What is The Law of Polarity

Law of Polarity
In order to create and experience a balanced life, it is essential to understand the Law of Polarity.

This law states that everything in life has an opposite. For example, positive and negative; masculine and feminine; light and dark.

Mastering the Law of Polarity means being balanced within opposites.

But what does this mean when you are following an ascension journey?

If the goal of ascension is to keep ascending higher and focusing more on love, how can you be balanced with the Law of Polarity?

This blog post teaches you exactly how to do that. Keep reading to learn more. 

What is The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity describes the opposites of everything so you are able to establish better balance in your life.

In order to understand this law, it is important to remember that these opposites are not absolute. They are simply relative to each other.

Everything in life can be thought of in terms of opposites. For example: happiness vs sadness, love vs hate, success vs failure, etc.

One cannot exist without the other. Together, each opposite pair makes up a whole.

For instance, examine the differences between light and darkness.

Prior to spiritual awakening, you probably had a fair amount of life experiences that seemed dark with heavy emotions.

After awakening, it is easier to experience see the light and maintain uplifted emotions.

When you can accept both sides of an opposing pair within yourself, you create balance in your life and open up to greater possibilities.

Law of Polarity Example

Experiencing the whole spectrum of emotions is what creates a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

The reason why is because you are able to accept the lower emotions within you without judging them. This allows you to view them from a higher perspective without being significantly pulled down emotionally.

Then, you are able to release the emotions that do not feel good. This aids you in more quickly returning to an uplifted state where you feel lighter, brighter, and are focused back on love.

For example, by experiencing stress, you are able to recognize and appreciate relaxation.

Because you understand these two opposites, when stress appears, you can choose to mentally take a step back away from it. Review the situation, think about the best way to respond, and then return to a more relaxed state emotionally. 

Pairs of Opposites

  • Light vs dark
  • Love vs hate
  • Doubt vs trust
  • Give vs receive
  • Forgiveness vs blame
  • Masculine vs feminine
  • Freedom vs restriction
  • Acceptance vs resistance
  • Good vs bad
  • Hot vs cold
  • Day vs night
  • External vs internal
  • High vs low
  • Left vs right
  • Fast vs slow
  • Positive vs negative
  • Powerful vs weak
  • Happiness vs sadness
  • Optimistic vs pessimistic
  • Expand vs shrink
  • Body vs soul
Being balanced means being centered within a pair of opposites. For example, with hot and cold, balance is a temperature where you feel most comfortable.

Maintaining balance within masculine and feminine energies is ideal compared to being too far one side.

When looking at acceptance and resistance, this pair shows you how to be accepting of things you cannot control. While also sticking to boundaries that are good for you. 

How to be Balanced with The Law of Polarity while Continuing to Ascend Higher

As you ascend higher and are carrying a higher energetic vibration, it is easier to feel more uplifted, joyful, and remain in a state of love.

So, how can you be balanced?

First, remember that ascension is a spiral journey where you may return to things you already thought you fully cleared. It is also a natural part of being human to experience some challenges throughout life.

Being balanced with the Law of Polarity while ascending higher means that when challenges do appear, you know how to best handle them. And, you are able to re-center within your heart and within love.

Ascension helps you to recover faster when issues arise. And ascending higher assists you in responding with forgiveness when someone is unkind or hurts you.

It also means being neutral or loving when faced with adversity. 

What Balance Means While You are Ascending

Balance is stepping out of lower emotions that have potential to keep you down, so you can return to a neutral state. This is when you recognize unwanted emotions, and take a step away to reflect upon the best way to handle them.

Additionally, staying in an energetic state where you constantly feel intense joy and bliss is not a stabilized state.

Being balanced with the Law of Polarity while ascending means that you are maintaining a state where you feel comfortable. You feel love, yet are not on an extreme high with feeling love all the time. In other words, you are balanced within love itself.

Energies are always fluctuating daily. When you are following an ascension journey, you are becoming balanced at transforming energies.

All of these things indicate that you are balanced with the Law of Polarity. 

The Universe Does Not Understand Good and Bad

Remember that the universe only responds to the types of energies that you are carrying around inside your energetic system. This includes your aura, chakras, and even your subconscious mind beliefs.

In the eyes of the universe, there is no good nor bad. Everything is just energy.

Only humans apply labels to situations, feelings, thoughts, etc.

From the human viewpoint, it is helpful to think of undesirable situations as learning experiences. In order to learn, struggles provide you with an opportunity to understand what you do not like.

So you can choose the opposite to improve your life.

This is where the Law of Polarity illustrates the opposites with a variety of things in life. It includes comprehending opposites with emotions, actions, thoughts, and more. 

Are Your Subconscious Mind Beliefs Balanced?

At the level of energy, your subconscious mind beliefs are constantly running on automatic.

To manifest more financial abundance, your beliefs must be an energetic match to this request.

You might already understand lack, but do you truly believe that wealth can be easy and achievable?

The Law of Polarity works in conjunction with the other laws of the universe including the Law of Attraction. That is why it is crucial to match your subconscious mind beliefs with your desires.

Reflect upon what areas of your life where you would like to see improvements. Examining your thoughts and feelings helps to reveal which blocks and outdated beliefs are standing in your way.

You can reprogram any outdated beliefs by using positive I Am affirmations. And, cleanse your chakras and aura to break apart energetic blocks. 

How to Master The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity is one of the easiest laws of the universe to understand.

One of the benefits of understanding opposites is that you are able to know what you want and do not want in life.

When you are experiencing anything you dislike, focus on returning to the opposite. This aids you in shifting your mindset to uncover a new perspective.

Once you understand what creates balance, you can recognize the positives and negatives in every situation. And, return to a balanced state while continuing to ascend higher.

Click here to learn about more Laws of The Universe.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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