Transforming Energy on Your Ascension Journey

Transforming Energy
Are you striving to ascend and raise your vibration, but feel like something is blocking your progress?

If so, this post will provide you with solutions in addition to giving you a better understanding about transforming energies. 

Terminology Related to Transforming Energy

When following an ascension journey, it is common to hear terms and phrases such as releasing heavy energies. And, clearing away, removing, or transmuting energies.

However, what is happening at the energetic level is that you are actually transforming energies. The reason why is because energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed.

However, feel free to keep using terms and phrases such as releasing or removing heavy energies. These terminology options give you variety in life.

Transforming energy into something positive can be an easy process. Especially when you combine the follow tools with angelic assistance.

Channeled Message about Transforming Energy to Ascend Higher

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Raphael. As you travel throughout your ascension journey there will be times when you go through a transformational phase.

The key to thriving during transitional phases is by knowing how to transform energies that are not serving you.

These transformational phases often occur when energies that are no longer serving you are appearing. It means you are ready for healing, release, and resolution of past issues.

During these times, be sure to focus extra time on self care and self-love. This is meant to be a time to heal and recognize what is holding you, so you can transform your life. 

Monitor Your Thoughts and Feelings

Anytime you feel triggered, sad, or unhappy, take a moment to notice why.

Is there a certain person who triggered you?

Are you dealing with a recurring pattern?

What are your exact thoughts and feelings within the present moment?

Your feelings always expose the truth to you about the types of energies within you. Please remember to remain non-judgmental toward your thoughts and feelings. They are just energies, and are not who you truly are as a beautiful soul of light.

However, it is important that you take actions to remove the unwanted thoughts and feelings. Otherwise they will continue to hold you back in life. 

Common Examples of Energetic Blocks

Once you are aware of your energetic blockages, then you can begin the process of transforming those specific energies.

Common examples include rejection, not feeling good enough, or not valuing yourself. Also, past traumatic experiences and deeply buried hurts that you may have been carrying around for decades.

When these things are ready to be healed from, they tend to almost always cause intense emotions. Feelings of sadness, hurt, or anger may arise.

Allowing these feelings to flow through you is how you ensure they do not get buried again. 

How to Transform Energies

Crying is one method for transforming energy because crying is incredibly healing. Allow tears to flow when needed.

Another method is through breathwork. Inhale white light and exhale all the feelings that do not feel good.

Be sure to only exhale the unwanted emotions into a bubble in a corner of a room. Then, imagine popping the bubble to break up and disperse the heavy energies.

Aiming your breath away from you helps prevent your aura from getting congested with the energies that you are releasing.

Continue taking deep breaths, blowing bubbles, and popping each bubble until you feel better.

Always finish by filling yourself back up with white light. If desired, ask the angels to help you. This process is how you are transforming energy. 

Energetic Blocks in Chakras and Your Subconscious Mind

When working on blockages, you may need to focus cleansing and healing within one or two particular chakras. Flowing white light into the chakra with help from angels is a wonderful way to begin. However, be patient because chakra work is a process, not a one time activity.

You may also need to reprogram your subconscious mind from an outdated belief that is no longer serving you.

Do this by using positive affirmations that are the opposite of the outdated belief. Positive affirmations should be completed daily until you feel a shift.

When you notice that you are free from the outdated belief that is when you know your subconscious mind has been reprogrammed. 

How to Receive Powerful Archangelic Help

Sometimes transforming energy attached to the past can feel like a big challenge. To aid you in the healing process, we suggest Angel Energy Healing.

It is a powerful energy healing modality where you are connected to a specialized team of archangels and ascended masters. They carefully work on your entire energetic system while removing heavy energies.

The angels also fill up your mind, body, and spirit with new divine light. The reason why this is important is because you want any gaps within your energetic system to be filled in immediately. The new light also prevents detoxification symptoms. 

Angels Carefully Remove Deep Layers of Unwanted Energy

When dealing with multiple layers of the same type of dense energy, not all the layers can be removed at one time. They must come off only one layer at a time. The reason why is because your physical body would be shocked by sudden drastic changes in your energy body.

This is why angels are the best trusted resource for removing deeply buried layers. The angels know you better than any human could ever know you. And, they take care of you in a gentle way without causing any harm. Additionally, the angels leave you feeling uplifted. 

Transform Your Life into a Beautiful New Beginning

Times of great transformations on your ascension journey are often followed by new beginnings.

It is similar to a caterpillar who has spent time in a cocoon healing and transforming. When the transformation phase is over, you open up like a beautiful butterfly taking flight into a new chapter in your life.

It is a new beginning where you are energetically vibrating at a higher level. This is also a time where you are free to leap forward toward achieving your biggest dreams and goals. 

Benefit from Energy Healing

Energy healing modalities are becoming more common. It is because of their convenience, effectiveness, and amazing track record. Energy healing also helps people improve their lives.

Angel Energy Healing is the optimal energy healing modality that offers countless benefits. One distance session covers everything for your entire energetic system. Plus, the angels address all your needs for your mind, body, and spirit.

Angel Energy Healing is also a wonderful way to support you on your ascension journey. It can provide you with a boost in feeling better, lighter, and rejuvenated on all levels anytime.

We encourage you to try a session to connect with us plus many more powerful healing angels.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we send you blessings of love and light. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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