The Law of Divine Oneness

Law of Divine Oneness
In order to master the Law of Divine Oneness, you must first understand what it is and how it works. This law states that we are all one by being connected to and part of the same source.

When you understand and embrace this law, it’s easier to see the world around you from an entirely new perspective.

We are all made of the same light, and are here to serve a unique purpose. In this blog post, the angels help you begin to realize that we are not separate from others, but rather, we are all part of one big whole.

Here is how you can begin to master the Law of Divine Oneness.

Channeled Message about How to Master The Law of Divine Oneness

Greetings from Archangels Raphael, Sandalphon, and Gabriel.

Dearest beloved souls of light, the Law of Divine Oneness is rather easy to understand yet is the most challenging to master. The reason why is because it needs to be completely incorporated into all areas of your life.

Becoming proficient with the Law of Divine Oneness takes more time than other laws of the universe. Be patient with yourself while mastering this first law of the universe. 

Order of The Laws of The Universe

There are some sources that recommend only learning the laws of the universe in order starting with number one and finishing with number 12. This is not necessary to do.

However, we do recommend that you understand what each law of the universe is in order. Go through each one until you fully understand the concept of it. And, take a moment when you are going through each one to make a plan about how you can start adding that law of the universe into your life.

This will assist you in being able to work on two or three laws of the universe simultaneously. 

You are a Unique Ray of Source Light

The concept of oneness teaches that we are all connected to one main source of light. As an infinite soul of light, you originated from source light.

You are like an individual ray shining down from this one, massive bright light. Think of source light as the sun. There are illustrations of the sun that show a round ball of light with streams of light extending outward in all directions. One of these rays represents you.

Express your unique energetic signature and embrace the beautiful characteristics that make up who you are. This is how you uplift more of the human collective consciousness into oneness by understanding and applying it into your own life. 

Why Oneness Takes Longer to Integrate

Mastering the Law of Divine Oneness requires more time than other laws of the universe. This is because in human form you are constantly dealing with a variety of high and low energies from other people on a daily basis.

Additionally, you have your own set of soul lessons and challenges that can make integrating oneness more challenging. When you ascended higher, then it is easier to live in oneness. 

Your Every Word and Action Impacts All of Humanity

To help you master the Law of Divine Oneness, recognize how every thought, spoken word, and action that you take is affecting other people.

You are part of the human collective consciousness. And you are continuously contributing to the types of energies radiating beyond you. When energies are strong enough, they have a profound effect on the collective.

Whether the impact is positive or negative depends on what each person chooses to flow toward others in the form of words and actions. 

The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

We recommend starting to master the Law of Divine Oneness by seeing where you can be more kind, compassionate, understanding.

What one action can you take daily to spread kindness in the world? Make it an enjoyable habit.

Engaging in a random act of kindness sends out an energetic ripple of love, kindness, and oneness to the person receiving it. Additionally, it touches the lives of more people who see or hear about your kindness. 

Groups are Extra Powerful Influencers

When a group of people join together, the ripple effect is extra powerful and affects more people. The group's similar thoughts, feelings, and intentions have the power to create miracles.

An example is a group of people joining together to spread love and kindness within the world. This could be through volunteering or by joining together to send prayers of peace and healing.

It does not have to be an extensive prayer either. It can be as simple as requesting that angels help people in a certain part of the world. Or, to bring peace and harmony into a situation where there is tension and arguing. 

Spread Love and Light Everywhere

Integrating the true meaning of oneness is first achieved through removing separation. And, by extending love toward people who cross your pathway.

One way to accomplish this is through acts of love, kindness, and compassion on a daily basis, especially in public places. If you notice a person who looks sad or troubled, silently send angels to help that person.

Simply think in your mind: “Archangel Michael, please send that person a blessing of love, light, and healing. Thank you.”

This gives angels permission to assist the other person. 

Oneness is The Foundation for All Laws of The Universe

The Law of Divine Oneness is the most important law of the universe.

It is easy to see how oneness works through one unified source of light, and how we are all connected. The challenging part is mastering oneness in a way where you automatically apply it in your life. Especially through sending love, light, kindness, compassion, and understanding toward others.

Becoming a master of oneness means almost always remaining loving or neutral. Even when faced with duality and unkindness, you are able to return to oneness and love without much hesitation.

The universe does not expect you to become a master at it quickly. Take your time with steady steps forward, and remember to enjoy the process of mastering oneness. 

Oneness with Angels

One aspect of oneness that is easy to miss is seeing how you are also one with angels. Angels were created from the same source light as you.

Now expand this further to see how you are one with the realm of ascended masters. Go broader and recognize how you are one with the universe. And, yes, you are also one with source light.

Open up to feeling more oneness. And start applying more oneness in everything you do daily.

We send you a waterfall of white light, the source light where you originated. Flow it through you as how it ripples outward from your heart chakra across the entire planet to uplift humanity with blessings of love and light. We love you.
Thank you Archangels Raphael, Sandalphon, and Gabriel for this information about oneness. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

More Ways to Master Oneness

Click here to read another blog post about oneness to discover ideas for feeling more oneness. And, discover how to know when you’ve mastered the Law of Divine Oneness. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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