7 Channeled Angel Messages about Love to Uplift You

Channeled Angel Messages

In the vast cosmos of life's experiences, love is one of the most powerful and universal emotions that we are fortunate enough to experience. It has the ability to uplift you and give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. In these channeled angel messages, the angels pour their love into you through their words of wisdom and healing messages. 

Prepare to embark on a celestial journey that will uplift your spirit. Fill your heart with hope, and illuminate your path with the radiant light of divine love.

Channeled Angel Message: The Beautiful Gift of Love

Greetings from Orion. One of the most beautiful gifts that you can give to the world is love. Love for yourself, love for others, and love to all of humanity through oneness.

As you open up your heart and expand deeper into the depths of your soul’s wisdom and knowledge, you obtain access to greater levels of insight. And access to the most exquisite and beautiful love, unconditional love from source. Which is always flowing through you to enhance your life and uplift the lives of others around you. 

Take these unique gifts within your soul and expand them to their greatest heights. When you think that you have reached your biggest potential, or you know where the top is, and where you are going, reach even higher. For this is your time to shine brighter and more magnificently than yesterday. We thank you, each one of you, for allowing us in the angelic realm into your human lives. To play our role in sharing love, light, and oneness across the planet. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Orion.

Your Soul’s Unconditional Love

Open your heart and focus upon a star of light within you. This is your soul, the beautiful light that you are, which was created to be unique.

You have the power to grow this star of light into the most magnificent light that encompasses your entire physical body. Expands outward into the entire room, and even stretches across the entire planet. 

The power of your soul light, the unconditional love that you are, was designed to be expanded and shared in its entirety. For this unconditional love can never be depleted. It is the truth of who you are, the light of you that originated from pure, divine unconditional love. It has always been within you, and will remain with your soul for eternity. 

Feel this unconditional love which is you. Allow it to boost your self-love, utilize it to heal yourself, and share it freely with everyone around you. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Gabriel.

Channeled Angel Message about Healing through the Hearts of Angels

Greetings from Orion and Archangel Gabriel. We call you into our hearts of eternal love at this moment in time. Enter into the center of all the angels' hearts who surround you now. This is where you will discover an endless flow of divine unconditional love and healing light. 

Release into our hearts of pure love all that no longer serves you. Let go of all that does not feel good. Hand over your hurts as we mend your heart and emotions. And wash over you our healing love and light. To uplift you into a new beginning. 

We are always here for you. And want you to know how proud we are of how far you have come in your life up to this point. Take a moment to embrace your successes. And to recognize the infinite light shining ahead on your path. 

You are powerful. And you are being guided as you traverse your way through this lifetime. 

Open up your heart, dear one, and see that inner spark of light seeking to shine even more vibrantly in the world. Keep sharing your unique gifts with the world, and one step at a time, you will achieve your greatest dreams. We love you and we are always here for you.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Orion and Archangel Gabriel.

Channeled Angel Message about the Relationship with Yourself

Dearest beloved soul, the universe that you live in is magical. And will fully support you and care for all your needs when you trust and believe that this is possible. Start to cement these beliefs into you to build upon your foundation for this lifetime. 

Take a moment to assess your self-love. For you see, it is through loving yourself unconditionally in all ways that you open up more. To aligning even more with the magic and miracles available to you from the universe. 

Empower your energetic vibration through the beliefs within you. And when combined with self-love, it enhances the relationship you have with yourself. Because you will be vibrating at a higher frequency, it will become easier to remain in a state of love, joy, and gratitude. And to return to this state anytime. 

Nurture the relationship with yourself by caring for all your daily human needs and escaping busyness for breaks when needed. 

Uplift yourself and your life with self-love while confidently trusting your intuition. Through this, you will have a solid foundation to carry you forward, and to aid you when a challenge appears. 

Loving yourself fully and completely is also how you return your human self to the natural state of your soul. A state of love that is beautiful, healing, and everlasting. 

Remember that your soul is composed of pure, divine unconditional love. Self-love is another way to shine the beauty of your soul light outward into your daily life. This love and light also contains pure joy that can light up your inner child's curiosity and excitement for living a wondrous life. 

Strive toward creating an even more amazing relationship with yourself. One that is solidified in unconditional love. For this is who you truly are and always will be. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangels Jophiel and Zadkiel.

Love is The Key

Walking along this pathway through life, it is often filled with a variety of emotions and occasional challenges. When moments of uncertainty, sadness, or disharmony appear, re-center within divine white light. And ask the angels to help you focus on love. 

For it is love that heals everything. Love is powerful, yet is not always at the forefront of every person’s mind among difficult times.

Magnify the love within your mind to connect to the power of forgiveness. And watch as forgiveness lightens the weight of your load as it heals. 

Unconditional love is who you are at the core of your soul. Allow the wisdom of your soul combined with the power of love to burst through the lower emotions. And to infuse unpleasant emotions with love to transform them while healing and uplifting yourself. 

You hold the key to open up the flow of love to heal any situation or sadness for every person involved. Love is the solution found within your open heart. Love is healing. Love stretches across the lines of time. Love is multidimensional. Love is expansive. 

Empower your life with love, and ripple love and light to others you encounter. Love uplifts and heals one heart at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time. 

It all begins by choosing to unlock the door of your heart with the key held within your mind. You have the free will to make love the key that unlocks the door to a magnificent life.

Inspire others with the power of love. Infuse all areas of your life with love. And watch as the miracles unfold around you and within you. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from the Council of Light.

Eternal Love from Your Guardian Angels

Dearest beloved, your guardian angels love you unconditionally for eternity. And are always extra close to you throughout your entire life. They can always be felt within your heart. As a warm, glowing brilliance of light that is comforting and deeply loving. 

While your guardian angels are always there to protect you and help guide you throughout life, they will also answer your questions. Open your heart and quiet your mind to intuitively know their answers and guidance. 

Talk to your guardian angels daily. And invite them to illuminate each day even brighter through the sparkles of wisdom and loving support they have to offer you. 

Form a beautiful friendship with your guardian angels. And you will have a best friend walking alongside you. Always there for you, and always ready to step in to help immediately. 

Communicate with your guardian angels every day. And ask for signs to your questions to begin feeling the immense love they have always had for you since before you were born. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Gabriel.

Love Heals Everything

When healing is needed, and the external world around you is unsupportive, go within your heart. Connect to angels, and feel their immense love and support as they wrap you in their wings to comfort you. And whisper to you that everything will be okay. These struggles are only temporary. 

Trust that you have a large team of angels assisting you, guiding you. And, doing everything they can to provide you with exactly what you need most in the present moment. Feel their unconditional love for you. And know that the love of the angels is everlasting across all your lifetimes: past, present, and future. 

Love is who you are. The angels love you. And the universe loves you too. All the love, support, guidance, and wisdom you need for life is easily accessible from the heart of your soul.

Healing begins with you, internally through making a choice to end the suffering. Flood your struggles with love, and watch as they transform into more love to uplift your days ahead. 

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Gabriel.

What are Your Experiences with Channeled Angel Messages

Did you feel the angels around you while reading these channeled angel messages? Leave a comment below to share any special experiences you had with the angels from this post.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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