How to Live Your Life without Regrets

Raise Your Habitual Vibration
Are you tired of regretting things you missed out on, or did not do in the past? There is a way to live your life without regrets especially with angelic assistance.

If you’re ready to start living your life to the fullest, then keep reading. In this post, the angels share some tips for living your life without regrets.

Let's get started with this channeled angel message. 

How to Live Your Life without Regrets 

Greetings beloved soul, from Archangel Uriel. As you travel along your journey through life, it is easy to lose focus of the big picture.

Getting caught up in the busyness of daily life can keep you on the same track for years or decades.

However, you always have the free will to change directions at any time. And the best part is that you can begin internally without needing to commit to any big external changes in your life.

How do you do this?

Start by modifying your perspective and maintaining awareness. These are helpful tools for your ascension journey because they identify what requires your attention. These include feelings, patterns, and outdated beliefs.

When you are aware of what is causing you to not fully enjoy life, you have the power to make changes. Then, you can truly begin to live your life without regrets. 

What Held You Back in The Past?

Reflecting upon the past in a non-judgmental way can be a very helpful way to recognize patterns.

Think about a time when you wanted to do something, but decided not to. What was your reasoning behind why you did not take action?

It could be with anything big or small. Such as not attending a gathering, or choosing not to finish college.

Remember that your past decisions and the reasoning behind them were valid at that point in your life. It does not mean your decision was wrong or right. 
Be at peace with the past while using it as a guide and motivator to start creating your dream life in the present.

Start Living Life to The Fullest

Exactly what is your definition of living life to the fullest? Knowing the answer helps you live your life without regrets and live a more fulfilling life.

This should be based on what brings you joy and makes you feel wonderful. It is fine to get ideas from other people, but take a moment to formulate your own definition.

Do you find joy in spending time in nature regularly, playing with your kids, or doing yoga?

How often do you desire to do your favorite activities, and how much time would you like to spend with loved ones? Write it down, then schedule it at least once a week. 

Are You Overloaded?

As you modify your daily schedule, you can open up more time for doing things you enjoy.

Free up time by not being on social media as often. Or, by asking family members to help you with daily chores.

It is also important to recognize if your entire life is overloaded with too many things to do. If you do not have enough hours in one day to get everything done, it is a sign that you need to make changes.

Continuing to live with too much stress and being overwhelmed is unhealthy. And easily leads to having regrets later in life.

Ask the angels to guide you and bring you clarity about the best ways to make changes. If you need to release something such as a second job, allow the angels to lead you. 

Ways to Live Your Life without Regrets

  • Do activities you enjoy on a regular basis
  • Take a leap of faith by doing things out of your comfort zone
  • Work with angels to receive guidance when making important decisions
  • Let go of beliefs, patterns, and people that are no longer serving you
  • Recognize when it is time to let something go that is not working anymore
  • Do not allow the opinions of others to bring you down
  • Live your own life; not the life someone else chooses for you
  • Make a plan for your future
  • Take steps to achieve your dreams
  • Feel gratitude daily
  • Embrace your uniqueness
  • Spend time with people who uplift, inspire, and support you
  • Remember the importance of filling up your own cup first
  • Love yourself more and more
  • Live life to the fullest based on your own definition of what that means to you

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

It can be easy to become comfortable in your current circumstances so much that it becomes challenging to make big changes.

Even if you are unhappy, the unhappiness is something that you are presently attached to and relate to. Release it with help from the angels.

Going after your dreams often requires stepping out of your comfort zone. The reason why is because dreams sometimes feel bigger than what you can accomplish.

A dream represents something new and amazing. And accomplishing your dreams indicates that you are living your dream life. You deserve it! Follow your biggest dreams.

Remember that you are unlimited. And you can shine the unlimitedness of your soul brightly into your human life experiences.

How you do this varies based on your dreams. However, it often means illuminating your dreams with your love and passion for them. 

Are You Ready to Live Your Life without Regrets?

One sign from the angels that they are ready to help you step out of your comfort zone is when you see angel number 1212.

Do not allow fears of the unknown nor limited beliefs to hold you back.

This is your life, and only you can decide what your dream life looks like. No one else has the right to define that for you. Reclaim your power if it was given away in the past.

Then, lean on the angels while trusting that you are supported in achieving your biggest dreams.

The route to your destination may not be what you imagine it to look like. However, it is reaching your destination that is the most important. 

Make Your Life Fulfilling Right Now

Succeeding at your big dreams always takes time. But that does not mean you have to wait around to start living your life without regrets.

There is no better time to begin than immediately.

Identify at least one thing on the following list that you can do more of starting today. Then, stay in the flow by adding on more and more items. 

Ways to Make Life Feel More Fulfilling

  • Remember that happiness is only found within you; not externally
  • Be thankful for what you already have
  • Do a random act of kindness
  • Write down your dreams and the steps needed to achieve them
  • Prioritize self care daily
  • Shine your inner light confidently in the world by sharing your passions
  • Be forgiving and understanding of yourself when you make a mistake
  • Laugh more
  • Do something fun for yourself
  • Express your creativity in ways that bring you joy
  • Live in the present moment; not in the past nor the future
  • Stop the ego mind when it starts to get loud (ask Archangel Michael for help)
  • Maintain positive thoughts

Create More Special Moments Everyday

When people are near the end of a lifetime, their only regrets are often the risks they did not take. And the things they did not do. Learn from this wisdom by making each day as special as possible.

In the end, what matters most are the life experiences that you had. Not how much money was in your bank account, nor how much you worked.

How you make other people feel is what they will remember most about you.

Living your life without regrets means creating and cherishing everyday memories.

Going on trips creates memories. However, the largest quantity of special memories are the little moments.

Accumulate an abundance of moments by laughing more, feeling love more deeply, and going out of your way to uplift someone else. It is these types of meaningful memories that fill your life with more love, joy, and bliss. 

Start Your New Life Immediately

Use this moment right now as your new starting point. Choose to live your life without regrets by taking steps daily to co-create your dream life with the universe.

You are meant to shine brightly by confidently sharing your unique gifts with the world. And through doing this, you are living your life to the fullest, plus living your life without regrets.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we send you blessings of hope, inspiration, encouragement, and wisdom. 
Thank you, Archangel Uriel for this wise and inspirational message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Remove What is Holding You Back

You do not have to continue struggling with the same issues. There is an easy way to get powerful archangelic assistance for removing the root causes of your struggles.

Get Arcfusion Energy Healing today for your recurring struggles so you can start living a more fulfilling life. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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