List of Archangels by Area of Expertise

List of archangels areas of expertise
Are you looking for a guide to understanding the different archangels, and which areas they specialize in? Look no further. This blog post provides you with a list of archangels organized by topic. So you can quickly find which angels to call upon for your specific needs.

Archangels are available to assist you in life in ways that go beyond giving you extra support during challenging times. When you desire to strengthen your intuition, want to boost the joy in your heart, or tap into higher wisdom, angels are there for you.

Discover which archangels are best for you within each present moment. Save this list of archangels for easy reference anytime. 

How to Use The List of Archangels by Topic

The list of archangels is organized by topic to help you know which archangels are best to call upon for each area.

You can choose one archangel in the list of archangels, or request help from all of them in that category. 

Combining the Powers of Archangels

Anytime you call upon two or more archangels, they combine their powers. This means you receive extra powerful help.

An example is how Archangels Michael and Raphael work together to cut etheric cords and karmic cords. They also team up to protect you while you are traveling.

Another powerful duo is Archangels Raphael and Gabriel joining forces to protect you from psychic attacks.

If you are seeking to discover your heart’s desires, Archangels Gabriel and Uriel will assist you in a powerful way.

Anytime you need to take a test, Archangels Uriel and Zadkiel will assist you in remembering answers during the test. Of course they only do this if you spend enough time studying in advance. 

How the List of Archangels is Organized 

The following categories show which archangels specialize in each area. These topics cover common things you might encounter throughout life. They also include areas that assist you on your ascension journey.

The overall layout of the topics begins with areas related to different types of energy cleansing and healing.

Next, are topics related to your ascension journey.

The final section is topics related to everything else in life. 

Section 1 Summary: Energy Cleansing and Energy Healing

  • Emotional healing, boosting emotions, and support for empaths
  • Inner child healing
  • Quieting the ego and calming your mind
  • Protection from psychic attacks
  • Learning soul lessons
  • Past life clearing and healing
  • Soul fragmentation
  • Forgiveness
  • Grieving
  • Protection and recovering from natural disasters
  • Lost hope
  • Uncertainty and finding clarity 

Section 2 Summary: Energy Protection and Your Ascension Journey

  • Energy protection including healing and protection for plants and animals
  • Grounding
  • Mindfulness
  • Self-love and self care
  • Ascending higher
  • Connecting and merging with your higher self
  • Enhancing and trusting your intuition
  • Learning and mastering the laws of the universe
  • Help for starseeds
  • Discovering and fulfilling your soul purpose

Section 3 Summary: Topics Related to Life

  • Guidance in life
  • Navigating and solving challenges
  • Making major life transitions, important decisions, and moving forward in life
  • Building a strong foundation for your life
  • Increasing confidence and self-esteem
  • Creating positive habits
  • Understanding and learning complex concepts, help for projects and taking tests
  • Interpreting dreams
  • Improving organization, prioritizing tasks, and time management
  • Increasing strength and courage
  • Love, relationship harmony, and friendships
  • Wisdom and inspiration
  • Manifesting your dreams, prosperity, and abundance

Section 1: Energy Cleansing and Energy Healing

This list of archangels assists you in removing low vibrational energies. Which includes discovering blocks and releasing fears. Call upon Archangels Michael, Raphael, Metatron, and Orion for any of these areas.

Additionally, Michael and Raphael help you cut etheric cords and provide you with energy healing.

When you need help releasing fears, call upon Archangels Uriel, Raguel, and Sandalphon.

For help with healing deep trauma, Archangel Azrael helps you to heal. Plus, he aids you in transitioning into a better life where you leave the old wounds behind.

During times when you are feeling hurt, Raphael and Jophiel will comfort and heal you. 

Emotional Healing, Boosting Emotions, and Support for Empaths

The best angels for emotions are Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Haniel, Chamuel, and Zadkiel.

When you are struggling emotionally, Archangel Muriel is an expert to count on. Muriel extends compassion to you in addition to helping heal your emotions. 

Inner Child Healing

Your inner child will love healing with Archangels Haniel and Sandalphon, and the rainbow light they bring you for healing.

When your inner child needs to feel more joyful, call upon Archangel Muriel. 

Quieting the Ego and Calming the Mind

The ego mind is always with you for life, and it will advance with you. Call up Archangels Michael and Gabriel to quiet your ego and calm your mind.

Psychic Attacks

If you are concerned about psychic attacks, Archangels Raphael and Gabriel will keep you safe.

Learning and Understanding Soul Lessons

Before you can fully learn a soul lesson, it is important to understand it. And recognize why things happened the way they did. Archangels Raziel, Chamuel, and Sandalphon are experts in the area of soul lessons. 

Past Life Clearing and Healing

When you are being held back in life due to past life issues, ask Archangels Raphael, Raziel, and Jeremiel for help.

Soul Fragmentation

Experiencing any kind of trauma or losing a loved one has potential to cause your soul to become fragmented. Archangel Michael is there to help you recover and reintegrate lost and missing pieces of your soul to help you feel whole again.


An important part of your ascension journey is learning to extend forgiveness both toward yourself and others. When you apply forgiveness in each moment as things occur, it is easier to stay centered in love. Archangels Raguel, Zadkiel, and Jeremiel are the perfect angels to ask for help when it is hard to forgive.

Click here to learn more about forgiveness on your ascension journey. 


Archangel Azrael is a sensitive angel who will take away some of your grief anytime you are struggling with a loss. This includes losing a loved one through a death, plus loss of a relationship or career. 

Natural Disasters: Protection and Recovery

Severe storms and other natural disasters are one area where Archangel Ariel is an expert. Call upon Ariel to help divert a storm, and also when you need help recovering after a natural disaster. 

Lost Hope

If you have lost hope in life, or for something specific, Archangels Raguel and Jophiel will help you regain hope.

Additionally, Archangel Raphael helps when you feel stuck in life. While Archangel Jeremiel turns your restrictions into freedom.


No matter what is causing you to feel uncertain, Archangels Haniel, Jophiel, and Raguel will help.

Finding Clarity

When you need to find clarity, especially related to making a decision, ask Archangels Raguel and Jophiel for guidance.

Section 2: Energy Protection and Your Ascension Journey

Sometimes the usual forms of energy protection are not enough, and you will need to call in extra angels for help. The best angels for extra protection are Archangels Michael, Uriel, Metatron, and Orion.

Archangel Zadkiel protects you when others are trying to dim your inner light. 

Protection and Healing for Plants and Animals

Archangel Ariel both protects and heals animals, pets, and nature. While Ariel and Muriel provide healing for plants, animals, and pets.


Anytime you want help with grounding, you can rely upon Archangel Metatron.


Learning to master mindfulness in a non-judgmental way is an area where Archangel Chamuel is an expert.

Self Care and Self-Love

Raphael, Jophiel, and Sandalphon help you increase self-love and prioritize self care.

Archangel Gabriel brings you healing in ways that will have a healing effect on you. Such as receiving a gift from a friend, spending time in nature, or doing your favorite activity. Which all fit in with feeling more loved and cared for.

For assistance with living with an open heart and loving yourself more, call upon Archangel Muriel. 

Ascending Higher on Your Spiritual Journey

For help with ascending higher, call upon Archangels Michael, Metatron, Ariel, and Jophiel.

For help with reconnecting spiritually, Archangel Raphael is there for you. He gently uplifts you and assists you in feeling more connected to the angelic realm. 

Connecting and Merging with Your Higher Self

As you ascend higher, connecting and merging with your higher self provides you with more wisdom. Archangels Uriel and Jophiel will guide you through this process.

Enhancing Your Intuitive Abilities and Trusting in Them

The higher you ascend, the more your intuitive abilities open up, and the more important it is to trust your intuition. Uriel, Haniel, Zadkiel, Raziel, Muriel, and Jeremiel are experts in these areas. They help you strengthen your psychic abilities and to trust the messages you receive.


If you are struggling with trust issues in general, call upon Archangels Uriel, Metatron, and Haniel for help.

Learning and Applying Laws of The Universe

Archangels Raziel and Jeremiel are experts with the Laws of the Universe. And will help you learn and apply them in your life.

Assistance for Starseeds

Life is not always easy for starseeds. Metatron and Zadkiel understand these struggles and would love to help you.

Discovering, Understanding, and Fulfilling Your Soul Purpose

There are several angels who can assist you with anything related to your soul purpose. This list of archangels includes Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Chamuel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, and/or Orion.

Section 3: Topics Related to Life

When you are seeking guidance for anything in life, rely upon Archangel Orion. He also assists you in viewing life from a different perspective which is very helpful when dealing with struggles.

When you desire to open up to new things in life, ask Archangel Haniel for assistance. 

Navigating and Solving Challenges in Life

The list of archangels for help with life’s challenges includes Uriel, Haniel, and Chamuel.

Major Transitions, Important Life Decisions, and Moving Forward in Life

There are several angels who can assist you with these areas. Archangels Michael, Azrael, Haniel, Uriel, Sandalphon, and Metatron are experts in these topics.

When you will be making big purchases or buying a new home, call upon Archangel Gabriel.

If you want to start a new career, Gabriel and Haniel will help with the entire process.

Chamuel guides you toward choosing the best path ahead when you have more than one option.

For support when you are lacking motivation, dedication, and/or direction in life, Archangel Michael is there for you. 

Building a Strong Foundation for Your Life

Having a solid foundation for your life is another area Archangel Chamuel specializes in. 

Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem

For a boost in confidence and self-esteem, you can rely on Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Raguel, and Zadkiel.

Create Positive Habits

Replacing old habits with new, positive habits is easier when you ask Archangels Raguel, Metatron, and Ariel for help.

Understanding and Learning Complex Concepts, Projects, and Tests

Whether you need to learn and understand something new for work or school, Archangels Metatron and Raziel are the best experts. They will walk you through each step at a time to help you understand it.

If you are struggling with a project, Archangel Michael shines light on solutions. And eases stress if there is an impossible deadline to meet.

For help with remembering answers during tests, Archangels Uriel and Zadkiel are there for you. 

Dream Interpretation

Archangel Gabriel assists you with interpreting your dreams.

Improving Organization, Prioritizing Tasks, and Time Management
The lists of archangels for these areas are Michael, Raguel, and Metatron.

Increased Strength and Courage

Archangels Michael, Sandalphon, and Ariel will help you gain courage and strength. While Archangel Jophiel aids you in seeing that you are a beautiful soul of light. So you can confidently and courageously shine brightly in the world.

Love, Relationship Harmony, and Friendships

The list of archangels who are experts in these areas are Raphael, Chamuel, Raguel, and Jophiel.

When you are seeking new friendships, Archangel Haniel will lead you to new friends.

For help with preventing and resolving conflicts and misunderstandings, Archangel Raguel will help.

When you need help with any form of communication, Archangel Gabriel is there to help the words flow easily and with kindness. 

Wisdom and Inspiration

Anytime you are seeking more wisdom or inspiration, you can rely upon Archangels Uriel, Raziel, and Jeremiel.

Manifesting Your Dreams, Prosperity, and Abundance

The list of archangels for these areas are Ariel, Orion, and Jeremiel. To amplify your manifesting powers, add in New Moon wishing with Archangel Haniel.

Infuse your intentions with divine white light with Archangel Ariel.

Angelic Help while Traveling

Archangels Michael and Raphael are always there to help you with traveling safely and ensuring your travels go well. Whether it is only a short trip to get groceries, or traveling across the world, ask them to team up to help you.

Learn More about Archangels

If you want to learn more about each of the archangels, check out the Archangels page.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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