tired, these are the times when other people easily attach a cord to you. These cords are guaranteed to continue draining your energy for as long as they remain attached to you. The only way to remove them is to sever them at the energetic level. 

How To Remove Etheric Cords

It’s actually very easy when you ask two specific archangels to cut the cords for you. Start by quieting your mind and focusing within your heart. Then say the following:

“Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael please connect with me now, and cut all cords of attachment that are draining me.”

Breathe deeply and imagine Archangel Raphael pulling at all of your cords. Then, imagine Archangel Michael cutting all of the cords. Next, allow a waterfall of source light to flow through you, and completely rinse away any debris from the cut cords. Finally, thank Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael

2. How To Increase Your Vibration

There are a variety of ways to increase your vibration. But maintaining a high vibration always occurs at the energetic level. It requires removing density and increasing the amount of source light you carry.

As you walk along your spiritual pathway, make time to enjoy life. What activities do you enjoy doing? Incorporate them into your schedule on a daily or weekly basis.

When you’re having fun, you add more joy and love into your life which boosts your vibration. And, it aligns you more and more with living a high vibrational life. 

Ways To Elevate Your Vibration

  • Laughing instantly increases your vibration
  • Express gratitude daily for everything you’re thankful for having
  • Meditate
  • Do a deep chakras cleanse
  • Spend time in nature
  • Do an activity that you enjoy
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Drink plenty of water to keep source light flowing through you
  • Listen to your favorite music and dance
  • Read an inspirational book

3. Discover Your Dreams and Send Them Into The Universe

It’s essential to know exactly what dreams you want to manifest in your life. Gain deeper insight into what living your highest vibrational life looks like by writing out your dream life. 
  • Where do you want to live?
  • What type of work do you love?
  • How much time do you need for activities you enjoy?
  • In as many details as possible, write out your perfect day.
  • What do you want to attract into your life?
  • Do you know your soul's purpose?
  • Make a list of your goals and dreams, and steps needed to reach them.
What are you grateful for already having? These can be little things including being on a spiritual journey, or having supportive friends. Each thing you're grateful for helps you align with your highest vibrational life. 

How To Send Your Dreams Into The Universe

Follow the steps below to let the universe know your wishes. Repeat this process at least twice weekly until each dream has manifested in your life. 
  1. 1
    Hold your hands out in front of you with your palms up
  2. 2
    Imagine a translucent ball of light in your hands
  3. 3
    Visualize one dream at a time while feeling as if you already have it in your life
  4. 4
    Place that image and the feelings inside the ball of light
  5. 5
    Say “thank you universe for making my dream come true” while releasing the ball of light up into the sky
Law of Attraction in Hands

Additional Ways To Align with Your Highest Vibrational Life

  • Focus on what is going right; not on things that aren't working out
  • Live only in the present moment
  • Release energetic blockages as they appear
  • Identify and resolve limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck
  • Figure out what is holding you back from achieving your goals
  • Break down barriers that are preventing you from living a more fulfilling life
  • Remove any negative thoughts or feelings about yourself, others, or the world around you

Enhance Your Energetic System The Easy Way

Accelerate your journey with an angel energy healing session. It boosts you up to a higher level even if you’re just getting started on a spiritual pathway.

An angel energy healing session, deeply cleanses your chakras and your aura. It also removes limiting beliefs and eliminates dark entities from your space. Plus, angels continue to flow healing energies toward you for at least a full day after your session ends. Click here to schedule your session.
You must take responsibility for your own life because no one can, or will, do it for you.

Living Your Highest Vibrational Life

Aligning with your highest vibrational life can be a joyous journey. Keep working on increasing your vibration, and remember to make time daily to take care of your needs. When you’re filled up with love, it’s much easier to radiate more love and light out into the world around you.

Also, take time to write down your dreams, and enjoy the process of reaching your dreams every step of the way. Invite angels to help you achieve your dreams, and to align with living your highest vibrational life.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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