What is The Law of Cause and Effect

Arcfusion Energy Healing
The seventh universal law is the Law of Cause and Effect. It’s also called the Law of Karma.

Exactly what is the Law of Cause and Effect, and how does it affect your life?

This law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In simpler terms, you get back what you put in.

In this blog post, learn about the Law of Cause and Effect, and how you can begin to master it in your life.

What is The Law of Cause and Effect (also called The Law of Karma)

The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action you make, it causes an equal reaction that matches your original action. This goes beyond actions to include your thoughts and intentions too.

For example, if you wait to hold a door open for someone, the universe must match your kindness. Therefore, you can expect the same kind act in return at a later date.

If someone intentionally lets a door slam in front of you, then that person will have the same happen to them later. This applies only when the person clearly knows that you were coming.

This law is at work all the time, whether you are aware of it or not. It governs your relationships, health, finances, and every other area of life. In order to create a life you love, it’s important to understand and apply this law. 

What Have You Created?

If you’re unhappy with the type of life you have created, you can begin to change it around.

As a lightworker, remember that not all of the unwanted things you are attracting are coming from your past actions. You have inherited a significant amount of patterns from your ancestors.

These will continue to play out in your life until you transmute the energies from those specific patterns.

What is important, is that you take responsibility over the types of energies within your own energetic system. Plus, the energies attached to belief patterns.

Use your feelings as a guide because your feelings always expose the truth to you.

Every day, monitor your thoughts, feelings, and patterns. Then, take action to clear everything that you dislike. 

Understanding The Role of Karma

There is a common misconception that karma is either good or bad. However, these terms are only helpful in determining the types of energies attached to past actions.

From the perspective of the universe, karma is neither good nor bad.

The reason why is because the universe views human life experiences as opportunities for people to learn and grow. You came here to Earth not to be perfect.

However, you are here to strive toward becoming the best version of yourself while learning.

Unbalanced karma only means one of two things. Either you have something to learn, or you are owed for your positive past actions.

Understanding karma is easy. It means that your intentions and actions have consequences if you view them as bad. Or if you view them as good, then you can expect more good things to come back into your life. 

What Types of Energetic Signals are You Sending Out?

Everything is energy including humans, your thoughts, and your feelings. Each action and the intentions behind them, have their own unique energetic vibration.

Every time you have a thought or do an action, you are automatically sending out an energetic signal to the universe saying to bring you more of the same.

Can you see how easy it is to get trapped into a pattern of negativity? Or, continuing to attract the same struggles?

If you express gratitude often, including for little things, expect the universe to send you more things to be grateful for. 

You are Always Manifesting

The universe can only work within your unique set of energies by bringing you that what matches your energy. Specifically, the energetic vibrations of your words, intentions, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Plus, the types of energies stored within your chakras and aura.

Another way to view it is that you are constantly in the flow of manifesting.

The term 'manifesting' is often referred to as wishing to obtain something you currently do not have. However, you are always manifesting in all areas of your life.

If you dislike anything, you have complete control to transmute the unwanted energies. And you have the power to modify the present moment to keep aiming toward the exact type of life you wish to create.

It all begins at the energetic level.

Benefits of Understanding The Law of Cause and Effect

What is the main benefit of understanding how this law works? Being able to recognize how you are directly playing a role in creating your life experiences.

Through understanding your energies in a non-judgmental way, you open yourself up to see what needs to change. Then, you can make adjustments that align you with the life you desire.

Understanding this law also helps with how you interpret your challenges. And, determines the ease and speed at which you learn from them so you can move forward in life.

Start taking steps today toward your new life by making the decision to modify the actions, thoughts, and words you dislike.

You always have free will to choose how to respond. And, the freedom to choose what to create more of within your life. Infuse the things you dislike with love and light, and ask the angels for help if desired. 

Benefits of Mastering the Law of Karma

  • Identifying when your mind is moving toward negative thoughts so you can stop it from pulling you down
  • Seeing how every thought, word, intention, and action will return the same to you
  • Recognizing how negative people have potential to affect you
  • Making better decisions that align you with your dream life
  • Improve your entire life by transmuting the energies you dislike 

How to Master The Law of Cause and Effect

Be patient and non-judgmental toward yourself when you are learning this law of the universe.

When faced with an unkind person, it helps to remind yourself that the person is behaving that way due to their own inner fears and hurts. Also, remember that you do not know the full extent of what that person is going through in their own life.

Monitor every word and action you make while reflecting upon how you might affect other people. Doing this helps you make better choices.

Your actions, thoughts, and words also contribute to how you are influencing your vibration. Each choice you make has potential to increase or decrease your energetic vibration. Choose wisely for yourself, and forgive yourself each time you make a mistake. 

Pause to Apply Awareness of the Situation

It helps significantly to take a brief moment to pause before each reaction. Ask yourself what the best way to respond is, especially during stressful situations.

The answer may be as simple as remaining silent and walking away. Or, by saying as few words as possible in a neutral tone of voice.

Practicing awareness on a daily basis helps you reflect upon where you need to make improvements. And, it assists you in seeing where you are already doing very well.

Awareness is also how you notice which types of energies are within you that need to be transmuted. 

Resources to Start The Journey to Your New Life

Doing nothing means continuing to attract the same types of experiences over and over again. Stop the outdated patterns, and start making little improvements one tiny step at a time.

No one can do the work for you. However, the angels can assist in the process when you are aware of what needs to be transformed.

Click here for a blog post to learn about maintaining awareness.

Get a free download to cleanse unwanted energies in this blog post.

Schedule your Angel Energy Healing session. A distance session deeply cleanses your energetic system and removes outdated beliefs.

Get Arcfusion Energy Healing to assist with removing specific blocks.

Click here to learn about more Laws of The Universe.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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