How A Grateful Heart Enhances Your Life

Grateful Heart and Self-Love
When you’re working on manifesting your dreams it's extra important to have a grateful heart. Maintaining a grateful heart also helps keep you positive and focused on your dreams.

According to the Law of Attraction, gratitude is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. When you're feeling grateful, it's much easier to stay in the flow of the universe and allow good things to come to you. And before you know it, those dreams you've been harboring will start to become a reality.

Here are some tips for cultivating a grateful heart, and using gratitude as a way to help manifest your dreams.

Channeled Message For Cultivating a Grateful Heart

Greetings from Archangels Uriel and Gabriel. Dearest beloved souls of light, when you travel through life with a grateful heart it leads to a magical life.

Expressing gratitude makes you very magnetic to the Law of Attraction. Even if your life is not exactly how you desire it to be right now, you can transform it beautifully. You have the power of gratitude to utilize for shaping your destiny and increasing your vibration.

Cultivating a grateful heart means deeply feeling gratitude, and connecting with your heart to fully open it up to shine brightly. 

Gratitude Begins with Possessions You Already Own

Take a look around you. What are you grateful for already having? Think about the little things in addition to the big things that you are grateful for. Then, feel deep gratitude for those things.

Are you grateful for having shelter, healthy foods, and clothing that is appropriate for the weather conditions?

Have you ever thought about being grateful for having internet access?

Since beginning your journey, you have ascended beautifully to get to the point where you are at within the present moment. Have you ever taken a moment to feel deep gratitude for being spiritually awakened? And for all the ways that your life has improved on the inside? Even if the outside circumstances have not caught up yet to the new you, when it happens, life will be more wonderful. 

Living with a Grateful Heart

The vibration of gratitude is high which is why cultivating a grateful heart instantly uplifts you. It also makes you more attractive to the universe bringing you more things to be grateful for.

Living with a grateful heart means feeling gratitude every day. And, occasionally reflecting upon the big things that you are grateful for continuously having in your life.

If you do not feel gratitude easily, keep practicing, and ask your guardian angel daily to assist you in feeling grateful. 

Utilize a Gratitude List

An exercise to increase the amount of gratitude you feel is to start every morning by feeling grateful. Make a short list of things that you are grateful for having in your life.

Either memorize the list so you can go through it in your mind, or take a minute to read it every morning.

It may be easier to start with material items that you have accumulated that make your life easier. Once you are feeling grateful for them, then switch to giving thanks for these items together as one, instead of individually.

However, when you get a new material item that enhances your life, be grateful for it in the moment. And for a few days afterward. 

Ideas for Starting a Gratitude List

Are you grateful for having a new friendship? Plus, the love and support this person provides you for your ascension journey?

Are you grateful for already knowing your soul purpose? And, perhaps already sharing your unique gifts in the world?

Are you grateful for the wisdom that you have access to from the angelic realm and from your soul? Your higher self is immensely wise and is easily accessible for you to tap into this wisdom.

Benefits of Creating a Gratitude List

  • Increases your overall vibration to a higher level, and makes it easier to maintain a higher vibration
  • Makes you magnetic to attracting more things to be grateful for through the Law of Attraction
  • Improves all areas of your entire life by aiding you in remaining positive and hopeful 

Add Your Future Desires into Your List

Implement the Law of Attraction every morning while you already are feeling grateful. At the end of your list, insert your top three wishes. These are things that have not yet manifested. However, you are taking action steps toward manifesting them.

The reason why we say to add them at the end is because the beginning of the list is utilized for increasing your vibration within the moment. And for helping you to internally tap into your deeply grateful heart.

Once you are deeply feeling gratitude, it is the perfect time to express gratitude for your future dreams.

Imagine your dreams and desires as if they have already manifested in your life, and feel grateful for them. 
How To Send Your Dreams into the Universe
At this point, you may also hold out your hands while visualizing a ball of light in your hands. See and feel each of your dreams, one at a time, from the viewpoint of you living your life with them manifested.

Then, release each ball of light with your dreams upward into the universe. While releasing them, mentally say “thank you, universe, for making my dream come true.”

How To Keep a Grateful Heart in the Midst of Difficult Times

When you are dealing with a challenge, try to maintain a moment of positivity every morning that is dedicated to your gratitude list. This is your time; the time that you deserve to feel good and have a brief break away from everything.

If you would like assistance in tapping into feelings of deep gratitude, call upon your guardian angel or an archangel.

Please remember that if you are grieving for any reason, it may be better to take a break away from everything. This includes time away from your gratitude list if you do not feel upbeat. Allow yourself plenty of time for the grieving process. Then, go back to your gratitude list when you feel ready. 

How To Create a Grateful Heart for Enhancing Your Life

Dear one, we saved this part for the end of our message due to its simplicity. The way to cultivate a grateful heart is by deeply feeling gratitude.

Once you easily feel gratitude, this overflows into your everyday life. Take moments throughout each day to deeply feel gratitude, and in doing this, you will be living with a grateful heart.

Having a grateful heart also means you are flowing love and light outward into the world more effortlessly.

A grateful heart is like opening up a doorway into the depths of your soul to shine your soul’s brilliance, love, and wisdom with the world.

We are grateful for you being uniquely you, and for shining so brightly in the world. We love you. 
Thanks, Archangels Uriel and Gabriel. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Are You Struggling with Gratitude?

If you’re having a hard time feeling grateful, remember that it’s often due to heavy energies within your energetic system. It indicates that something within you goes against feeling grateful. Whether it’s due to a subconscious mind belief or dense energies, these can be resolved.

The quickest way to resolve any energetic blockages can be through an Angel Energy Healing session. Schedule a session today to get a boost on your ascension journey. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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