How to Handle Solar Storm Energies While Ascending

Solar Storm
Navigating times of increased solar storm energies can be challenging. However, having the right knowledge and spiritual tools can make a significant difference.

Solar storms can unearth deep-seated emotional scars. And unresolved past life issues that need attention.

In this blog post, discover more about heightened solar activity. And explore effective tools to harmonize with and integrate these intense energies.

What Causes Solar Storm Energies

Solar storm energies originate from the sun's internal mechanisms. These include solar mass ejections and surface flares, which release tremendous amounts of energy. This energy radiates outward in all directions, including toward Earth. When it interacts with Earth's magnetosphere, geomagnetic activity is triggered.

As these intense energies inundate Earth, they can lead to several disturbances. Solar flare energies often bring unresolved issues to light. Serving as a catalyst to help you recognize and release what no longer benefits you in your life.

What are Solar Flares and Solar Storms?

Solar flares happen when the sun's magnetic field becomes stressed. Then, suddenly releases, resulting in massive explosions of energy. These intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation exploding from the sun appear as fire. Or a unique shape extruding from the edge of the sun.

Each explosion sends light, energy, and particles into space. This energy consists of charged particles such as protons and electrons that travel rapidly through space.

A solar storm occurs when there are multiple solar flares that occur in close succession. Their combined energies create solar storms which are also referred to as geomagnetic storms.

When these particles of energy reach Earth, they interact with Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. Which produces a variety of effects. Including auroras, disruptions in radio communications, satellite malfunctions, and potential power grid failures.

Additionally, these solar events have various impacts on people.

3 Ways to Handle Intense Energies from Solar Flares

  1. 1
    Violet Flame
  2. 2
    Light Language
  3. 3
    Energy Healing Session

1. Bathe in the Powerful Violet Flame Energies

The violet flame is a powerful spiritual tool that you can use anytime and anywhere. Even in a crowded public area, you can invoke the violet flame without anyone knowing what you are doing.

Connect to the violet flame daily for energy cleansing. And to transmute dense energies brought up by solar storms.

Being familiar with the violet flame assists you in connecting to this spiritual fire when you are around other people.

Think in your mind: "I now call in Archangel Zadkiel and the violet flame. Archangel Zadkiel, please bring the violet flame into my mind, body, and spirit to transmute lower energies."

Take at least ten deep breaths while visualizing or sensing the violet flame around and within you. Send thanks to Archangel Zadkiel and the violet flame.

Continue taking deep breaths for as long as needed, imagining the violet flame filling you up with each inhale. 

2. Light Language Transmission for Intense Solar Energies

If you resonate with light language, or want to explore this unique type of energy healing, there is a transmission on my other website. Listening to light language helps to harmonize your energetic system. And decreases the intensity of solar storm energies along with helping you to integrate solar energies.

When listening to the transmission, close your eyes, and tune into the energies. Be mindful of your emotional and energetic state before, during, and after listing. Observe any changes in your energy field or emotions over the next few days. You may experience a sense of relief as old wounds are gently cleared and healed.

Click here to listen to light language for solar storms

3. Energy Healing Session

Energy healing sessions clear away energetic blocks within you and your energy field. Uplifting you, cleansing you, and filling you with new white light. So you feel relaxed and refreshed after a session.

Click here to explore various energy healing options

Where to Find Solar Activity Forecasts

Several websites provide current solar activity and solar flare forecasts. But, interpreting the scientific data and charts can be confusing.

One of the easiest resources to use is Meteoagent. They provide free information both on their website and in their app.

The chart below, from the Meteoagent website, shows the forecast for solar flares. From what I have noticed, they keep it updated at least daily, so you will always know when there are changes.

Meteoagent's color-coded chart makes it easy to understand solar flare activity levels. They categorize how intense the solar energies are by low, medium, and high.

If you are sensitive to solar flares, you might start to feel their effects when the activity level (K-index) reaches 4, which is categorized as medium. 
Solar Storm Forecast

Solar Activity Can Change Rapidly

Knowing when solar storm energies will be high can assist you in preparing for intense solar storm energies. Which can cause emotional turbulence and other physical symptoms.

When using the solar activity forecast, remember that the forecast can show 'low' for the following day, then suddenly change to 'high.' This is a natural part of how the sun's energies fluctuate. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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