Channeled Message about Feeling Free

Feeling Free
We all know life can throw some challenges our way. They can be struggles such as physical ailments, financial problems, or relationship difficulties.

It can be easy to become overwhelmed or consumed with feeling down for extended amounts of time. But it doesn't have to be that way.

No matter what the challenge is, you do not have to constantly feel down while working through it. You can begin feeling free.

One of the best ways to get yourself into a better state is by freeing yourself internally. You can do this by letting go of negative thoughts and emotions at the energetic level. And by filling your mind with positive thoughts.

When you do this, you'll find that you're able to approach your challenges from a much stronger and more hopeful place. And that is when you'll start to feel free from their energetic weights. 

Channeled Message about Feeling Free

Greetings from Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Uriel. We combine our areas of expertise to bring you a message today about how freedom begins internally. What makes you feel free?

Oftentimes people describe feeling free as how their life will be after certain things happen.

For example, a person may assume that freedom will be felt when they are able to move to a different physical location. However, this will not necessarily happen.

Feelings of being free always begin at the energetic level within you. If your energetic system is carrying around heavy energies, they will continue to weigh you down in life. 

The Universe Provides You with Learning Experiences

External circumstances and experiences are ways for you to recognize your energetic blocks. So you have the opportunity to properly clear them away. When these energetic blocks are removed, they free you both within and in your external life.

Monitor the types of challenging experiences along with the types of people and situations in your external life. All of these are a direct reflection of the types of energies and belief patterns that you are carrying around within you.

If there is anything that you dislike, especially if it is an ongoing challenge, you have the freedom to remove the root cause of the challenge.

When these energies are gone, it opens you up to feel lighter, freer, and brighter. 

Root Causes of Blocks

The causes of energetic blockages are often based in one of several areas.

There may be a past life issue causing the struggle. It could be a trauma from this lifetime. Or a subconscious mind belief that was given to you by others. There could also be a pattern based on your ancestral lineage.

Examine these areas first along with clearing them and healing them. 

Archangelic Help for Soul Lessons

If the struggle continues, then it is a sign that you have a soul lesson attached to that area.

When this is the case, the soul lesson must first be learned before you can fully clear away the energetic block causing the challenge. Soul lessons are easier to learn, and move on from, with help from angels.

When you are ready to begin working on your soul lessons, call upon Archangel Chamuel or Archangel Raziel for assistance.

Specifically ask to be shown where you have a soul lesson. And make it clear that you want to fully understand this soul lesson.

For it is through understanding and seeing how and why this soul lesson occurred in your life that you are able to learn from it. Then, you can move forward without it being a challenge anymore. 

Connecting to White Light Starts Freeing You

Feeling free always begins internally with your energy.

Even if you are new on your ascension journey, and are carrying around a significant amount of dense energies, you can still start feeling free.

Do this by focusing within your heart. Then flow a waterfall of white light through your aura and through all of your chakras. After that, ground your energy to the center of the Earth.

For when you ground, you are able to ascend higher. 

Lift Higher with Angels into Source Light

Next, ask your guardian angel to lift you up higher.

Imagine extending your hand outward to hold the hand of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel will gently lift you higher and higher.

Keep floating upward through the sky, into space, and beyond the stars where you find the Great Central Sun.

This source light, and is where you were created as a soul of light.

Enter into this bright light; the brightest white light that you can imagine.

Dance among this loving light. Feel how you are one with this light. For you are not separate from this light because you are an aspect of source light.

Enjoy feeling freer and feeling the unconditional love from source.

When you are ready, take the hand of your guardian angel again to be gently brought back down into your physical body. 

Escape into Your Soul

Beautiful soul of light, you are inhabiting a human body for experiences that help your soul to learn and advance.

Yes you are human. However, you are not separate from your soul. Your soul is who you really are; the infinite part of you that lives on for eternity.

The center of your soul is located within your heart. Open your heart to enter into the depths of your soul. Feel this love that you are.

Within this light, you can escape from the stresses and challenges of daily life that are weighing you down. 

Feeling Free within Your Heart Light

Anytime you desire, enter into your heart space for a moment of freedom. This is where you can refresh your mind, body, and spirit with your own love and light contained within your soul.

Imagine the spark of light within your heart growing bigger and brighter. And expanding outward to encompass your entire physical body and your entire aura.

You may even choose to extend this light further into your home. Or across the entire Earth to spread ripples of love and light to all of humanity across the Earth. 

Feeling Free Always Begins within You

Make the choice to feel freer by expanding your consciousness, quieting your ego, and opening up your heart. From this place within your heart, ascend higher with angels leading the way.

Anytime you feel restricted or overwhelmed in life, return to the love and light within you. Or, lift upward into source light while angels uplift you and rejuvenate you.

We love you. And we send you blessings of freedom, bliss, and joy. 
Thank you to Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

How to Cleanse Your Energy

Click here to learn more about energy cleansing and to download a free chakra cleanse. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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