Meanings of Spirit Animals and How to Connect to Them

Animal spirit guide
Spirit animals serve as spiritual guides and protectors. And sources of inspiration when you seek their guidance.

Throughout history, humans have been fascinated by the animal kingdom. And have sought to establish a relationship with the natural world. Various cultures have given meaning and significance to different animals. Assigning them specific roles and qualities.

In this blog post, explore the world of spirit animals. Discover the meanings of several different spirit animals, and find out which animal spirit guide will remain with you for life. Plus, at the end of the lists, learn how to connect to your animal spirit guide.

Introduction to Spirit Animals and their Significance in Various Cultures

Spirit animals, or totem animals, are animals that represent a person’s essence or inner spirit. They are often considered sacred animals and embody specific characteristics and traits. Which are relevant to the individual seeking their guidance.

In different cultures, spirit animals are associated with different beliefs and practices. For example, in Native American culture, animals hold spiritual significance. And are viewed as teachers, guides, and protectors. Each animal is assigned specific qualities and characteristics that can be passed on to the person. 

A Common Misconception

Some people believe that you can choose a spirit animal. When it is actually the spirit animal guide that chooses you.

You also have a main spirit animal guide who remains with you throughout life. This is based on your birth date. You can utilize the Native American Zodiac in this blog post to find which spirit animal is your lifelong guide. 

The Significance of Spirit Animal Guides

Spirit animals are powerful guides for personal growth and transformation. They can teach you valuable lessons about yourself along with helping you access inner resources.

Whether you connect with your spirit animal through meditation, dreams, or signs, it is important to approach them with respect. Plus, humility and an open mind.

By working with your spirit animal, you can manifest positive changes in your life. Embody their energy, and cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world.

Remember to always honor and show gratitude to your spirit animal for their presence in your life. 

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal

Spirit animals can appear in a variety of ways. These include through dreams, while meditating, and from seeing signs.

In addition to your main spirit animal guide, you will have several others who come and go throughout your life.

They appear when you are in need of the positive characteristics and attributes that they possess.

A common sign that an animal is your guide is when you see the same animal appearing over and over again. Signs can be anything from repeated sightings of an animal in your daily life, to encounters in nature, to symbolism in art and literature. 

Understanding the Characteristics and Traits Associated with Your Animal Spirit Guide

Once you know your spirit animal, it is important to understand their characteristics and traits. This knowledge helps you better understand yourself and how to navigate your life.

For example, if your spirit animal is a wolf, it is associated with qualities such as loyalty, leadership, and intuition. These traits can help guide you in personal and professional relationships. As well as in decision-making processes.

Find Your Animal Spirit Guide based on the Native American Zodiac

The Native American Zodiac reveals which animal is your spirit animal guide throughout life. It is revealed based upon your birth date. Remember to look at your birth date based upon which hemisphere you were born in.

The characteristics shown include both positive and negative attributes that you might experience.

When connecting to your spirit animal, you only receive the energies of the positive characteristics.


Northern Hemisphere January 20th - February 18th
Southern Hemisphere July 22 - August 22nd
Element is air.
Stone is turquoise.

Communication, dislike rules and boundaries, good balance of work and play, humanitarian, independent, intelligent, logical, loyal, playful, seek to create a better world for everyone, sociable, somewhat eccentric, unconventional, unpredictable, willing to explore alternatives

Your life lesson is to remain grounded while you reach for the stars. 


Northern Hemisphere February 19th - March 20th
Southern Hemisphere August 23rd - September 22nd
Element is water.
Stone is jade.

Caretakers of family and community, compassionate, considerate, content to be followers, devastated when relationships end, devoted, evasive, fiercely loyal, highly sensitive, intuitive, mysterious, protective, quiet, sentimental, tender, value alone time

Your life lesson is to stand within your own power


Northern Hemisphere March 21st - April 19th
Southern Hemisphere September 23rd - October 22nd
Element is fire.
Stone is opal.

Arrogant, can be unaware of obstacles, clear understanding of desires, clear vision, do not fear the unknown, driven, dynamic, fiery spirit, forward-looking, free, impatient, independent, passionate, quest for wisdom, self-centered, warrior spirit

Your life lesson is to let go of the ego mind


Northern Hemisphere April 20th - May 20th
Southern Hemisphere October 24th - November 21st
Element is earth.
Stone is jasper.

Aesthetic, attachment to material items, great planners, greedy, hard-working, jealousy, possessive, practical, productive, reliable, sensual, strategy, treasure true love, unstoppable when working toward a goal

Your life lesson is to become more open-minded. 


Northern Hemisphere May 21st - June 20th
Southern Hemisphere November 22nd - December 21st
Element is air.
Stone is agate.

Alert, attentive, can be shy, cautious, do not stick to long term plans, gentle peacemaker, inquisitive, love passionately and completely, mentally sharp, needs lots of stimulation, quick to react, reluctant to stay in one place for too long, self-conscious, sharp senses, swiftness, unreliable when under pressure

Your life lesson is to become less anxious and more grounded. 


Northern Hemisphere June 21st - July 21st
Southern Hemisphere December 22nd - January 19th
Element is water.
Stone is rose quartz.

Caretakers of family and community, caring, devoted, faithful, fiercely loyal, homely, kind-hearted, nurturers, overbearing, overprotective, possessive, protective, put family members' needs above their own, sensitive, smother, supportive

Your life lesson is learning how to let go


Northern Hemisphere July 22nd - August 22nd
Southern Hemisphere January 20th - February 18th
Element is fire.
Stone is carnelian.

Desirable, determined, driven, egotistic, enthusiastic, excel in setting and achieving goals, fiery passion, focus, innate sense of purpose, inspiring, noble heart, powerful, strength, unpopular, willpower

Your life lesson is to reduce drama. 

Brown Bear

Northern Hemisphere August 23rd - September 22nd
Southern Hemisphere February 19th - March 20th
Element is earth.
Stone is amethyst.

Cautious, curious, deep thinker, enjoy routines, great at planning, intelligent, introverted, level-headed, love powerfully, patient, practical, seek to ensure your partner is pleased, strength, strict while still being reasonable, strong analytical mind, understanding, value privacy and personal space

Your life lesson is to be less critical of yourself and others. 


Northern Hemisphere September 23rd - October 22nd
Southern Hemisphere March 21st - April 19th
Element is air.
Stone is azurite.

Easily distracted, enjoy company of others, fairness, feel unsettled with conflicts, frustration, harmony, highly clairvoyant, indecisive, magical, misunderstandings, overly selfless, passionate about work, resolve disputes, solve complex issues, strive for balance, strive for material wealth, strong peacemaker, true love once gifted to another, wise

Your life lesson is to become more balanced emotionally


Northern Hemisphere October 23rd - November 21st
Southern Hemisphere April 20th - May 20th
Element is water.
Stone is copper.

Ability to transform, deep emotions, devotion, enigmatic, erotic, good listeners, healing powers, love deeply from the soul, manipulative, mysterious, power, psychic, rejuvenate, secretive, secret-keeper

Your life lesson is to learn forgiveness


Northern Hemisphere November 22nd - December 21st
Southern Hemisphere May 21st - June 20th
Element is fire.
Stone is obsidian.

Broad-minded, direct, dislike ignorance, honest, impatient, messengers from the higher realms, natural teachers, perception, philosophical, quest for knowledge, restless, spiritual, straightforward, strong intuition, truth-seeker, wise

Your life lesson is to remove pride and become tolerant. 

Snow Goose

Northern Hemisphere December 22nd - January 19th
Southern Hemisphere June 21st - July 21st
Element is earth.
Stone is quartz.

Ambitious, angry, authoritative, beginnings, demanding, desire only twin flame love, discouraged, frustrated, high expectations, high standards, huge potential, leadership, methodological, organized, out of touch with emotions, practical, purity, relentless, seek spiritual enlightenment, stoic, tenacious

Your life lesson is to trust that going outside the borders is fine. 

Characteristics of Common Spirit Animals

The following lists contain characteristics of several spirit animals that are organized into these categories:  
  • Insects
  • Reptiles
  • Non-Aquatic Birds
  • Aquatic Birds
  • Aquatic Wildlife
  • Small Mammals
  • Large Mammals
  • Primates
  • Domesticated Animals
  • Mythological Animals


Bee - communication, hard work, love, protection, success, wealth, wisdom

Butterfly - celebration, creativity, joy, peace, romance, spirituality, transformation

Dragonfly - connection, emotional, flexibility, illusionary, lively, transformation

Grasshopper - dynamic, innovative, progressive, visionary, wealth


Frog - cleansing, fertility, peace, power, rebirth, sensitivity, transformation

Lizard - adaptability, ego, imagination, quick-witted, sensitive, spirituality

Snake - fear, healing, impulsive, magic, power, shrewdness, transformation, wisdom

Non-Aquatic Birds

In general, a bird as a spirit animal means courage, freedom, high spirits, joy, and resilience.

Blue Jay - adaptability, awareness, defensive, intuition, loyalty, strength

Cardinal - bold, brilliant, cheerful, dignity, extraordinary, trust

Crow - adaptability, fearless, magical, manipulative, transformation, wisdom

Dove - communication, devotion, gentleness, hope, love, peace, purity, sacrifice

Eagle - adventurous, focused, freedom, goal-oriented, power, resilient, vision

Falcon - authoritative, fearless, freedom, goal-oriented, intelligence, victory

Flicker - adaptive, balanced, communicative, creative, flexible, hope, ingenuity, passionate, resourceful, sensitive, self-love

Hawk - alertness, cleansing, courage, creativity, goal-oriented, nobility, strength, vision

Hummingbird - ability, aggression, ecstasy, flexibility, healing, hope, love, wisdom

Owl - comfort, deception, freedom, protection, secret-keeper, stealth, vision, wisdom

Peacock - beauty, endurance, foresight, knowledge, love, royalty, self-esteem

Vulture - goal-oriented, loyalty, patience, perception, quick-witted, trust, vision

Woodpecker - connection, healing, intelligence, perception, revelation, unique

Aquatic Birds

Crane - attentive, endurance, integrity, isolated, self-reliant, wisdom

Flamingo - balance, clear-sightedness, goal-oriented, happiness, love, power

Goose - bravery, fertility, guidance, joy, loyalty, reliable, teamwork, vigilance, wisdom

Heron - balance, calm, independent, intrusive, multi-tasking, self-determined

Loon - calm, connection, faithfulness, patience, refreshment, satisfaction

Penguin - community-minded, confidence, determination, discipline, grace, sacrifice, spiritual

Pelican - defensive, kindness, responsible, selfless, strong, warmth

Stork - bold, creativity, fertility, protective, responsibility, resurgence

- balance, beauty, calmness, devotion, elegance, love, power, purity

Aquatic Wildlife

Dolphin - assistance, defensive, harmony, lively, resurgence, strength

Jellyfish - acceptance, faith, illumination, intention, protection, sensitivity, transparency

Otter - cheerful, dynamic, happiness, kindness, lively, sensibility

Salmon - dignity, firmness, intelligence, resurgence, seriousness, spiritual

Turtle - endurance, fertility, longevity, patience, peace, protection, wisdom

Whale - bravery, power, protection, self-reliance, strength, wisdom

Small Mammals

Fox - adaptability, cleverness, cunning, curiosity, luck, playfulness, quick-witted, wisdom

Hedgehog - flexibility, kindness, patience, protection, self-dependent, strength

Porcupine - anxious, humble, innocence, self-involved, togetherness, visionary

Raccoon - bravery, confidentiality, emphatic, illusionary, protection, versatility

Wolf - compassion, loyalty, partnership, power, protection, spirituality, togetherness

Large Mammals

Bear - aggression, authority, bravery, majesty, peace, power, solitude, understanding

Camel - commitment, determination, durability, endurance, focus, humility, patience, trust

Caribou - assurance, flexibility, guidance, nomad, sensitive

Cougar - courage, dependable, observation, patience, responsible, spiritual warrior

Deer - caring, compassion, determination, elegance, generosity, grace, love, safety

Elephant - confidence, determination, dignity, honor, loyalty, pride, royalty, strength

Elk - cleverness, dignity, generosity, magnificent, self-reliant, strength

Giraffe - cleverness, gentleness, individuality, intelligence, patience, peace

Hippopotamus - balance, fertile, hard-working, protection, strength, wisdom

Jaguar - fertility, grace, knowledge, loyalty, power, rejuvenation, speed, strength

Koala - calmness, empathy, gratitude, healing, pleasure, protection, trust

Lion - authority, courage, dignity, leadership, power, pride, wisdom

Moose - dignity, endurance, feminine, impulsive, intelligence, strength

Panda - adaptability, balance, determination, diplomacy, inner vision, solitude, willpower

Reindeer - abundance, accomplishment, endurance, faith, protection, strength, tenacity

Rhinoceros - decisive, endurance, insightful, intelligence, isolated, liberated

Tiger - devotion, fearlessness, passion, power, pride, royalty, valor, vigor


Monkey - aggressive, bold, compassionate, confident, creative, playful, rebellious, social

Orangutan - creativity, gentle, honorable, ingenuity, logical, solitude

Domesticated Animals

Cat - affection, curiosity, magic, mystery, observational-skills, secretive, supernatural

Dog - affection, bravery, communication, devotion, friends, loyalty, patience, protection

Goat - alert, firmness, isolated, self-reliant, strength, vigor

Horse - adventurous, endurance, freedom, friendship, independence, mobility

Ox - grounded, longevity, loyalty, sacrifice, strength

Rabbit - cleverness, creativity, harmony, imagination, intensity, love, prosperity, sensitivity

Sheep - compassion, courage, humble, level-headed, peace, progress, purity

Turkey - connection, generosity, gratification, hard-working, togetherness, wealth

Mythological Animals

Unicorn - faith, gentleness, grace, innocence, love, magic, purity, vision

How to Connect to Your Spirit Animal

Meditation is a powerful tool to connect with your spirit animal on a deeper level. During a meditation, visualize your spirit animal and ask them for guidance or insight. You can also visualize yourself embodying your spirit animal’s characteristics and traits. Which can help you integrate their energy into your own being.

If desired, ask the angels to assist you in receiving messages from your spirit animal.

Dreams are also a powerful way to connect with your spirit animal for insights that can guide and inspire you.

There are several ways to work with your spirit animal for guidance and support. For example, you can channel their energy through visualization or artistic expression. You can also incorporate their qualities and traits into your daily life. By practicing those qualities in your relationships, work, and personal development.

Incorporating Your Spirit Animal into Daily Life 

Incorporating your spirit animal into your daily life can be a powerful way to manifest positive changes and empowerment. One way to do this is by wearing or carrying symbols that represent your spirit animal.

Another way is to practice their qualities and characteristics in daily life, by being loyal, intuitive, or brave, for example. Practicing these qualities helps you embody your spirit animal’s energy and manifest their qualities in your life.

Enjoy connecting to your spirit animals, and always remember to show them appreciation and respect.

What are your experiences with spirit animals? Leave a comment below to share how a spirit animal has inspired you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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