5 Spiritual Tools to Release Emotions

Release Emotions and Rejection Feelings
It’s not uncommon for people following a spiritual path to be carrying around a significant amount of emotional hurts and fears. This can show up as feelings of guilt, negativity, or sadness. Disconnecting from these emotions is essential to living a joyful and fulfilling life.

You already know that angels are always there to help you when you need it. And they support you in every way possible. But what many people don't know is that when you're feeling down or carrying a lot of negative energy, angels can help you release those emotions.

In this blog post, the angels channeled a message to assist you. Keep reading to learn how to release emotions in order to lighten your load and move forward on your journey. There are also five spiritual tools to aid you in removing unwanted feelings. 

Channeled Message about How To Release Emotions with Angelic Help

Greetings from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel. As you may already know, eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, and full moon energies bring up the deepest layers of your density for review.

We say review because light will expose your deepest layers, so you know what exists within your system that needs to be removed.

When these things come up for review, you have an option. You can choose to heal from these past hurts and release them over to the angels, or you can choose to hold on to them. The decision is always yours.

We wish for you to recognize that the unpleasant feelings and emotions are not who you truly are. When you need to take a step back, it is okay to give yourself time to do what you need to do to feel better. 

Release Emotions Through Nature’s Peace

We suggest going on a walk in nature with angels. While you are walking, have a conversation with the angels. It could be a specific archangel or your guardian angel that you talk to.

While walking, have the conversation in your mind. It is okay if you feel like you are having a one sided conversation for now. Later on, the solutions to what you discussed with the angels will be revealed to you.

Spending time in nature also has a relaxing effect that can assist you in melting away certain undesirable feelings. These include stress, anger, and negativity. They all can be melted away or lessened simply from being in nature. 

Allow Yourself Time To Heal

Understand that it is okay to allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up. That is how you are able to recognize them, and then let them flow through you to release them.

We caution you however to make note of how long you are being affected by feelings that do not feel good. While it is essential to experience them, there is a thin line between letting them flow through you and holding onto them too long.

Only you will know what is best for you in the present moment, and this will change every time something new comes up. Take as much time as you need to heal and release emotions that do not feel good. This is especially true when you are grieving and require much more time to heal from the loss. 

5 Spiritual Tools To Release Emotions

There will be times when undesirable feelings seem to last too long. When they are lasting much longer than what you would like, seek angelic help.

Utilize these spiritual tools to aid you in removing unwanted feelings. 
  1. 1
    Breathing exercise for a quick release anytime, anywhere
  2. 2
    Rinse them away with a waterfall of white source light
  3. 3
    Meditate and ask Archangel Michael to cleanse your energy
  4. 4
    Listen to solfeggio tones, especially 396 Hz
  5. 5
    Receive an Angel Energy Healing session

Pay Extra Attention During Heightened Astrological Events

During times of full moons, eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, and retrogrades, pay extra attention. These astrological events will expose deeper layers of unwanted emotions, past hurts, and trauma.

They appear because you are ready to heal from them and fully release them in the present moment. Nothing will ever come up that you are not yet ready to remove.

Dear one, if you notice that you are being affected by undesirable emotions for a full week or longer, then please get external help. We do not want you suffering any longer than what is needed for you to release and heal from the heavy energies.

If you are struggling for too long, then we recommend an Angel Energy Healing session. Powerful healing angels will go into your energetic system to remove the causes of the dense energies. 

Abolish Unwanted Feelings in The Present Moment

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you have full control over your own life. Yes, it is true that unwanted feelings will appear from time to time throughout your life’s journey. However, you can abolish unwanted feelings within any moment.

Take a silent moment to yourself when you are wrapped up in negativity or other unpleasant emotions.

Decide within the present moment that you are going to consciously choose to return to love right now. Imagine a line in front of you, and step over that line. As you do so, you are creating a new start in the present moment. It indicates that you are stopping the downward spiral and leaving it behind you.

Next, do the breathing exercise to release emotions that do not feel good. Exhaling the negativity, nervousness, or anger makes it easier to return to a state of love. 

Return To Love

Choosing love is very powerful especially when you return to love in the present moment during challenges. Plus, it halts the undesirable feelings from continuing to affect you. This technique works great when you are in a setting where you are unable to physically escape or meditate.

If you are triggered by another person near you, immediately call upon Archangel Michael for help. Make the decision to not allow the other person to drag you down, and ask for angels to protect you from the other person’s energies.

Also, request that angels quickly cleanse you from any toxic energies that your aura may have picked up from the negative person.

Leaning on angels for support, protection, and peace will aid you in returning to love even during highly stressful moments. 

Transition into A Higher-Vibrational Life

As earth continues to transition into a higher vibration, you are also changing. As an individual, you are going through your own personal transformation. You are leaving behind the old so you can open up to the new and ascend higher.

Take responsibility over the unwanted feelings that arise, and use your spiritual tools to aid in removing them.

Dear one, things will get easier and you will begin to notice shifts occurring in 2022. We are always here for you, and we send you a blessing of love, peace, and healing light. We love you forever.
Thank you, Archangels Michael and Gabriel for this message about how to release emotions. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Replenish Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

When you are going through challenging or uncertain times, it can be too easy to ignore the needs of your mind, body, and spirit.

Remain aware of your daily needs, and be sure to enhance your self-love. Remember that love heals everything, and your own self-love has a tremendous healing effect on you too.

Go deeper into discovering what your mind, body, and spirit needs the most by getting an angel oracle card reading

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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