Awakening Poem with Angels

Awakening Poem
Do you remember what led up to your spiritual awakening? For some people, the experience is sudden while for others it’s a gradual process.

Whichever way you become exposed to recognizing there is more to the universe than what you can see, awakening is a magical experience.

This blog post contains an awakening poem that was channeled. It may speak to your heart and recall your personal awakening experience. It's about the process of awakening and how the angels always were by your side even before you noticed them.

The channeled poem is written from the perspective of how the angels were looking down upon your life. And, how they have always been by your side, loving you unconditionally, whether you sensed the angels or not. 

Awakening Poem with Angels

Walking along your pathway
earlier in life
we saw you there
uncertain about the future
filled with sadness
unsure about what to do with your life.

Feeling that you did not fit in
with everyone else
without knowing why.

Sensing that you were meant for something bigger
while wishing you knew exactly what that was.
We have always been there for you
even when you could not see us,
hear us,
or sense us.

All those days you cried,
felt sad,
and lost
we wrapped you in our wings of love.
Yet your busy mind
combined with all the untrue beliefs
you were fed as a young child
severed the lines of communication
for years.
We were always there by your side
comforting you
guiding you
and always telling you we loved you daily.

You did not recognize us
until that one day
when everything suddenly changed in an instant.

We came to wipe away the tears
removed a layer of sadness,
and confusion.
And briefly we were allowed
to open your intuitive abilities
so strongly
and powerfully
so you could finally start seeing the truth
along with our unconditional love for you
that lasts for eternity. 
Dear one,
you will be okay.
We assure you this
for it is meant to be.
You have an important life purpose
although you cannot see this now
you were always destined for this lifetime
to live your biggest dreams.

Life will get better.
Although it may take some more time
to overcome the challenges
that clutter your pathway.

We will continue walking along with you
side by side
removing the boulders one at a time.
Helping you feel lighter,
and more loved.
Helping to assist you in seeing who you really are
an amazing,
unlimited soul
created from pure unconditional love.

Take a look deep inside your heart.
Here we show you
that spark of light
which will continue to grow
brighter and brighter
over the years.
The choice is yours
as it always has been.
Although it has been easy
for you to forget
that you have free will
freedom to sculpt
every aspect of your entire life.

The length of time
it took to awaken does not matter
for time is an illusion.
You are on a journey
of one lifetime
not a journey restricted by time
or other human limitations.
We asked you to peek inside
your heart
your soul
the unlocked door.

See that spark of light
glowing within you.
Awaken to your true unlimited powers
as a limitless soul of light.
Utilize your human mind
to expand that inner light
larger than your physical body
bigger than your aura
and wider than planet Earth.

Continue broadening your inner light
your love
the oneness you feel.
This light contains everything you need
for this human lifetime
and for succeeding at your biggest dreams.

The wisdom of the universe
lies within your soul
along with the knowledge
of your life’s purpose.

Allow angels
and your wise soul
to carry you forward
every moment of every day
through the challenges
while also being grateful
for what you already have.
Celebrate the blessings
accept yourself
for who you are right now
and become empowered
and enlightened
for your days ahead.
Angels assisted you back then
and will continue to always aid you
in opening up your heart even more
expanding your mind wider
and soaring higher and higher.

We will always carry you upon our wings of love
assisting you in manifesting
all your desires and wishes.
All you must do
is ask and meet us halfway.
We will lift you up higher
and show you the steps
that directly leads to your dream life.
We believe in you
we always have
because we know you very well
as the beautiful soul of light you are.

Never limit yourself
nor allow others to drag you down
for too long.

Heal when you need to
take a break when you’re tired
and refresh your soul
with love and light
to nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

You are forever in our hearts
meant for nothing less than greatness.
We cheer you on
even when you do not acknowledge your accomplishments.
See how far you have come
and take a moment to feel wonderful.

Step into your full potential
as an unlimited soul.
We will improve the world with you
one step at a time

We love you
and we thank you
for shining brightly in the world. 

Awakening Poem Meaning

One of the wonderful aspects about this awakening poem from the angels is that it adapts to your personal awakening story.

Did this awakening poem bring back memories of when you first began awakening? Or, was your awakening sudden, such as through a near-death experience?

Share your story below in the comments section to inspire others. And, to see the similarities between your story and the stories from other awakened people. 

Receive Clarity For Your Pathway Ahead

If you’re going through any challenges, or are unsure about your pathway ahead, an angel reading is a wonderful way to find clarity.

In a reading, the angels channel helpful messages to provide you with your next step. And if requested, the angels can reveal which option is best for your life.

Choose either a card reading, or ask your specific questions.

Or if you’ve been stuck for awhile, an Angel Energy Healing session is a great way to have angels remove the dense energies for you. One session leaves you feeling uplifted, refreshed, and is a new beginning for you. 

The Inspiration For This Awakening Poem

The inspiration for this awakening poem came from a friend who wrote about her awakening journey. We both discovered amazing synchronicities within our awakening stories.

The angels told both of us that we would be okay. Those simple words: “you will be okay” are what led to me asking the angels to channel this awakening poem.

I hope you found inspiration, empowerment, and encouragement in this awakening poem. Utilize it to see how far you have come since awakening, and to propel your journey forward onto your next highest timeline. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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