Energy Healing Online Q&A

Energy Healing Online
Energy healing online is growing in popularity as people learn about the benefits. But what is energy healing, and how does it work?

In this channeled Q&A session, Orion and several archangels provide you with answers to the most common questions.

If you’re curious about energy healing online, and how it can help you, this post is for you. 

Energy Healing Online Q&A with Orion and Several Archangels

Greetings Dear One. We join you today to answer your questions about energy healing online.

First, we will provide you with some information about you as a soul of light. By understanding this part first, then it is easier to see how and why energy healing is effective. 

Why Does Energy Healing Work?

Energy healing online is effective because you are a soul of light in human form. As a soul, you are pure energy.

When your soul began its existence it was made from pure divine unconditional love. This love comes from source light, the source that created everything.

It is your natural state to be aligned with the energetic vibration of love. When you are energetically aligned with love you vibrate at a faster rate. And you feel better and experience more vitality, peace, joy, and bliss within your life.

The benefits of removing energetic blocks also overflows into your human life experiences to improve your life. 

Where do Energetic Blocks form?

Being in human form means you can carry around heavy energies. Specifically within your chakras and aura.

If dense energies move from your aura and chakras into your meridian system, this is when health issues may appear.

Energy healing online works because archangels lead the process. They remove the energetic blockages that are causing various issues, so you start feeling better.

By slowly and gently removing the dense energies, it opens up your natural flow of energy to return to a natural state. This is when optimal vitality and optimal health are found.

Imagine dense energies as little pebbles or rocks that accumulate within your energetic system. They do not feel good. They weigh you down, and can cause major issues over time if they accumulate within you.

Archangels Know and Understand Your Energy System in All Ways

Energy healing online works because archangels know you better than what any other human could ever know you.

This is only one reason why energy healing online is so effective. It is because archangels know exactly where your blocks are located.

They also know which blocks are ready to be removed from you, and they know which ones are specifically tied to your soul lessons for this lifetime.

Those that are attached to soul lessons are more difficult to remove. Because it first involves you understanding and recognizing the soul lesson. So you can see why it played a role in your life in the way that it did. 
You Can Request to Learn Soul Lessons in a Different Way
Do you feel that you are struggling too much with the same recurring challenge? If yes, you may request to learn the soul lesson in a different way and angels will make that happen.

It is also helpful to request that the angels point out very clearly what your soul lessons are. So you can recognize them and move forward after you have learned them.

When you have learned a soul lesson, then the angels are allowed to fully remove it. 

How Does Energy Healing Online Work?

Energy healing online works because of how archangels deliver your healing energies. They move them through Brenda's energy healing orb and into you.

Archangels start by diving deep into your energetic system to locate energetic blocks.

These heavy rocks or pebbles of dense energy are first broken up into smaller pieces. Then they are gently removed from your energetic system. This is a process that will take some time.

However, from your human standpoint may appear to be quick improvements sometimes. It is all based upon how much you have already cleared, the depths of the blockage, and how much there is to remove.

The final steps are repairing any damage from the heavy energies, and filing you back up with love and light.

The benefits you receive from energy healing online are lasting improvements. 

What Happens with Deep Layers of Dense Energies?

Once archangels clear an energetic block, or one layer of a large block, the results are permanent.

If anything seems to reappear, it indicates that only one layer was able to be removed. Therefore, the remaining layers can only be removed when the timing is right. You will know that another layer is ready for release because the past issue will reappear.

An example is with past life traumas that you are intended to heal from during this lifetime. These may be several layers deep.

Once healing and clearing has begun, each time the issue appears, it will not be the same as before. It will become easier and easier thanks to the angels already having removed one or more layers.

As each layer is removed, you will see continuing progress and start feeling better and better. 

Layers of Energies are Similar to Layers of an Onion

You may even begin to think that the issue is completely gone, and it could feel like it is gone for a long time, perhaps for several months. Then, the next layer will appear.

Imagine these layers like an onion with its many layers. Each layer of dense energy that is removed is like peeling one layer of the onion at a time.

By the time you get to the center of the onion, all that remains is a tiny piece of the dense energy. When that is gone, then it is fully resolved. And it becomes a permanent part of your past. 

What do You Need to do for Energy Healing Online?

There is nothing special that you need to do to receive energy healing, other than to be open to receiving it.

Sometimes a person will have a hidden block related to receiving healing. When this happens, archangels first help remove the block related to receiving healing. 

Gently Stirring up Energies

When you are receiving energy healing, your entire mind, body, and spirit go through a significant, yet gentle workout.

All the energies moving around have potential to make you tired. This is why the archangels only do the deeper energetic work when you are sleeping.

While these changes are positive, be sure to take extra good care of yourself. This includes drinking plenty of water and resting when you need to. 

How do Archangels Work on Your Mind, Body, and Spirit?

They begin to work on your energetic system right away when you ask for help. And continue working on you for as long as is needed.

Archangels always provide you with the full amount of energy healing that your system can handle each day.

They carefully monitor your human system so that you receive the perfect amount daily. Not too much; not too little. Only exactly what you can handle in each present moment. 

What Can You do to Support Your Energy Healing Journey? 

Every day, cleanse your energy with a waterfall of white source light flowing through your chakras and aura.

We recommend cleansing your energy for at least five minutes, uninterrupted, each day.

Invite angels to help you whether it is your guardian angel, Archangel Michael, or another angel. This ensures optimal results each time. Plus, the angels will continue working even if you fall asleep.

Doing this at the end of the day is a great way to remove any heavy energies in your aura that you picked up from others during the day. Although, the exact time you do this does not matter.

Consistency is what is important. 

Why Does Arcfusion Energy Healing Work so Well?

Arcfusion Energy Healing is a merging of the most beneficial healing energies available from the universe.

These include unconditional love from source along with golden healing light.

Plus, a multitude of colorful lights from the full spectrum of the rainbow. These colors provide you with the unique and perfect combination of energies that you need most.

Arcfusion also contains sacred geometry including Metatron's Cube.

This is a beautiful and special gift from the universe for you. 
Thank you, Orion and Archangels for this information about energy healing online. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Experience Arcfusion for Yourself

Receive the perfect formula of healing energies that you need right now with Arcfusion Energy Healing.

You also receive ongoing healing energies for 30 days. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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