Top 5 Tools for Being an Empowered Empath

Empowered Empath
Being an empath can be a challenging and beautiful experience all at the same time.

It’s especially challenging when you're constantly bombarded with the energy of others. In order to protect yourself from overwhelm and exhaustion, learn how to tap into your own power as an empath.

This blog post contains a powerful tool revealed from archangels that you can use anywhere and anytime. Using it regularly will aid you in becoming an empowered empath. 

Channeled Angel Message to Become an Empowered Empath

Greetings from Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron. One of the benefits of being both a lightworker and empath is your ability to more easily sense angels.

The degree to which you are an empath varies from other empaths. However, all empaths agreed to take on dense energies from people for the purpose of transmuting them.

This assists all of humanity and the human collective consciousness with healing and ascending higher.

Becoming an empowered empath may be easier than you realize. It means exploring useful tools and discovering which ones work best for you.

There are several ways to live in harmony with your empathy toward others. Yes, it is true that you will continue to take on a certain amount of other people's energies for transmutation. However, you do not have to personally suffer as much. 

Top 5 Tools to Become an Empowered Empath

These tools aid you in becoming an empowered empath which includes a simple tool for using in combination with other tools.

The most powerful of all may be the powerful violet flame. Experiment with all of these to discover which tools work best for you. Then, create a plan for when you are overloaded with other people's energies. 
  1. 1
    Claim dominion over your own energy
  2. 2
    Use crystals as an added layer of protection
  3. 3
    Focus on the current task
  4. 4
    White light cleanse with angels
  5. 5
    Use the powerful violet flame

1. Declare Dominion over Your Own Energy

Claiming dominion over your own energy can be easier when you practice daily to create a beneficial habit. Every morning, in a very confident voice, say to yourself the following dominion statement.

“This is my energy! I own my own energy! And I will not allow anyone else to bring me down. As I transmute low vibrational energies for others, I remain in a high vibrational state. I am love and I am a divine soul of light.”

This statement uplifts your vibration, increases your confidence, and helps you be an empowered empath. It also aids you in reclaiming dominion faster over your own energy during times when energies from other people begin to drag you down.

Use it at least once daily, and when you notice another person is starting to affect you. Combine this with the violet flame for an optimal tool to use anytime and anywhere. 

2. Use Crystals as One Layer of Energy Protection 

Utilize crystals daily as an added layer of energy protection. All crystals contain sacred geometric symbols. The structures that make up crystals are what give crystals their power and provide you with a variety of benefits.

Use your intuition to choose a dark colored crystal. Either wear a crystal as jewelry, or carry a crystal in your pocket every day.

Dark colored crystals are able to absorb some of the low vibrational energies from other people, so you will not be quite as affected. Good crystal options for this include indigo gabbro, black tourmaline, and black obsidian. 
Cleanse Your Crystals Daily
Every night, cleanse your jewelry or your pocket crystal to remove dense energies that it absorbed during the day.

An easy way to do this task is with white light. Ask the angels to cleanse the crystal with white light to remove all low vibrational energies it's holding onto.

Or, place your crystal jewelry or pocket crystals into a selenite dish which will cleanse them overnight while you sleep. 
Where to Find Reputable Crystal Sellers
Finding sellers of genuine crystals is not always easy. That is why I already did some research for you. 

Conscious Items has genuine crystals, crystal jewelry, home decor, lamps, gift sets, and zodiac sets. Click here to view their jewelry and gift sets

3. Completely Focus on The Task You are Doing

Another tool for you as an empowered empath is to be fully present with the task that you are doing within every moment of each day. Focus on what you are doing without your mind thinking about other things.

Ask Archangel Michael to calm and quiet your ego mind when needed.

If you are inside a public store, we suggest focusing on yourself and on the items that you need.

When you are walking outside, focus on each step toward your destination. Say your dominion statement in your mind. Or, pay attention to the weather conditions that day. Is there sunshine warming you, or a cool breeze refreshing your aura as you walk? 

4. Bathe in a Waterfall of White Light with Angels

Ask the angels to cleanse your energy completely with white light.

Imagine a waterfall of light flowing through all your chakras and aura. Relax as your energy is completely refreshed and rejuvenated within the waterfall of white light. 

5. Flow The Violet Flame through Your Energy Field

This is one of the best tools for being an empowered empath. 

Anytime you are overwhelmed with energies that you have already absorbed from others, take a moment to realize they are not your energies. Then transmute them with the violet flame.

Do this by calling in Ascended Master Saint Germaine and Archangel Zadkiel. Ask them to fill your energy field with the violet flame. Request that all low vibrational energies within your aura be completely transmuted.

Visualize the violet flame surrounding you to complete the process.

Also utilize the violet flame as a form of protection before you go into public places. Set the intention that the violet flame will merge with your energy. And, that it will transmute low vibrational energies from other people immediately as they enter your energy field. Always carry the violet flame within your energy field while you are in public areas. 

Being an Empath is a Gift

View the process of transmuting heavy energies from humanity as a gift.

As an empath and a lightworker, you are transmuting low vibrational energies for the greatest good of all people on the planet.

Your soul has not chosen an easy journey as an empath. But you took on this task because you knew of its importance before incarnating. You are a vital part of the process of helping humanity ascend higher, reach 5D, and heal from the past. 

Your Soul is an Empowered Empath

We thank you for all that you have transmuted from humanity and are continuing to transmute. Please know that you will be rewarded immensely for this lightwork. Your efforts never go unnoticed.

Take a moment now to visualize angels removing a layer of density from your aura. Then, see blessings flowing down into you that arrive in a waterfall of white sparkling light.

You are an amazing soul! All of us in the angelic realm are very grateful for you, and we love you immensely. 
Thank you, Archangels Michael and Metatron for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Refresh Your Energetic System Quickly

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with other people’s dense energies, there is a way to get back on track quickly.

An Angel Energy Healing session rejuvenates your entire energetic system. And leaves you feeling uplifted to more easily become an empowered empath. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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