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40 Thomas Troward Quotes On Life, Success, Mind & More

40 Thomas Troward Quotes On Life, Success, Mind & More

Thomas Troward is an English author who has left an outstanding legacy in the New Thought Movement, and he is one of the early writers in this niche.

He has also greatly influenced Mystic Christianity.

If you ever watched The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006, then you may have heard of his name since he was quoted in the movie.

Other self-help authors like Bob Proctor also based some of their teachings on the materials that Thomas Troward has given out to the world.

That being said, here are some of the best Thomas Troward quotes that you should know—starting with the ones about life and success.

Scroll on and enjoy!

Thomas Troward Quotes On Life And Success

Image of Thomas Troward Quotes On Life And Success

1. “The secret to enjoying life is to take an interest in it.”

2. “Belief in limitation is the one and only thing that causes limitation.”

3. “Beauty represents the supremest living quality of Thought.”

4. “Our repeated failure to fully act as we would wish must not discourage us. It is the sincere intention that is the essential thing, and this will in time release us from the bondage of habits which at present seem almost insuperable.”

5. “Having seen and felt the end, you have willed the means to the realization of the end.”

6. “Success depends on our using, and not opposing.”

7. “It is the direction and not the magnitude which is to be taken into consideration.”

8. “Desire will in due time externalize itself as concrete fact.”

9. “Liberty without Love is Destruction, and Love without Liberty is Despair.”

10. “Perfect harmony with its environment, and perfect expression of its own inward nature are what constitute Beauty.”

Thomas Troward Quotes On The Power Of The Mind

Image of Thomas Troward Quotes On The Power Of The Mind

Many people who found success in life would swear by the power of the mind, and for all the right reasons. 

A lot of people underestimate themselves because they aren’t aware of how truly powerful they can be if they adjust their mindset.

Here are some Thomas Troward quotes that could help you achieve that power:

11. “Spirit in the Infinite is the Creative Power of the universe.”

12. “For what we do not act up to we do not really believe.”

13. “We cannot think into manifestation a different sort of life to that which we realise in ourselves.”

14. “We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make ourselves in habitual mental attitude the person who corresponds to those conditions.”

15. “Take care of the heart, and the head will take care of itself.”

16. “We cannot really think in one way and act in another.”

17. “Because I am what I am, I may be what I will to be. My individuality is one of the modes in which the Infinite expresses itself, and therefore I am myself that very power which I find to be the innermost within of all things.”

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Thomas Troward Quotes To Ponder On

Image of Thomas Troward Quotes To Ponder On

Thomas has cemented his legacy in the area of mental science.

Here are some more quotes for you to ponder on:

18. “Creative power is that receptive attitude of expectancy which makes a mold into which the plastic yet undifferentiated substance can flow and take the desired form.”

19. “It is an enduring truth, which can never be altered, that every infraction of the Law of nature must carry its punitive consequences with it. We can never get beyond that range of cause and effect.”

20. “The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences whatever the objective mind impresses upon it.”

21. “The action of Mind (thought) plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form.”

22. “The principle being thus universal there is no reason why we should postpone its application till we find ourselves in another world, and the best place and time to begin are Here and Now. The starting point is not in time or locality, but in the mode of Thought; and if we realize that this Point of Origination is Spirit's power to produce something out of nothing, and that it does this in accordance with the natural order of substance of the particular world in which it is working, then the spiritual ego in ourselves, as proceeding direct from the Universal Spirit, should be able first, to so harmoniously combine the working of spiritual and physical laws in its own body as to keep it in perfect health, secondly to carry this process further and renew the body, thus eradicating the effects of old age, and thirdly to carry the process still further and perpetuate this renewed body as long as the individual might desire.”

23. “Therefore, whatever may be the nature of our anxiety, we should endeavour to dispel it by the consideration that there may be already existing other facts we do not know of which will produce a different result from the one we fear, and that in any case there is a power which can produce new facts in answer to our appeal to it.”

24. “Beauty is the externalisation of Harmony, and Harmony is the co-ordinated working of all the powers of Being, both in the individual and in the relation of the individual to the Infinite from which it springs; and therefore this Harmony conducts us at once into the presence of the innermost undifferentiated Life.”

25. “Relying on the maxim that Principle is not bound by Precedent we should not limit our expectations of the future; and if our speculations lead us to the conclusion that we have reached a point where we are not only able, but also required, by the law of our own being, to take a more active part in our personal evolution than heretofore, this discovery will afford us a new outlook upon life and widen our horizon with fresh interests and brightening hopes.”

26. “My mind is a center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in the past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner with me; consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.”

27. “Any anxious thought as to the means to be employed in the accomplishment of our purposes is quite unnecessary. If the end is already secured, then it follows that all the steps leading to it are secured also.”

28. “Prayer is the heart's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed.”

29. “In the true order everything is seen from within.”

Image of Thomas Troward quote

30. “God will provide the food, but he will not cook the dinner.”

31. “Our object, however, is not to transfer ourselves to other planets but to get the best out of this one; but we shall not get the best out of this one until we realize that the power which will enable us to do so is so absolutely universal and fundamental that its application in this world is precisely the same as in any other, and that is why I have stated it as a general proposition applicable to all worlds. The principle being thus universal there is no reason why we should postpone its application till we find ourselves in another world, and the best place and time to begin are Here and Now. The starting point is not in time or locality, but in the mode of Thought; and if we realize that this Point of Origination is Spirit's power to produce something out of nothing, and that it does this in accordance with the natural order of substance of the particular world in which it is working, then the spiritual ego in ourselves, as proceeding direct from the Universal Spirit, should be able first, to so harmoniously combine the working of spiritual and physical laws in its own body as to keep it in perfect health, secondly to carry this process further and renew the body, thus eradicating the effects of old age, and thirdly to carry the process still further and perpetuate this renewed body as long as the individual might desire.”

32. “If you take your own knowledge of law as the starting-point of the creative action in your personal life, you have inverted the true order, and the logical result from your premises will be to bring the whole burden upon yourself like a thousand of bricks; but if you take the All-givingness of the Creating Spirit as your starting-point, then everything else will fall into a harmonious order, and all you will have to do is to receive and use what you receive, asking the Divine guidance to use it rightly.”

33. “Whatever we believe does, for us, in very fact exist. Our beliefs may be erroneous from the point of view of a happier belief, but this does not alter the fact that for ourselves our beliefs are our realities, and these realities must continue until some ground is found for a change in belief.”

34. “The law of floatation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things, but by contemplating the floating of things which floated naturally, and then intelligently asking why they did so.”

35. “All that hinders the individual from exercising the full power of the Infinite for any purpose whatever is his lack of faith, his inability to realise to the full the stupendous truth that he himself is the very power which he seeks.”

36. “A lie is a statement that something is, which is not. then, since the Spirit's statement or conception of anything necessarily makes that thing exist, it is logically impossible for it to conceive a lie. Therefore the Spirit is Truth. Similarly disease and death are the negative of life, and therefore the Spirit, as the Principle of life, cannot embody disease or death in its Self-contemplation. In like manner also, since it is free to produce what it will, the Spirit cannot desire the presence of repugnant forms, and so one of its inherent Laws must be Beauty. In this treefold Law of Truth, Life and Beauty, we find the whole underlying nature of the spirit, and no action on the part of the individual can be at variance with the Originating Unity which does not contravert fundamental principles.”

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37. “Our Thought must necessarily be limited by our conceptions. We cannot think of something which we cannot conceive; and therefore, the more limited our conceptions, the more limited will be our thought, and its creations will accordingly be limited in a corresponding degree.”

38. “What is our point of support? Is it in ourselves or outside us? Are we self-poised, or does our balance depend on something external? According to the actual belief in which our answer to these questions is embodied so will our lives be. In everything there are two parts, the essential and the incidental – that which is the nucleus and raison d'être of the whole thing, and that which gathers round this nucleus and takes form from it. The true knowledge always consists in distinguishing these two from each other, and error always consists in misplacing them.”

39. “It is an old saying that “Order is Heaven's First Law,” and like many other old sayings it contains a much deeper philosophy than appears immediately on the surface. Getting things into a better order is the great secret of progress, and we are now able to fly through the air, not because”

40. “A light, even playful handling, therefore implies a firm grasp and perfect control over the instrument.”

What’s Your Favorite Thomas Troward Quote?

Thomas Troward has lived a fruitful life as an author.

He was said to be a kind and understanding man, and many of his noble teachings have become the foundation of so many self-help authors today.

Which one of these Thomas Troward quotes did you like best?

Let us know in the comments below!