How to Handle a Powerful Astrological Event

Astrological Events
Powerful astrological events always shift things on a global scale. And, they tend to stir up feelings and emotions which can feel intense. Or, even make you feel as if you’re moving backward instead of forward.

Anytime there is a powerful astrological event, it can be a time of great transformation and growth. How much you transform depends upon several factors.

The angels provide you with guidance in this blog post. Apply this guidance anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed or extremely challenged. 

Channeled Message for Navigating Any Powerful Astrological Event

Greetings from Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua. Plus, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Raphael. We assemble as a team today to bring you guidance for navigating any astrological event.

Powerful astrological events include planets in retrograde, full moon energies, or solar flares. Additionally, heightened energetic times during eclipses, solstices, and equinoxes.

This guidance is also beneficial to apply anytime during your ascension journey when intensity is affecting you.

The most important thing to remember when the energies are intense is to prioritize self care. It is extra important to take the time needed daily to provide your mind, body, and spirit with what they need the most. 

Healing Benefits of Nature

Before we dive into each of these areas, we suggest also finding time at least once a week to get out into nature. Spending time in nature is healing, soothing, and refreshing for your mind, body, and spirit as a whole.

Whether you choose to go for a walk or simply sit outside, nature will refresh you. And, uplift you in the way that you need it most within the present moment. 

Each Astrological Event Reveals Patterns to Resolve 

When you are navigating through an intense astrological event, your mind may start to relive past hurts. These come up for healing and release.

This is also when outdated patterns will be shown to you, so you have the opportunity to change any destructive patterns from the past.

Remember to remain detached from the types of energies within your system. And, the patterns that you picked up from other people especially when you are a young child. 

Subconscious Mind Beliefs Exposed During Astrological Events

When faced with intense emotions or beliefs that you recognize as holding you back in life, remember these are not who you are. These are just energies that you have the power to modify. You can transmute these to improve your life. This includes removing patterns that have roots within your subconscious mind.

This is why it is important to maintain mindfulness in a non-judgmental way so you know exactly what to work on. Using positive affirmations is how you reprogram your subconscious mind. Be sure to use affirmations that are the opposite of your outdated beliefs.

Also, remove the energies associated with outdated beliefs by working with Archangel Raphael. Let him know that you are aware of the exact types of beliefs that are blocking you, and that you are now ready to release them. 

Sever Etheric Cords with Angels

The next step is to cut etheric cords attached to outdated beliefs and past hurts. These cords may also be attached to other people or past lives.

Request that Archangels Michael and Raphael pull at all these cords, sever them, and remove the roots and cords from you. Then, bathe in a waterfall of white light. Allow the light to rinse away any remaining debris, and to fill yourself back up with new light and more love.

Finally, end by asking Archangel Raphael to heal you from the cords. This gives him permission to repair the holes and tears in your aura so you are not leaking any of your precious energy. 

Download Love Daily When Dealing with A Powerful Astrological Event

During any intense astrological event, take a moment to download more divine love. The process begins by connecting to source light with your central column of light.

Remember that your central column of light flows through all your chakras, merging them together as one light. And this light reaches all the way down to the center of Gaia along with extending all the way up to source light.

Close your eyes, state that you are connected to source light, and it will happen. Then, say “download divine unconditional love” to make it happen.

If desired, you can also ask to download other high vibrational energies into you. Ideas include peace, joy, confidence, inspiration, oneness, gratitude, and excitement for living life. 

Request Angelic Guidance

Every morning connect to your guardian angel to ask for something. This is a great way to begin opening up the connection so you feel the angels more strongly. And are able to communicate both ways with all angels.

Ask to intuitively know what the energy of the day contains for you. Or, ask for a step to take toward manifesting something you desire or achieving a goal. You could also ask to see an angel number or specific sign from the angels.

Another idea is to write down each angel number on a piece of paper. Then, cut apart each angel number, and then mix up the pieces of paper. Ask your guardian angel to help you pick one piece of paper that contains the angel number that you need most right now. 

Keep Returning to Positivity

It can be challenging to maintain positivity when experiencing a powerful astrological event. After you have allowed any intense feelings to flow through you, then return to a mindset of positivity.

Use breathwork to remove unwanted feelings. Combine this with other spiritual activities such as meditating to feel better. Then, do something to uplift yourself again.

What brings you joy?
Is there something specific that always makes you laugh?
What activities that always uplift you?

Write down answers to these questions if needed to remind yourself later of the options you have to uplift yourself. 

Enhancing Self-Love Increases Your Overall Vibration

One aspect of self care is to continue deepening your self-love. Loving yourself as much as you can helps your inner child feel loved, and increases your vibration.

When your overall vibration is high, it becomes easier to manifest with the Law of Attraction. This is why it is important to maintain positivity, follow the Law of Divine Oneness, and prioritize self care daily.

We say overall vibration because your energy fluctuates several times daily. When you feel tired, stressed, or fearful, your vibration naturally lowers temporarily. Anytime you are meditating or doing a joyful activity, it causes your vibration to spike.

As you ascend higher, remember to be crystal clear about your intentions, goals, and dreams. When the universe knows exactly what you desire, it can bring it to you. 

Make a Choice to Stop Struggling

Intense energies from astrological events or from personal issues can feel very challenging. However, you have support available from the entire angelic realm anytime. All that is needed is one request from you to give angels permission to step into your life to assist you.

Life’s struggles do not have to last long-term nor cause extreme suffering for too long. If struggles are ongoing, dive deep to discover the exact energetic reasons why.

Then, work with archangels to resolve those issues. In this energetic world that you live in, you have full control to transform energies within you to improve your life. 

Angelic Support for Every Powerful Astrological Event

We are always here to provide you with love, comfort, guidance, support, and inspiration.

Ascension is a spiral journey where astrological events can bring up undesirable things from the past. When this happens, it is due to deeper layers coming up for release. Reclaim your power over those unwanted energies, remove them from you, and return to a state of positivity.

We leave you with a waterfall of golden light that flows down into you and all around you. Feel the love, cleansing, and healing that this golden light is offering you. Stay in this waterfall of golden light for as long as you desire. We love you. 
Thank you to all the archangels and ascended masters who provided these messages. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Do You Need an Extra Boost?

If you've been struggling, sometimes a little extra boost can help improve everything. Receive personalized help for your journey anytime through an energy healing session. 

A distance Angel Energy Healing session can remove stuck energies. It's also a great way to discover and begin removing recurring struggles. These are only two of many benefits that one Angel Energy Healing session offers. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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