How To Master Awareness of Self

Awareness of self
Self-awareness is a skill that helps you live your life in line with your highest goals and dreams.

Awareness of self is not something that can be taught through words alone. It's an activity that requires ongoing participation.

This blog post will help you master awareness of self by teaching you how to be more aware of all aspects of yourself, and how to master self-awareness. 

Channeled Message to Transform Your Life through Awareness of Self

Greetings from Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. We bring you a message about mastering awareness of self because this is a very important part of your ascension journey. Maintaining awareness provides you with a solid foundation that will serve you immensely.

Awareness of self means always being aware of your thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions. And, doing this while remaining non-judgmental with yourself.

Self-awareness also means understanding that your feelings are just energies. And, your feelings are directly linked to your thoughts, words, and actions.

You have complete freedom to transform any energies, or feelings, that you dislike into more positive energies. Such as turning negativity into love, or unhappiness into joy. 

5 Aspects of Mastering Awareness of Self

  1. 1
    Stay consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions in every moment
  2. 2
    Choose to respond to others in a loving or neutral way
  3. 3
    Focus your mind on each task you are doing
  4. 4
    Only live in the present moment
  5. 5
    Accept things you cannot control without judging yourself or others
Mastering awareness of self is often easier when you meditate on a regular basis. Meditating in a waterfall of source light daily to cleanse your energy is a helpful spiritual tool. The reason why is because meditation assists your mind in becoming quiet, relaxed, and more focused.

If you need assistance in quieting a loud ego, ask Archangel Michael for help.

To act more loving toward others, it helps to link your heart and mind through meditation. 

Awareness of Self Illuminates Your Strengths and Weaknesses

When you are practicing self-awareness, you will learn about your strengths, weaknesses, and values in a deeper way. This is why it is crucial to view your undesirable energies from a viewpoint of being completely non-judgmental. Remember that every feeling, belief, and thought is just energy.

Be patient with yourself when learning awareness. And go easy on yourself during the times when you forget to remain aware.

Use those times when you forget as a learning experience, and as a time to reflect. What would have you done differently? Remember those reflections and make improvements next time when you are in a similar situation.

It will take some time to master awareness, however it gets easier rather quickly when you dedicate a couple weeks to focusing on it daily. 

How to Build up to Maintaining Awareness

Throughout each day, consistently be extra aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you forget, take a moment to look back at everything from earlier in the day.

Building up awareness also helps you discover beliefs that are holding you back.

When you keep noticing the types of feelings and thoughts prior to reacting, it helps you filter out anything that might be negative. And, it prevents you from saying something that you might later regret.

One way to build up self-awareness, so you become a master, is by taking time at the end of each day to review your day. Then, increase this reflection time to twice a day.

Work your way up to monitoring your progress once every hour. Then, focus on stopping your reactions during stressful or challenging moments. Take a moment for yourself to think about the best way to react, then respond. 

Questions to Ask Yourself while Mastering Awareness of Self

  • How do you react in situations with other people?
  • Are there certain people who trigger you to react negatively?
  • How does each person make you feel?
  • What is the best way you can handle the situation?
  • How can you contribute to a harmonious outcome?
  • Is it better to remain silent, speak as little as possible with the other person, or walk away?
  • Do you have an outdated belief that is causing a recurring struggle?
  • What feelings do you need to heal or transmute?
  • Are your thoughts mostly positive, neutral, or negative?
  • Is your ego mind controlling your life?
  • Are you able to quiet and clear your mind easily so you can refocus? 

Focus Your Thoughts

While it is important to remain aware of the energies within you that you dislike, it is equally important to focus on your desires.

Take time to notice and cleanse away the energies you dislike. Then, refocus your thoughts on what you want to manifest in your life.

Remember that energy flows where you focus it.

Every day, take some time to focus on your desires and dreams. Do this while feeling the wonderful feelings that you will have when they have manifested. Your feelings, and their energetic vibration, are what attracts your dreams through the Law of Attraction.

The universe only understands energies, your vibration, and the frequency of the feelings you are sending outward. This is why positive affirmations are powerful because of their high vibration. The universe does not understand words. 

Financial Abundance Example

For example, assume you desire to create financial abundance in your life. Part of the process involves removing all energies and beliefs within you that go against having financial abundance. Replace outdated beliefs by reprogramming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations.

Good affirmations for financial wealth include: “I am a magnet to money. Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied. I am manifesting financial abundance and success. The universe supports me and takes care of me. I am grateful for all the abundance already in my life.”

Another part is taking actions to save more money through cutting back on unnecessary expenses. And, taking actions to create more financial abundance. This should be done especially through fulfilling your soul purpose. 

Maintaining Awareness is a Way of Life

Throughout each day, especially when interacting with other people, take a moment to stop and think. Before responding, examine your feelings and the words that you are considering using.

This is awareness of self when you pause to think, choose the best way to respond, and then take action.

When you become a master at using this spiritual tool, you will no longer be reacting to other people. Instead, you will be in complete control over your actions, thoughts, and words.

Being a master also means responding toward others in either a loving or neutral way.

We are here to encourage and support you through the process of mastering awareness of self. And will uplift you as you continue working on mastering self-awareness. We love you. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Powerful Angelic Help for Your Spiritual Journey

As you work toward mastering awareness of self, you may notice energies or beliefs within your energetic system that you dislike.

To remove more of these quicker, get an Angel Energy Healing session to remove them. It also gives you a boost on your journey so it’s easier to make faster progress. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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