Creating Your Destiny with Angelic Assistance

Creating Your Destiny
Creating your destiny with help from angels can significantly speed up the process of manifesting your wishes.

The process starts with discovering what you want, and then working closely with the angels to manifest it.

In this blog post, the angels also provide you with helpful tips on how to get started. So read on and learn how you can work with angels to create your dream life. 

What Does Creating Your Destiny Mean?

The best way to explain this is by first looking at the differences between fate and destiny.

Fate is determined by the universe and is out of your control. Your fate is often predetermined. And it can include circumstances involving other people that cause you to be delayed from reaching your destination.

Destiny is what you have full control over in your life because it is based on your decisions.

Creating your destiny means that the choices you make, and actions you decide to take are forming your life experiences. If you dislike something, you have the power to change your destiny in that area of your life. 

How to Create Your Destiny

  • Believe in yourself and your abilities to manifest your dream life
  • Write down your big dreams plus your small wishes
  • Ask the angels for one step you can work on toward your big dream
  • Use the Law of Attraction and visualization to manifest wishes
  • Embrace changes and be willing to grow and evolve along your journey
  • Stay motivated and focused on your goals
  • Write down why you want to achieve every goal
  • Ask Archangel Uriel for a boost of wisdom when needed
  • Ride the wave of inspiration when taking action steps
  • Discover your soul purpose
  • Thank the angels every time you ask for anything 

Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Uriel

The message that we have for you about creating your destiny is to first believe in yourself. You are a magnificent soul of light. And you have the ability to shape your life in the same way that an artist creates a sculpture. If there is any aspect you dislike, you have the freedom to change it, reshape it until you like it.

When you are working on creating your destiny, ask the angels to provide you with instructions for each step. Additionally, they will guide you toward the people or information that you need for completing those steps.

We understand that some big dreams may involve working on several tasks simultaneously. While you are going back and forth between them, take time to focus on each individual task.

Complete action steps that fit into place just like assembling puzzle pieces to complete a masterpiece.

Know What You Want and Why

Being a creator of your life begins through choosing what you desire the most. This includes little things along with your biggest dreams.

What do you desire to manifest?

These can include a new piece of clothing, or going out for coffee with a specific friend. Or even manifesting a short road trip with your family to a fun destination. 

How to Access Angelic Wisdom

Angelic assistance may show up through synchronicities, dreams, and your intuition.

If you are struggling with finding a solution to a particular challenge, call upon Archangel Uriel. Request that his wisdom shine upon that particular challenge, and to bring you a solution.

Pay close attention to your thoughts afterward because the answer may appear as a brilliant thought that shows up out of nowhere.

This is how you know it is true angelic guidance when you were not expecting the answer, and it is suddenly there within your mind. Or, it could appear as an intuitive feeling of strongly knowing the correct option. 

Use Visualization Combined with Feelings

One part of creating your destiny that can assist you immensely is visualization. Take a moment daily to tune into what your dream life looks and feels like. This helps attract it to you through the Law of Attraction.

Take these feelings and visions and place them into an orb of light. Then, release them into the universe while saying “thank you universe for making my dream come true.”

Use this process of visualization at least once a week; preferably more often if you have time. 

Stay in The Flow of Manifestation

Most people focus on only visualizing the big dreams they desire to achieve. However, it is beneficial to also visualize smaller things you wish to manifest.

Work with the Law of Attraction to continue manifesting small things on a regular basis. Ask for one or two small things. Then when they manifest, then ask for another one or two things.

As you manifest smaller blessings, it keeps you in the flow of being magnetic to attracting all your desires, whether they are large or small.

When you remain within the flow of manifesting through creating your destiny, you maintain a higher vibration. And this makes your future manifestations easier to obtain. 

Maintain a Positive Mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset is important for creating your destiny. Your thoughts and the vibration they radiate outward into the universe attracts similar energies back to you.

Feeling grateful combined with positive thoughts is a powerful combination. This is how you increase your vibration to manifest your biggest dreams and small wishes.

On days when you may not have a positive mindset, take a break. Focus on self-love, self care, and cleansing your mind, body, and spirit. Remove the density and refresh yourself on all levels with source light.

When you are refreshed, you return to your projects with a renewed sense of excitement and motivation. 

Angels Help You Maintain Motivation

To maintain a high level of motivation remember the reasons why you are working on each goal.

Ask the angels for assistance if you are lacking motivation. Or if you are struggling to complete a certain step that requires your full focus.

Then ,look at another task. What can you do right now? Which action step will be easier for you to complete?

Make notes for each step needed for all your goals. Then, when you are having a day where you are unable to work on the more challenging parts, work on an easy task. The work that you get done accumulates and will contribute to the entire project as a whole.

Example of Easy Action Steps

For example, if your goal is to write a book and you are struggling with writing, then switch to another task for this project.

What can you do now that will help with the overall process of completing the project? Yet, does not require you to be completely focused or to feel your absolute best?

You could make notes for future chapters in your book, or edit some chapters that were previously written. Additionally, you could look up images if your book will contain pictures. 

The Powers of Archangels

Angels will provide you with inspiration, wisdom, support, and guidance for manifesting all your dreams and wishes. All you must do is ask for the specific type of guidance that you desire.

There are millions of angels sitting around waiting for you to give them an assignment. Remember that the energy of one archangel is so massive that the human mind is unable to fully comprehend it.

One archangel has the ability to help millions of people simultaneously across the entire planet Earth. This is how expansive and wise the archangels are. They will always be there to assist you anytime, and they can also send specialized teams of angels to assist you. 

Always End with Thanks and Gratitude

This is why we recommend that when you ask any angel, archangel, or ascended master for assistance that you end by saying thank you. This gratitude that you extend at the end of your request is very much appreciated. And it will be acknowledged by every angel who is called in to assist you.

You may say thank you again after you recognize that the work has been completed by the angels. This is not necessary, however the angels do appreciate it. 

Creating Your Destiny with Angels

When sculpting your destiny with angelic assistance, it is important to know exactly what you want to manifest. Write down all your big dreams along with small things that you desire to manifest.

Then, creating your destiny with angels is as easy as asking for a step, and working on completing it.

Remember to also regularly attract small wishes to help you remain in the flow of manifesting.

Enjoy the process of creating your dream life that you deserve. It is your birthright to live a fulfilling life that is filled with love, joy, and abundance. We love you, and we look forward to working closely with you to assist you in creating your destiny. 
Thank you, Archangels Gabriel and Uriel for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Receive a Message from Angels

Are you unsure about what blocks are holding you back from creating your destiny? If yes, get a channeled angel reading to start moving forward with clarity. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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