How To Recognize and Resolve Rejection Feelings

Stop Suffering and Rejection Feelings
Everyone experiences feelings of rejection at some point during life. It's a natural reaction to feel hurt and disappointed when someone you care about doesn't return your affections.

For lightworkers, it's important to recognize and resolve these feelings so they don't have a negative, lasting impact in your life.

In this blog post, the angels help you notice signs that you're experiencing rejection feelings. And they provide you with some tips for resolving patterns tied to rejection. 

The Depths of Rejection Feelings

It’s often common for rejection feelings, which are energies, to be rooted deeply within your energetic system. These are the types of energies that can be buried so deeply that they remain hidden and resurface at unexpected times.

If you have had an accumulation of rejection experiences, they may also be within your subconscious mind beliefs which will hold you back in life. The angels give a few examples in the channeled message below.

It’s possible to uncover what is hidden within your subconscious mind beliefs by getting help from angels. And by remaining aware of your feelings and triggers. 

Channeled Message from Archangels Michael and Jophiel

Beloved souls of light, throughout life every human experiences rejection in one form or another. This is very common, and it occurs in varying degrees.

The most frequent example of rejection is being turned down when asking another person out on a date. This may cause the person to hesitate next time when thinking about asking someone else for a date. It may also create feelings of not being good enough.

You are not alone when experiencing rejection feelings. Rejection is widespread and its effects can be long-lasting and traumatic. 

Remember Who You Really Are

Always remain non-judgmental toward the feelings, circumstances, and traumas that you have experienced.

Remember that rejection is not who you are. You are a beautiful soul of light. And at your core, you are pure unconditional love. This love is who you truly are.

Whenever you encounter feelings from the past or present that you dislike, please remember that these are just energies. And you have the power to transmute them. 

Do You Have Deep Layers of Rejection Feelings?

Deeply rooted rejection feelings may require a longer time span to fully heal from. This is because over your entire lifetime up to this point there may have been an accumulation of several instances of rejection.

If you have layers upon layers of rejection feelings that have accumulated, they must be removed slowly one layer at a time.

However, as you continue to remove each layer, it becomes easier to recognize when the next layer appears. And it will be faster to transmute the deeper layers as they appear. 

How To Recognize Patterns Tied To Rejection Feelings

Maintain awareness so you are able to recognize when unpleasant energies appear as feelings, thoughts, and/or beliefs.

The purpose of answering the following questions in a truthful way only for yourself helps you identify your blocks.

When you are aware of what is holding you back, then you are free to stop the pattern. And, you become free to modify your future to create your dream life.

Is there a recurring pattern in your life related to rejection feelings?

Do you have feelings related to rejection such as disappointment or not feeling good enough?

Have you taken a moment to examine the details of your feelings?

How does your belief system and your ego function when these types of feelings appear?

Is there a certain type of pattern found in your recurring struggles? 

Example of A Pattern Related to Rejection

The example that we give you now may or may not relate to your specific unique life experiences. However, through this example we hope that you will be able to see the link when rejection feelings appear.

This will assist you in recognizing if there is more to your pattern.

We give you an example of an extreme case in a situation that might appear if a person has suffered from repeated rejection. 
Rejection that Began During Childhood
Assume a person was neglected by their parents, felt unloved, and ignored. The child may have accumulated other energies related to rejection feelings. These could include feeling abandoned, not good enough, and/or destined to fail in life.

If the child was continuously brought down emotionally by an adult, this creates severe trauma.

As the person grows up, these types of energies stay within their subconscious mind beliefs. The person will attract more of the same types of experiences through the Law of Attraction.

The pattern may also include self-sabotage when good things appear in life, or several other types of unpleasant feelings. 

What Types of Feelings are in Your Pattern?

Take a moment to think about your life experiences. Recognize the exact types of energies, feelings, and situations that you experienced. Remember to only do this in a non-judgmental way, and keep reminding yourself that who you truly are is love.

During times when you felt rejected, what other feelings, thoughts, or beliefs were created from those experiences?

These could include disappointment, criticism, or disrespect. Or, being unfairly blamed, or feeling as if you had no voice when speaking.

All of these types of experiences and feelings that you may have encountered could be tied to an overall pattern of rejection. 

Do You Have Difficulties with Manifesting Desires?

Have you ever given up on something that you really wanted because you kept trying hard and nothing ever happened?

Despite all your genuine efforts, you gave up without ever getting close to what you desired. If yes, look deeper to see if giving up has any roots based in rejection.

Examples include wanting to manifest a romantic relationship with a certain person. Or, desiring a friendship with someone specific, or with manifesting any of your dreams.

You can completely change these things around to manifest everything you desire. The only thing holding you back is energies. 

Are Your Rejection Feelings Part of A Soul Lesson?

Rejection is just energy that we are here to help you heal from, and to transmute one layer at a time from your system.

We understand how challenging it can be to overcome a lifelong pattern such as repeated rejection, a lack of self love, or not feeling good enough.

No matter how hard you try, or what you do, sometimes these types of immense challenges due to a soul lesson. You can learn the soul lesson to become free from its challenges.

All of us in the angelic realm are here to assist you one step at a time in healing from these types of energies and patterns. So you can open up to start living a life that feels more joyful, and where it is easier for you to manifest your wishes. 

Powerful Angelic Help for Resolving Rejection Feelings

Overcoming rejection feelings is easier by connecting to powerful healing angels. The quickest way is through a distance Angel Energy Healing session.

A powerful team of archangels dive deep into the root causes of the rejection energies. Then, they remove them in addition to resolving other issues.

After a session is over, an Angel Energy Healing orb remains around you for at least 24 hours. Through this orb, angels continue flowing healing energies to you. After two or perhaps three sessions, your rejection energies may be completely transmuted.

This is the easiest way to have angels discover the root cause and remove the unpleasant energies so you can start living the life that you desire. 

Resolve Rejection Feelings with Angels

We are always here for you. And we will always wrap you in our wings of support, love, and comfort every time you are hurting or struggling.

You are never alone on your journey. We are here to help you recognize and resolve rejection feelings and patterns that are holding you back in life.

Call upon any archangel that you feel most comfortable opening up to. Then, be patient, hopeful, and non-judgmental during your healing journey.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we send you a beautiful rainbow colored waterfall of light to rinse away a layer of stress and worries and to uplift you. We love you. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael and Jophiel for this helpful message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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