Why Angel Energy Healing is A Powerful Reiki Alternative

Angel Energy Healing vs Reiki
The most beautiful energy healing modality I have ever experienced is Angel Energy Healing. This form of energy work is a powerful alternative to Reiki and other forms of energy healing. It allows you to heal from a distance, and does not involve any physical touch.

This post explores how Angel Energy Healing works and explains why it’s a Reiki alternative. It also covers the most common results people have seen after receiving a distance session. 

Angel Energy Healing is A Powerful Reiki Alternative

Angel energy healing is a powerful energy healing modality. It’s a process where powerful healing angels flow their energies through my heart chakra and toward an individual. This creates positive effects that refresh and uplift your mind, body, and spirit.

Angel Energy Healing focuses on healing at the energetic level. It sends energies into you for the purposes of cleansing, uplifting, and revitalizing you. These energies are focused within your chakras, aura, and subconscious mind. Plus, the angels remove etheric cords along with boosting emotional well-being.

The powerful and loving energies can also be directed toward a specific situation for improvements. For example, Angel Energy Healing can assist with making a work meeting. The angels help the meeting flow better, and assist in reaching a successful outcome for everyone involved. 

Angel Energy Healing Compared To Reiki

Both of these energy healing modalities utilize source light to provide you with cleansing. However, Reiki only does a fraction of what one Angel Energy Healing session offers you.

Reiki is the process of flowing universal life force energy, also called source light, into you to encourage healing. The types of healing include physical, emotional, and proper flow of energies through the body.

As a Reiki alternative, Angel Energy Healing does everything that Reiki does plus much more. And since angels conduct your session, it’s much more powerful while still being gentle on your system.

While Reiki is scientifically proven to be safe and effective, Angel Energy Healing is very similar. It's just more powerful, and is not widely known yet. 

Why Angel Energy Healing is Safe

The angels know all aspects of you better than any human could ever know you. They only provide you with beneficial energies, and never cause any harm.

The angels cleanse and heal your energetic system, uplift you, and assist you in getting closer to achieving mind, body, and spirit balance. 

How Does Angel Energy Healing Work?

A distance Angel Energy Healing session connects you to powerful healing angels. The angels cleanse your entire energetic system which includes your chakras and aura. If there are any dark entities in your energy field, they are removed.

Plus, the angels sever etheric cords that other people have attached to you. These types of cords have the potential to drain your physical energy. When they’re cut during your session, you might feel a sudden sense of relief. All debris from the severed cords is also completely removed.

At the end of your session, you’re grounded back to the center of the Earth. Therefore, you’ll feel more grounded and not spacey. 

Your Free Bonus

Every Angel Energy Healing session includes cleansing energies within your home as a free bonus. This cleanse also extends to the land surrounding your home to remove dense and dark energies.

This home cleanse is important so you can maintain a clear energy system after your session. It also ensures that you are not immediately affected by density right after your session.

Differences Between Angel Energy Healing and Reiki

Before becoming certified in Angel Energy Healing, I was a certified Reiki Master. Due to my in-depth experience in both of these energy healing modalities, I’m very familiar with both processes.

While Reiki is an effective energy healing modality, its power cannot compare to Angel Energy Healing. The reason why is because powerful angels, archangels, and ascended masters provide you with energy healing.

Another major difference is how energy flows between the practitioner and the recipient of a session. Throughout an entire Angel Energy Healing session, angels protect your energy field. This prevents energies from exchanging between the recipient and channeler. This is beneficial to both people, or to a group if an Angel Energy Healing session is being given to a group of people. 

A Concern with Reiki

During Reiki, it’s possible for the practitioner to unintentionally transfer his or her undesirable energies onto you. Because in Reiki, the practitioner flows source light through their system directly to you.

Most commonly this can occur if the practitioner picked up dense energies from someone else. If those dense energies were not fully removed before your session, then you might pick them up.

The majority of Reiki practitioners are very careful, and would never want this to occur with a client. However, the possibility does exist with Reiki.

If you're getting a Reiki session, I recommend asking at least one archangel for energy protection. Simply ask to be placed inside a protective orb that only allows high vibrational energies to flow from the practitioner and into you.

This is another reason why Angel Energy Healing is the perfect Reiki alternative.

Angels Protect Both People’s Energy Fields

In an Angel Energy Healing session, powerful angels protect your energy field, so you only receive beneficial energies.

And, the Angel Energy Healing orb remains around you for at least 24 hours after your session ends. This further protects your energy as you resume daily activities after your session is over.

Additionally, the angels strongly protect my energy while I’m channeling your Angel Energy Healing session. While I sense areas of density and stress inside your system, this happens only as a way for me to focus extra attention on those areas.

The angels utilize my open heart as a way to more powerfully channel their healing energies to you. At the same time, the angels uniquely protect my energy. Even though I can sense another person’s stress, pains, and density, it does not transfer onto me. 

Benefits of A Distance Angel Energy Healing Session

After receiving an Angel Energy Healing session, there are a variety of benefits you might experience. While it’s possible for some people to experience miraculous benefits, remember that every person is unique.

Angel Energy Healing benefits can include, but are not limited to:
  • Feeling more relaxed
  • Increased peace
  • Feeling as if a weight was removed from you
  • Sleeping better
  • Feeling energetically lighter
  • Clarity of mind
  • Improved focus
  • Less affected by stress
  • Feeling happier
  • Being more joyful
  • Feeling better physically and/or emotionally
  • Sensing more love filling up your heart
  • Improved intuition
  • Hearing, seeing, or sensing messages from angels
  • Overall feeling better

Customize Your Angel Energy Healing Session

When scheduling your session, you can request anything specific you want addressed during your session. And, if something else comes up right before your session, just let me know, and I’ll add it into your session.

For example, if you’ve been struggling with excess stress, and it’s taking a toll on you physically, you can request angelic assistance for this issue.

First, the angels will cleanse away the stress energies. Then, they provide healing energies for your mind, body, and spirit. Finally, the angels fill you up with new light. 

Why Receiving New Light is An Important Step

When dense energies are being cleansed away from your system, it creates gaps. The angels immediately fill in those gaps with new light. This prevents side effects that are often found in other energy healing modalities such as Reiki.

Additionally, receiving new light is one reason why you feel better after an Angel Energy Healing session.

The new light in your system uplifts you, increases your vibration, and assists you in feeling better overall. These lasting benefits are immediately noticeable after your session.

The most common improvements are feeling more relaxed, more peaceful, and not affected by stress in the same way as before. Plus, feeling energetically lighter. 

Angel Energy Healing is The Perfect Reiki Alternative

If you’re looking for the best Reiki alternative that can offer you a wide variety of benefits, try an Angel Energy Healing session.

Distance sessions are conducted when it’s convenient for you, and I accommodate all time zones worldwide. During scheduling, you choose the date and time that you prefer.

Get a boost on your ascension journey, and to start feeling better by receiving a distance Angel Energy Healing session. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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