7 Energy Healing Tools for Your Ascension Journey

Energy Healing

Are you ready to take your spiritual growth to the next level, and align with your highest potential? Energy healing tools are a perfect way to support your ascension journey. 

The human experience presents us with a variety of challenges that can seem overwhelming at times. Whether it is stress, negative emotions, or anger, energy healing tools can help you.

These methods are simple yet effective. And can help you shift your energy back into positivity, illuminate your path, and provide you with inner peace. Keep reading to empower yourself with seven energy tools to enhance both your spiritual journey and your life.

What are Energy Healing Tools

Energy healing tools are spiritual tools that provide you with an easy and effective way to shift your energy. Especially for cleansing your energy and reducing intense emotions.

When using energy healing tools on a regular basis, they provide you with many benefits including improved overall well-being. 

Benefits of using Spiritual Tools

  • Supports transformation
  • Opens channels of communication between body and spirit
  •  Cleanses your energy field
  • Access higher states of consciousness
  • Tap into your unlimited potential
  • Heightened sense of awareness
  • Reduced stress and handling challenges better
  • Increasing and maintaining a higher energetic vibration
  • Manifesting your desires 

7 Energy Healing Tools for Your Ascension Journey

These seven energy healing tools can be used independently or combined. Try a few to find which ones work best for you. 

  1. 1
    Violet Flame
  2. 2
    Breathing Exercise
  3. 3
     Sound Healing
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
    Sacred Geometry 

1. The Violet Flame

The violet flame is a powerful tool that dissolves negative energies. It works within your auric field, chakras, emotions, thoughts, and more. This flame transmutes lower frequencies into higher vibrational frequencies. Powerfully dissolving tensions and uplifting your energetic state.

You can use this tool by visualizing the violet flame burning around you and within you. If desired, ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you use the violet flame. 

Relax as you imagine the violet flame penetrating and dissolving any negative energies you may be holding onto in your mind, body, and spirit. If you are feeling an intense emotion, such as anger, visualize the anger leaving you and burning up inside the violet flame. 

Doing this exercise for a few minutes daily helps you continue to make progress on your ascension journey. 

Click here to learn more about the violet flame and listen to a violet flame meditation. 

2. Breathing Exercise

Your breath is an essential tool for spiritual ascension because it brings more Universal Life Force Energy into you. By using your breath consciously, you can improve the flow of energy in your body and connect with your soul. 

Use this tool by deeply inhaling white light, which is always flowing all around you. Or, choose another ray of colored light with assistance from the angels. 

To amplify your experiences, set an intention for why you are seeking more light. For example, use green light with Archangel Raphael for physical, mental, or emotional healing. Or ask Archangel Michael for the blue ray of light for cleansing your energy. 

Close your eyes, and visualize a stream of white or colored light filling you up as you inhale. As you exhale, imagine any negative energy leaving your body as gray smoke. 

3. Sound Healing

There are several different types of sound healing available to offer you variety. Explore each one to find which tools you resonate with, then listen daily. 

Solfeggio Tones

Solfeggio tones are a set of frequencies that stimulate healing within the body and promote vitality. Ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz, each Solfeggio frequency is a unique tone that corresponds to a different type of energy.

Science has found that the unique tones of Solfeggio frequencies resonate with the human body. Leading to various benefits such as improved sleep, reduced stress, and increased mindfulness. In essence, Solfeggio tones serve as a spiritual tool for transforming and supporting your well-being.

Benefits of Solfeggio Tones

174 Hz Reduces pain and stress; encourages organs to perform better.
285 Hz Influences your energy field; rejuvenates the body and immune system.
396 Hz Frees you from fears; turns grief into joy; reduces anxiety.
417 Hz Promotes positive changes; breaks apart negative energies.
432 Hz Promotes relaxation; enhances mental clarity and focus.
528 Hz Miracles; repairs DNA; positive transformations; promotes love, compassion, and harmony.
639 Hz Heals and balances relationships; enhances communication, understanding, and tolerance.
741 Hz Calms the mind and body; boosts self-expression; removes negative energies.
852 Hz Enhances intuition; emotional healing; spiritual awakening; improves productivity.
963 Hz Deepens your spiritual connection to higher dimensions; oneness; mental and emotional healing. 

Isochronic Tones

Isochronic tones are a form of brainwave entrainment that uses a single tone in a distinct pattern to stimulate the brain. These patterns are designed to synchronize the brain's frequency with the rhythm of the isochronic tone. Which encourages specific states of consciousness.

These tones can be used by themselves or combined with other sounds such as ambient music or nature sounds.

Isochronic tones have several benefits for mental and physical health. Which include relaxation, improved focus, enhanced mood, and increased creativity. 

Slower isochronic tones are associated with relaxed states and sleeping better. And can alleviate stress and anxiety. While faster tones are linked to increased concentration and alertness. 

Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are also known as Himalayan bowls or Tibetan singing bowls. They are a type of bell that vibrates and produces a deep, resonating sound when played for their therapeutic properties.

The soothing sounds and vibrations produced by the bowls promote relaxation and have a calming effect on the mind and body. This aids in stress reduction, anxiety relief, and can induce a state of meditation. 

Tuning Forks

In the realm of health and wellness, tuning forks are used to bring balance to the mind and body. They achieve this by releasing negative emotions and thoughts. 

Tuning fork works by producing a perfect wave pattern when struck against a surface or object. 

The principle behind this is that the human body has its own vibrational frequency. And illnesses or stress can cause imbalances in this natural rhythm. By applying sound waves from a tuning fork to specific parts of the body, these imbalances can be corrected. Promoting physical and emotional healing. 

Click here for an MP3 with all 9 Solfeggio tuning forks

Humming the OM Sound

Humming the "Om" sound, also known as "Aum," has several benefits. Including increasing your energetic vibration and expanding your consciousness. Along with balancing your mind, body, spirit, and emotions. 

Humming Om also reduces stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation. Improves concentration and focus. And enhances respirations through increasing your lung capacity when used regularly. 

Light Language

Light language is an energy healing modality. It involves channeling very high vibrational energies from higher dimensions. That help you to cleanse, heal, and uplift your mind, body, spirit, and emotions. 

While light language can be channeled in different formats, the energies are always powerful. Light language can come in the form of spoken sounds, hand movements, and/or by drawing symbols.

Listening to a light language transmission provides you with the energies you need most in the present moment. Benefits can be felt either immediately or take awhile if your system needs to integrate the energies. 

Click here to learn more about light language on my other website. And to listen to light language transmissions from archangels and loving star beings.  

4. Meditate with Angels

Meditating with archangels can provide you with an incredible healing experience. This form of meditation involves connecting to specific archangels. While seeking their help in healing physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds. 

The process encourages a state of deep relaxation, tranquility, and connection with the divine. Which can reduce stress, promote mental clarity, and ease intense emotions. 

Additionally, meditating with angels helps you expand into higher levels of consciousness. Where there is potential to receive divine guidance when you are meditating.

Once you are in a meditative state, call in Archangel Raphael. Let him know what you want healing for. Then visualize green healing light infusing the area where you need healing energies. Remember to thank him at the end of your meditation session. 

5. Crystals

Crystals hold certain energies that can complement and enhance your energy healing journey. Each type of crystal has its own set of healing properties and energies that influence the body's energy field. 

For instance, clear quartz is often used for clarity and cleansing negativity. While amethyst is associated with spiritual growth and protection. By placing these crystals on the body, or holding them, you align your personal energy with that of the crystal. This promotes balance and well-being.

In general, crystals realign your energy centers and bring in more positive vibrations.  

Click here to visit Conscious Items to explore genuine crystals, crystal jewelry, home decor, gift sets, and more. 

6. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses natural plant extracts called essential oils to promote health and well-being. 

The aromatic compounds from these oils enhance the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Inhaling the scents from these oils stimulates the brain. Which leads to improvements in emotions, behaviors, and long-term memory. 

Essential oils such as lavender are often used for stress relief, relaxation, and sleep improvement. Utilize them in a diffuser or place a few drops on a piece of felt that you sit next to you. 

7. Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is a spiritual tool for healing and personal growth. That has potential to lead to emotional healing, reduced stress, and overall improved well-being.

This practice involves meditating or staring at specific geometric patterns, such as the Flower of Life or Metatron’s Cube. 

The energies within sacred geometric symbols merge into your energy field to provide you with specific benefits. For example, staring at the center point in the Flower of Life can boost your creativity and attract more blessings into your life. While spinning Metatron’s Cube around you cleanses your energy. 

Learn more about sacred geometry in this blog post

Accelerate Your Energy Healing Journey

Energy healing tools are invaluable resources that assist you on your spiritual path. By practicing these techniques regularly, you can experience profound transformations. Plus, inner peace and a sense of harmony within your being. 

However, if you would like to accelerate your journey, get an energy healing session with angels.  

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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