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285 Affirmations On Abundance (With Sharable Images)

285 Affirmations On Abundance (With Sharable Images)

Many of us want more in our lives. We also know that most of the time we don't instantly get what we want. Sometimes we need a little helping hand.

I’ve put together 285 affirmations to help you create abundance. If you apply these to your life you can get closer to getting what you desire.

Whether it’s money, success, or romance, there is a variety of affirmations that you can use. Along with some sharable images for you to spread the love and bring some abundance into somebody else’s life!


Affirmations To Create Abundance In Your Life

  • I am prosperous in everything I do.
  • Every single day and in every single way I am attaining more abundance.
  • I open myself to receiving wealth and abundance.
  • My life is full of love and happiness.
  • I attract a myriad of sources of income into my life.
  • I have the power to create abundance in all areas of my life.
  • All of my desires are being fulfilled.
  • I fully deserve the wonderful things in my life and the wonderful things to come.
  • My financial life continues to improve more and more each day.
  • I let go of all resistance to prosperity, and it comes to me naturally.
  • I truly have no limits in every single area of my life.
Affirmation for abundance: I truly have no limits in every single area of my life.
  • I am engineered for greatness.
  • I am a prosperity magnet.
  • I release all my negative beliefs about money and invite wealth into my life.
  • I radiate abundance.
  • I can easily imagine myself having limitless abundance.
  • I deserve abundance in love.
  • I am persistent and driven and find all the energy I need to attain my goals and dreams.
  • Abundance is my divine birthright.
  • I continue to enjoy more abundance from expected and unexpected sources.
  • Making money is good for me and for everyone in my life.
  • I love the financial security that I am attracting.
  • I have the power to be successful.
Affirmation for abundance: I have the power to be successful
  • I replace bad habits with good habits that help me have more abundance in my life.
  • I am well deserving of having everything I have ever wanted and more.
  • I am very lucky.
  • I am always finding new avenues for success.
  • I attract wealth with ease.
  • I gracefully handle success with ease.
  • There is always abundance in me and surrounding me.
  • I attract success.
  • Every challenge in my life quickly becomes an opportunity for me to create a more prosperous life.
  • My high ambitions are matched with high levels of prosperity.
  • My mindset is set to attracting great sums of money.
  • I cultivate more success in my life with ease.
  • I find myself being extremely happy for other people's abundance.
Affirmation for abundance: I find myself being extremely happy for other people's abundance.
  • Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
  • I am enough and I have enough. For I believe I live in an abundant universe where there’s always enough for everyone, including me.
  • I am naturally supported by all the people in my life.
  • I am and always will be prosperous.
  • I am constantly doing work that I love and paid handsomely for it.
  • I am in perfect flow with universal abundance.
  • I enjoy seeing my money grow for me each day.
  • I know there is ample prosperity for all.
  • I am worthy of great success.
  • I wake up to more and more abundance every single day.
  • I am a perfect example to my friends and family about what prosperity is and how to create it.
  • I create wealth effortlessly.
  • I can create anything I want in my life.
Affirmation for abundance: I can create anything I want in my life.
  • I am connected to a vast reservoir of support and possibility. I align with this underlying current, this energy that fills every cell and space.
  • I speak only about prosperity and abundance.
  • I am abundant.
  • I draw abundance into my life because I am in tune with the universe.
  • I bless all abundance I see in my life. For what I bless must come into my existence.
  • Abundance around me, abundance within me, abundance throughout me.
  • I am prosperous, healthy, happy and live in abundance.
  • Today is filled with opportunity, and I will seize it.
  • Luxury and riches are in my DNA.
  • My life is full of unlimited abundance.
  • Prosperous people are naturally drawn to me.
  • Prosperity now happens to me.
  • The more prosperous I become the more happy I am and aligned with the universe.
  • If one person has created abundance, that is proof that I can do the exact same.
Affirmation for abundance: If one person has created abundance, that is proof that I can do the exact same.
  • I leave the idea of poverty behind forever.
  • I experience copious amounts of love.
  • I always have enough money and much more of it.
  • I love giving back with the abundance and prosperity that I created.
  • My prosperity is unlimited, my success is unlimited now.
  • I am deeply grateful for all the abundance in my life and the more to come.
  • My friends and family support my abundance.
  • I have the power to shift the way I think about abundance and do so positively.
  • I am abundance.
  • I feel good about money and deserve it in my life.
  • I am fully supportive of allowing abundance to come into my life.
  • There are opportunities everywhere.
Affirmation for abundance: There are opportunities everywhere.
  • I am naturally and successfully living up to my potential more and more each day.
  • I envision myself receiving all the inspiration I need to create the kind of experiences I want to have.
  • I am always attracting people into my life that help add to my abundance.
  • I expect good things to happen to me every single day.
  • I have abundant amounts of health and vitality in my life.
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  • The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.
  • I have everything I need to get to where I want to be.
  • Romance flourishes in my life on a daily basis.
  • I am well deserving of all the great things life has to offer.
  • I trust that life and the universe are bringing me the abundance I desire.
Affirmation for abundance: I trust that life and the universe are bringing me the abundance I desire.
  • I attract prosperity with each thought I think.
  • Everything and everybody prospers me now.
  • I am becoming more and more financially free by the day.
  • I am worthy of receiving prosperity now.
  • I know I can’t help the poor if I am poor, that is why I am obligated to become rich.
  • I think big and my actions are big because of it.
  • People feel how abundant I am just by being in my presence.
  • Every single thing in my life works out for my highest good.
  • Wealth is my birth-right, my natural state of being.
  • I realize that I can help others with my wealth; so I stay wealthy.
  • I am thankful for the comfort and joy that money provides me.
Affirmation for abundance: I am thankful for the comfort and joy that money provides me.
  • The work that I do is well compensated.
  • I am living a life of abundance.
  • My energy levels are always optimal.
  • I am a success magnet.
  • I am worth of attracting mass quantities of money.
  • I choose wealth and abundance.
  • I am extremely thankful for my ability to create abundance in all areas of my life.
  • I naturally align myself with my purpose for being on this earth. Which brings me abundance and spiritual fulfillment.
  • God and the universe guide me to all the great things in life.
  • I am open to receiving limitless abundance.
  • Money is very important to me.
  • When I sleep, my dreams bring me ideas that can bring me more abundance.
Affirmation for abundance: When I sleep, my dreams bring me ideas that can bring me more abundance.
  • I am learning how to enjoy what I have while working for what I want.
  • I am a master at investing and making my money work for me.
  • I let go of lackful thinking and move into only abundant thinking.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • Prosperity and abundance follow me all throughout the day.
  • Everywhere I look I see more opportunity.
  • I am so grateful for all the abundance in my life.
  • I literally see nothing lacking in the universe, including every area of my life.
  • I release all negativity around building wealth.
  • I rejoice about each dollar I make because it is a divine blessing.
  • I never give up on my dreams and the universe is and will continue to reward this effort with massive abundance.
  • I am open minded about creating new sources of income.
  • I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do.

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Affirmation for abundance: I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do.
  • I rapidly set and accomplish goals with ease.
  • Money flows freely in my life.
  • I naturally attract all types of abundance into my life.
  • I acknowledge the fact that I can create high levels of abundance in my life.
  • Everywhere I look, I see abundance.
  • I continue to attract an abundant amount of beautiful and empowering relationships in my life.
  • I am increasingly magnetic to health, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and money.
  • I let go of any negative and limiting beliefs I have about money.
  • I am willing to be more abundant now.
  • I allow myself to feel levels of prosperity that I have never felt before.
  • Each act I take brings me towards a completely abundant future.
  • I am experiencing more and more abundance in my romantic life each and every day.
Affirmation for abundance: I am experiencing more and more abundance in my romantic life each and every day.
  • I choose to live an incredibly abundant life from this day forward.
  • Every day and in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous.
  • Lack of money is the root of all evil.
  • I ooze abundant energy.
  • I always have so much more than I need.
  • I have complete faith that abundance is working its way toward me.
  • Something wonderful is about to happen to me.
  • I am happy for others because they inspire me to see the same potential that lives inside of me.
  • I have an entrepreneurial mindset that lets me see new opportunities and problems to solve everywhere I go.
  • I deserve the best and it comes to me now.
  • Feeling joyful attracts abundance.
  • Abundance is my natural state of being.
  • Success comes naturally to me.
  • Wealth flows to me through various streams with ease.
Affirmation for abundance: Wealth flows to me through various streams with ease.
  • I easily let go of all resistance to wealth and abundance and let it flow to me naturally.
  • I am enough, always have been, and always will be.
  • All that I demand from life is always met promptly.
  • The whole entire universe is conspiring to make me more rich and abundant.
  • I have all I need to get to wherever I want to be or have in my life.
  • I am perfectly aligned with the abundant source of this universe.
  • I have the abilities needed to create wealth and abundant health in my life.
  • I see abundance all around me.
  • I always have everything I need and much much more.
  • I seek to have complete balance with having abundance in every single area of my life.
  • People want to give me more and more each day to help me feeling completely abundant.
  • I always attract the perfect people and circumstances at just the right moment.
  • I use my power of visualization with ease to attract complete abundance.
Affirmation for abundance: I use my power of visualization with ease to attract complete abundance.
  • I perfectly blend spirituality with financial abundance.
  • Enormous power and wealth are available for my use.
  • I am open and ready to attract abundance into my life.
  • I naturally only entertain thoughts of abundance.
  • I am free to do whatever I wish to do.
  • My mind is powerful and I use it with ease to create all that I want in this life.
  • I always have whatever I need.
  • All my issues with wealth have disappeared.
  • I was born for success and designed for greatness.
  • Great wealth is flowing to me now.
  • I am wealthy.
  • I am a master at the works of the Law of Attraction and it brings me all of my heart's desires.
  • I expect positive things to happen and they always do.
Affirmation for abundance: I expect positive things to happen and they always do.
  • All my needs are met instantaneously.
  • I am gracious for the wealth I have in my life.
  • I am relaxing into greater abundance.
  • Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness, and peace of mind.
  • I attract all that I need to be and become more abundant every single day.
  • I see myself as wealthy, and that’s who I am.
  • I am now free to do the things I love.
  • Prosperity and abundance surround me.
  • Because of my abundance, I am able to give back so much.
  • I see money as always being an endless resource of which everyone can have enough of it and more.
  • I am a magnet for prosperity because I praise what I love and enjoy.
  • I easily combine hard work with powerfully positive thoughts which helps me create the ultimate abundant life.
  • I am attracting riches each day with ease.
  • I am wealthy here and now in every area of my life.
Affirmation for abundance: I am wealthy here and now in every area of my life.
  • It is perfectly OK for me to have abundance.
  • Boatloads of cash come into my life often.
  • Money always flows to me easily.
  • I enjoy feeling the abundance that flows through my life.
  • I have earned the right to have complete abundance.
  • I will be productive and prosperous today.
  • It is my birthright to enjoy a life of abundance.
  • I have an abundance mindset.
  • God and the angels bless me more and more each day because I am perfectly receptive and deserving of their help.
  • I am connected to a vast reservoir of abundance.
  • I allow myself to come into a state of massive success.
  • Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing.
  • I now create my wonderful, ideal life.
  • I can and am able to handle and hold onto riches with ease.
  • I choose to only live in an abundant state, no matter what is going on in my life.
Affirmation for abundance: I choose to only live in an abundant state, no matter what is going on in my life.
  • My life is full of abundance.
  • What I seek is seeking me. That is why I only seek abundance.
  • When I am in need of help, I always attract the best people to help me win.
  • I trust that I am already enough, that I always have been and will be whole and taken care of on the deepest level. For this, I am grateful.
  • Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth.
  • God is in full support of me living an abundant life.
  • Money is an important part of my life and is never away from me.
  • I release all opposition to wealth.
  • I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.
  • My income is growing higher and higher now.
  • I love abundance in all its beautiful forms.
  • I am open to every positive change that wants to come into my life.
  • I am open to only positive and abundant situations and opportunities to come into my life.
  • My income is always increasing.
  • I allow all good things to come into my life, and I enjoy them.
Affirmation for abundance: I allow all good things to come into my life, and I enjoy them.
  • My mind defaults to the positive and that brings me more abundance.
  • Every day I am attracting more and more abundance into my life.
  • Every day in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous.
  • I see the universe as a great friend who wants the best for me and wants to bring me all that I want.
  • My greatest good is coming to me now.
  • My cup runs over with wealth and abundance.
  • I clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make money.
  • My plate is full in every single sense of the term.
  • I am extremely successful.
  • Abundance flows to me in avalanches.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for the abundance that comes into my life every day.
  • With each thought, I'm asking life for something. I make my requests from a place of abundance and trust. Life’s possibilities expand in response to me.
  • I am entitled to the abundance that life wants to give me.
  • My entire soul and being vibrates on the level of abundance.
Affirmation for abundance: My entire soul and being vibrates on the level of abundance.
  • My life is plentiful in every single area.
  • I know I am abundant.
  • Thank you in advance for the abundance that will flow into my life.
  • I attract prosperity.
  • I allow my passions to perpetuate good in the world through my wealth.
  • I love showing others how to create prosperity in my life and do so with ease because I am a master at it.
  • I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible.
  • I am becoming more prosperous in all areas of my life each day.
  • I deserve to be rich.
  • Like a powerful magnet, I attract all my desires in great abundance.
  • I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.
  • I feel so amazing every single day.
Affirmation for abundance: I feel so amazing every single day.
  • I am living my life in a state of complete abundance.
  • Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.
  • My goals are naturally achieved with ease and fast.
  • I courageously step outside my comfort zone which helps me create more wealth and abundance in my life.
  • My work brings me more and more success and fulfillment each day.
  • I will enjoy a lifetime of prosperity.
  • Open my heart entirely to wealth and riches.
  • Wealth is a positive expression of divine energy.
  • I am attuned to the frequency of love and abundance.
  • I am perfectly programmed for success and prosperity.
  • Money and wealth come to me easily.
  • I am magnetic to money, and it is magnetic to me.
  • I am abundantly connected in my spiritual life.
  • I believe in myself and my ability to create abundance.
  • My friends and family seek to add feelings of my abundance to my life each time we are together.
  • I am the most fortunate person on this earth.
Affirmation for abundance: I am the most fortunate person on this earth.
  • I am in complete support of everyone in my life seeking and finding prosperity.
  • I am now accumulating large sums of money.
  • Every time I think an abundant thought, I emit the frequency of that which I desire.  I draw myself nearer to all I could ever want or need.
  • An abundance of love and joy flows through my family life.
  • I completely deserve prosperity and wealth.
  • I always have enough money for myself.
  • I am surrounded by others who think abundantly about life.
  • I enjoy my prosperity and share it freely with the world.
  • I have much more money coming in than the amount that I spend.
  • The universe wants me to have complete abundance.
  • I am becoming a multi-millionaire more and more every day.
  • I now release the goldmine within me.
  • Perfect abundance is my chosen reality.
  • I always find ways to create more abundance in my life doing things that I love.
Affirmation for abundance: I always find ways to create more abundance in my life doing things that I love.
  • The universe supports me and I feel this support in all my days.
  • I always recognize opportunity when it knocks.
  • Thank you Universe for my great abundance.
  • I am wide awake to my abundance
  • I am perfectly content creating and holding onto riches and wealth.
  • I love who I am and who I am becoming.
  • I am safe to manifest my dreams and goals. Every last one of them.
  • My actions create more and more prosperity.
  • I naturally let go of relationships that don’t support abundance in my life.
  • I am a powerful creator and can create anything I want in my life. Literally anything.
  • My wealth derives from honesty in everything I do.

Related post: Explore expert advice on why affirmations might not be working and practical tips to make them more effective.