Channeled Angel Poems

Angel Poems
Do you find yourself wishing for an extra spark of inspiration from the angelic realm? If so, you are not alone. People have been turning to angels throughout the ages for support, wisdom, and guidance. One way to connect with angels is through channeled angel poems.

Whether you need comfort during a challenging time or something uplifting when feeling down, these angel poems can help. They are full of beautiful words channeled directly from archangels.

Keep reading to experience love from the angels through these channeled angel poems. And see how these inspirational messages can flow inspiration and peace in your life.

Information about these Channeled Angel Poems

These five angel poems were channeled from several archangels. As you read each poem, you may sense the angels around you.

If you miss a loved one who is in heaven, the first angel poem is for you.

When you are struggling with anything in life, read the poems titled: The Golden Eagle and Journey to Reconnecting with Angels. They are also great for reflecting upon how far you have come in your life up to this point in time.

The angel poem titled Miracles Abound Within and Around You is wonderful for anytime. It provides you with a moment to escape the busyness of life and connect to the angels all around you.

Wherever you are on your journey through life, the last angel poem will uplift you. Embrace Your Uniqueness and Soul Gifts also flows inspiration into you to share your gifts in the world. 

Eternal Love Flowing Between Heaven and Earth

As I walk up the stairway of light
there you are standing so beautifully
your heart wide open
arms open to embrace in a hug.

It's been too long
yet only a tiny moment in the timeless universe.

You are forever in my heart
forever in my soul
I love you unconditionally forever.

Time will never fade the love we share
only continue to deepen it.
You will forever be part of me
and I will forever be part of you.

We unite in oneness
while still embracing our uniqueness.
We are love
we are light
united together forever in unconditional love.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Gabriel and many angels.

The Golden Eagle

Walking through the pristine woods
sunshine glistening on the narrow creek
as water cascades over rocks.
Peace abounds with a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves
with a hint of pine in the crisp air.

Where the pathways cross
there is a quaint rumbling in the bushes.
Moving the branches aside
exposes an eagle
hiding its injured wing.
Afraid to be seen by the world.

Picking up the eagle
comforting him
and letting him know everything will be okay.
Noticing this is not an ordinary eagle.
There is something special about him
yet the uniqueness is hidden.
Undiscovered gifts remain buried
scared to be shared
only because he recognizes his rarity.

Angels heal the eagle’s wing
through a special friend.
One day at a time
one step at a time
the eagle regains its strength
and fully heals.

A whisper of support
and encouragement
is all it takes.
You are free.
Spread your wings and soar.
You are amazing.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from several archangels.

Journey to Reconnecting with Angels

The early pathway was rough
feeling out of place
never fitting in
sensing you were meant for something bigger
yet unable to discover exactly what it was.

Filled with sadness
and negativity
rooted in false human beliefs
ingrained into you as a small child.

Those untruths clouded your life
and dimmed your light
for too long.

We were always there for you
trying to break through the barriers
to illuminate
the truth
our presence
your brilliance.
Offering you our love
even when you did not recognize us
standing next to you every moment
of every day
your entire life.

The day when we suddenly appeared
out of nowhere
to expose our unending unconditional love for you
came with a powerful message:
you will be okay.

We are here to flood you with
and offer a glimpse of the truth
that has been hidden from you
your entire life until now.

Dear one, you are loved
more than your human mind could ever imagine.
Peek into the depths of your heart
discover the beauty within your soul
reach up to us
as we lift you higher
and higher
on our wings of love
carrying you lovingly
to show you the truths
of the universe
the truths of love
and how beautiful you are.

Take this message that you will be okay
and use it as your pillar of strength.
Lean on us
know that something bigger and better is available to you.
The choice is yours
peek into the unlocked door
to see a better life ahead.
Take our hand and we will lead the way
one moment
and one step at a time.

Your destiny is greatness
beyond your biggest dreams.
You are meant to shine brightly
to illuminate the entire world.
Reach out to others
help humanity
expose to everyone
that love heals everything.

We will always protect you
love you unconditionally
and appreciate you
for how you are improving the world
in your own unique way.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.

Miracles Abound Within and Around You

Walking upon the expansive landscape
as droplets of sparkling light
trickle down upon you
from the great central sun.
Illuminating your mind, body, and spirit
flooding you
and your surroundings
with the healing love
and high vibrational frequencies
that you need most
in this present moment.

As you continue walking
among the golden sea
of prairie grasses
purple mountains in the distant view
and birds gracefully soaring above
flying toward the trees, lakes, and waterfalls
that lie ahead on the trail.

Angels surround you
to rinse away any stress, tension, or worries.
Serenity encompasses you
from your guardian angels
wings of love
wrapping around you
emanating peace and unconditional love
into your heart and mind.
As you walk together
hand in hand
smiling with your guardian angel
feeling gratitude for all the blessings
already manifested in your life.

Your heart magnifies its brilliant light
outward to be warmed even more by the sunlight.
As the gentle breeze caresses
abundances of joy, peace, and tranquility into you.

As you approach the tranquil stream
your inner child lights up
with magic and curiosity
over the rainbow of butterflies
playing among the white flowers
next to the bubbling creek.

The miraculous beauty of the surrounding landscape
is a representation
of the amazing light that you are.

The beauty and joys of living life
with your heart open
laughing joyfully with your inner child
and shimmering your unique vibrational frequency
with the people around you.
Uplifting others and the world
through illuminating your special uniqueness
adds magic and wonder
and joy into your life.

Soar high among the eagles
run around and play
in a carefree way
with your inner child
through the meadows and mountains
exploring the magnificence and magic
of nature and life all around you.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Gabriel.

Embrace Your Uniqueness and Soul Gifts

You are not just another rose
in the vast garden
of the universe.

The pure love and light
within you is genuinely divine.
Created to be perfect
exactly as you are right now.

You are a kaleidoscope of uniqueness
not duplicated anywhere in the world.

Enter within the depths of your heart
to discover the elegance of your soul.

Expand your inner spark
into a vibrant star.
Beautifully marvelous
radiating brighter and brighter.
Show the world
the beauty and magnificence of your soul.

Fully open up that stunning rose
within your heart.
Recognize and appreciate every twinkle of your uniqueness
for you are very much needed
to share your special set of gifts.

Only you can shine those gifts
in the specific way that was intended
which will bring you immense joy
while uplifting the world.

Shine your beautiful and unique light
and remember that you are amazing.

Channeled by Brenda Lott from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.

Did these Angel Poems Uplift You or Inspire You?

Leave a comment below with your experiences when reading these angel poems.

Did the last angel poem inspire you to discover your soul purpose? If yes, read this blog post to learn more about finding your soul purpose

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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