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How To Make A Wish Come True In 30 Seconds

How To Make A Wish Come True In 30 Seconds

So, maybe you’re new to this whole “you create your own reality” business.

Maybe you’ve read a few awesome stories of how people have deliberately “used their minds” to get everything they ever wanted and then some.

Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “Meh, sounds nice and all, but they can do it because they have the mental power. I don’t.”

Listen to me.

Are you reading this right now?

Then you have all the power you will ever need to manifest whatever you desire. How?

Well, we’re going to talk about it in this article – and I’ll even do you one better.

I will tell you how to make a wish come true in 30 seconds.

Yup. You read that right.

You CAN Do This!

How To Make A Wish Come True In 30 Seconds Image

A can-do attitude is essential – in every aspect of your life.

Ever meet someone who always answers every challenge or suggestion with a whiny “But I can’t?

You’re not one of those people.

I know this, because you’re here. Stick with me.

If you have the ability to THINK, to FEEL, to IMAGINE, then my friend, you definitely can learn how to make a wish come true in 30 seconds.

It sounds like a tall order, but stick with me, okay?

It’s Probably NOT Going to Happen in 30 Seconds

“Woah, woah, wait a minute! Am I getting catfished here?”

You’re not.

I promise.

Here’s what I mean by that subheading.

You can set things into motion to make your wish come true in 30 seconds flat (or less!).

BUT that doesn’t mean you’re going to have it in exactly 30 seconds.

I mean, slow down, cowgirl – or cowboy.

Your wish WILL come true – exactly when you need it to.

If that happens in 30 seconds, great. It might take 30 minutes, or 30 days.

The point is, you don’t need to be a guru at this.

You don’t need to be a shaman, drink ayahuasca, meditate under the pouring rain and blazing sun for 5 years, till you get good at this. All you need is 30 seconds.

Points to Remember

Remember – all you need is the ability to:

– THINK – you’re doing that as you read, right now.

– FEEL – emotions and physical sensations.

– IMAGINE  – you can see things in your mind’s eye.

Or if you’re better at imagining sound, hear with your mind’s ear.

If your sense of smell is best, smell with your mind’s nose.

If your sense of touch is the most powerful, feel with your mind’s hands or body (this goes back to being able to FEEL).

If you can incorporate every sense vividly into your imagination, go right ahead! Make it a 3D here and now experience.

But I Don’t Have a Great Imagination!

Nope. Not true. You definitely do, buddy.

Close your eyes (after reading this paragraph, of course).

Feel a baseball in your hand. Now feel a basketball. Feel your hand in water. Now in sand.

See, you’re imagining!

If that didn’t work for you, go through all five senses.

Smell a rose, then money, then a lemon.

Taste cotton candy, pizza (yum!), and orange juice.

Hear the sound of rain, then crickets, then your friend’s laughter. See a red ball.  A purple elephant. A black van.

See? You’re nailing this! You’ll find some “mental senses” stronger for you than others. Use them.

How to Make a Wish Come True in 30 Seconds


What would happen, if my wish were already a done deal and old news?

Pick a scenario – a short one – that implies your wish is already fulfilled and in the past.


Feel the emotions you’d have, when you have your fulfilled wish.

Don’t try to force it.

Just pretend, like you used to when you were a child, that THE FUTURE IS THE PRESENT, and OVER THERE IS RIGHT HERE.

This will allow the emotions flow easily. Ever see a kid play with toys?

You may dismiss them saying “oh it’s just child’s play,” but that “child’s play” is very real to them!

This manifestation thing is child’s play.


You’ve chosen your scene. It could be a friend congratulating you on getting it.

It could be your spouse saying, “remember when we didn’t have XYZ, or couldn’t afford ABC?” And you smile and reply, “Yeah. Things sure have changed!

Make it a short scene. Replay it in your mind.

If your wish is a new position at work, feel what it’s like to walk around with your head high as “the boss.” ALSO!  

Feel the physical sensation of yourself sitting in your new chair, in your new office. Remember when it comes to feeling: emotions and sensations are key.

That’s it.

That’s really it.

When you come out of it all, forget about it. It is done.

Don’t go digging up the seed you just planted by looking for “signs” like, oh, it’s 11:11!

The signs that your wish has come true follow your imagination. They don’t come before it.

And Remember This

It may not happen all in 30 seconds, or it might.

Just yesterday, I was quite hungry – but I was in no mood to cook.

I had the strangest craving for Jollof rice ( a West African dish) and some good ol’ fried chicken.

There are no restaurants around me that sell that. So I couldn’t order it.

My phone rang in less than a minute – my neighbor and good friend Don wanted me to come over and share some food a Nigerian friend of his had brought along.

Guess what?

I was full of delicious Jollof less than an hour later.

I even got took some of it back home with me, and man, I have to tell you, I hadn’t had Jollof taste that good. EVER.

It can happen that fast!

RELATED: The Morning Manifesting Ritual That Will Change Your Life

Or it could take just a bit more time. Like when I got my very own house. But more on that in another article.

The fact is, if you imagined it, you’re going to experience it.

Happy manifesting!