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5 Key Childhood Signs Of Shamanic Calling

5 Key Childhood Signs Of Shamanic Calling

Shamanism is one of the least used words and practices spoken about today when referring to anything healing, spirituality or New Age related.

Yet, shamanism is deep, ancestral and ancient; it is an integral philosophy and practice.

It is more than a term or a pseudoscientific phrase to equate with other healing modalities, therapies or spiritual perspectives.

It is a way of life, the core of our being.

The truth is many people are awaking to their shamanic roots, innate gifts and abilities, and the higher perspective wisdom which accompanies.

If we look at the younger generation, there are frequent displays of shamanic ways of being and thinking.

Showing advanced levels of compassion to other people, animals and nature; speaking to plants or trees, considering the fact that ‘animals are our friends’ by choosing to not eat them, and displaying empathy verging on psychic ability or intuitive wisdom to match the most advanced spiritual master…

These shamanic signs are frequently common in children, and often things that some of us adults can’t comprehend or understand.

So, before going into the 5 signs of shamanic calling in childhood it is important to first define what a shaman is.

It is is also significant to look to some shamanic practices which are realistically and practically engaged in.

What Is A Shaman?

A shaman is a medicine man or woman, a healer, and a connector and channel for spirit. Those who take on the role of the shaman learn how to channel spirit and healing energy for the benefit of self, others and the natural world (nature/ Mother Earth). There is a strong element of selflessness and service to shamanic practitioners and masters.

It is very easy to use the term lightly as there are many people waking up to their spiritual gifts, divine sense of life purpose or mission, and genuine desire to channel healing energy and power.

Yet, there are many healers, therapists and energy workers nowadays (God and Goddess bless!).

what are the signs of shamanic calling

So this makes it important to recognize the difference between being a heart-centered spiritual soul and/or a healer, and a shaman.

Traditionally and especially in ancient times, shamans were the elders of their tribe.

A shaman would emerge when living in harmony with the earth and land, hence the phrase ‘medicine wo/man.’

(Medicine man or woman.): Someone who worked intrinsically with the natural world and earth they respected would learn how to channel healing energy, also connecting to spirit, spiritual entities and the unseen worlds.

Over time, this knowledge was passed down through teachers, elders and ceremonies. The shaman’s gifts and wisdom, therefore, originally came directly from spirit, source or the divine.

Nowadays anyone can be a shaman, so long as they have received their training, knowledge and initiation from a real master, teacher or elder; or directly from the lineage.

In truth, everyone is a shaman as we all have shamanic roots- we all originate from the same source.

It is only society which separates us from our true core.

The term roots is often used in shamanism, as it relates to one of the fundamental core practices and principles.

This is the connection humanity has to the earth.

Our roots are like the roots of the great trees of the world; deep, connected, strong and grounded.

Shamanic Practices

As shamanism stems back to the start of our earth journey, shamanic practices range from the practices adopted from our ancestors who learned directly from Spirit, to the teachings passed on today.

Despite what many sources may say, there is no right or wrong shamanism and many of the Shamanic Practitioners, Masters, Teachers and Healers have received their gifts and healing abilities directly from those aligned.

i.e…those who have also trained with real Shamans.

This is the basis of shamanic initiation, it's how people become shamans.

They receive their wisdom, gifts and abilities through those trained and attuned to the correct lineage.

A ‘lineage’ refers to any branch of shamanism originating directly from the Earth, Spirit or the Divine, rooted in community and connection to the land.

Shamanic practices include ceremony, healing self or others, healing the earth, divination, channeling and mediumship, and entering a trance-like state for wisdom, healing or connection to some higher power, or spiritual entity.

Working with herbs, plants, flowers, crystals and natural gemstones, special resins, tree spirits, sound and song are also core to shamanic practices and principles.

herbs for shamans

Furthermore, nature and community are integral to shamanic practice.

They are both core beliefs and realizations of how we as guardians of planet earth should be living.

Without nature we would not survive.

Community is equally as powerful for healing, wisdom and living our best lives.

Wisdom can be found in the depths of the natural world and community allows us to recognize our part in the grand design of life.

We are not just individuals, but connected and part of something greater.

It is through this knowledge, and practice through music, circles, ceremonies, and shared healing activities, that we can live in tune and in harmony with Mother Earth and her inhabitants and be harmonious and spiritually aware within.

This brings us onto shamanic calling.

Shamanic Calling: An Inevitable Part of Life?

Those who are familiar with shamanic teachings and practices can argue that shamanic calling is an inevitable part of life.


Well, I believe it has already been said.

We are all shamans as we are all born on to this earth with soul, spirit, and a natural connection to the world around.

Man-made societal structures did not exist thousands of years ago.

Everything which has been created to keep us in a state of separation, separated from our natural selves and love and respect for the planet and the earth’s inhabitants, were not in play once upon a time.

One may suggest that this ‘temporary separation’ was in fact essential.

It provided us the space, wisdom and lessons to learn and grow, evolving back to our true selves and natural vibration.

This natural vibration is, of course, the characteristics, gifts, and behaviors we see in children; specifically, those who are awakening to their shamanic and spiritual gifts.

The 5 Key Childhood Signs of Shamanic Calling

Sign #1: Deep Empathy

Shamanic children (children with a natural shamanic calling and life path) have a deep-seated empathy and natural ability to connect to others on an extraordinary level.

They can often feel what it is like to be an animal, plant species, or tree, with ultimate compassion.

Shamanic children are usually very sensitive and feel things beyond the norm.

They may get disturbed by violent or hurtful scenes.

Where something on T.V or in a movie might make other children flinch or be momentarily shocked, children with a shamanic calling let such scenes linger in their consciousness.

They can feel exactly what it is like to be in another’s shoes, and feel seriously disturbed by the pain and suffering of others.

Empathy is defined as the ability to feel the feelings of others.

In terms of shamanism, this is literally what a shaman does- they connect to spirit, other people or animals and nature in some way.

child with shamanism calling signs

A shaman uses his or her unique empathy and psychic or spiritual gifts to be a catalyst for change, healing or growth.

Connection, and the connection and feelings of oneness involved with empathy relate to this.

Sign #2: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance

The ‘4 C’s’ are an integral part to shamanic awakening in childhood. Some of these have already been touched upon.

Let’s define these gifts.

Clairvoyance: The gift of sight. The ability to ‘see’ things, whether hidden motives, intentions and subtle impressions in a physical world; or the ability to auras and spiritual energy.

Many clairvoyant people can read people’s energy, ‘know’ when someone is ill, or more specifically: exactly which body part or physical organ is not well, and tune in to other people on a psychic level.

Clairvoyance often leads to precognitive dreams and visions.

Clairaudience: The ability to hear things from the spiritual world, or receive auditory information from subtle dimensions of being.

Clairaudient children often claim they can hear trees, plants and animals talking to them.

Furthermore, these children are very connected to the divine, their higher self or spirit guides.

Life is a multi-dimensional experience, and what shamans can do during trance or mediumship is on the same wavelength of clairaudience.

Clairsentience: The ability to tune into others emotions, like empaths do, and feel people, places and natural entities on a deep level.

They can feel and sense the energy of an environment, physical place, animals, plant or person.

Clairsentient children are very in tune with their intuition and gut feeling, even if they haven’t yet been taught the wisdom behind it.   

Claircognizance: Claircognizance is ‘clear knowing.’ There is a spiritual knowing without needing physical evidence or proof.

People or children with this gift often receive insights and flashes of strong wisdom about the past, present or future.

This can also translate as profound and precognitive dreams (premonitions). Psychic ability and ‘reading behind the scenes’ is also prevalent.

Whichever shamanic gift one is presented with in childhood, it is a sure sign they are destined to awaken to their spiritual gifts and be a channel for some higher healing power in some way, shape or form.

Sign #3: A Strong Connection to Nature

The natural affinity with the environment and earth’s inhabitants and plant species is another sure indicator that a child will become in tune with their shamanic roots at some stage in life.

A love for nature is present in almost all children, however what is described here goes above and beyond a love for the natural world.

In those with a shamanic calling in life, the feeling of oneness with nature and all her inhabitants is a deeply emotional, psychic and spiritual experience.

It is strongly connected to empathy.

In short, these children are like the beings (Na’vi) in the film Avatar.

Just visualize the ‘Tree of souls…’ this is exactly the type of reality shamanic children experience!

Sign #4: Humanitarian Interests

Humanitarian interests and passions are strong in those with a shamanic life path planned out.

It is virtually impossible to condition love, compassion and a sense of stewardship out of a child who carries the vibration of a shaman at their core.

Regardless of the societal structures around or the amount of people who hold different views and energetic frequencies, a shamanic child’s light is strong.

hands on earth

This light is the recognition of humans being one with and equal to the plants, trees and wildlife of the earth.

Our planet and natural world to them are seen as connected, and compassion and empathy really have no bounds.

Even in a traditional classroom environment with 30 out of 33 people arguing that certain treatments or human actions are acceptable, the shaman child will know in their core that they are wrong.

Nothing can stop their empathy or choice to feel for Mother Earth and other sentient souls.

They also always stay true to their own beliefs and intuition regarding humanitarian issues and concepts.

There is something very inspirational about them.

Recommended Post: The 7 Earth Chakras – Here’s Where Each One Is Located

Sign #5: Wise Beyond Years

Finally, many shamanic children are often referred to as wise beyond their years.

This may translate in a number of ways, from being seen for their intellectual and academic advancement and maturity in school, to being recognized for their unique intuitive, compassionate and empathic capabilities.

Children who have strong shamanic roots will always excel in some way when they’re younger.

There is usually an interplay and ‘overlap’ of energies too, for example having incredible feeling- compassionate-humanitarian capabilities with highest level mathematical or musical skills and understanding.

Another example is excelling in English literature and poetry and simultaneously being able to communicate with trees, plants or flowers (‘hear the wisdom’ from the trees).

Of course, no-one can truly determine if someone is going to become a great Spiritual Teacher and Shamanic Healer from childhood and teenage years (unless one is specifically raised in a like-minded community or introduced to this path early on),

However, it is always necessary to look out for the signs. 

Intuition links strongly with being wise in childhood.

Many children with a shamanic calling have a unique intuition and thrive in the creative, imaginative and artistic realms.

They love art, music, nature and the abstract, often receiving unique insights and their wisdom from these places.

To Conclude The Childhood Signs Of Shamanic Calling

There are many childhood signs of shamanic calling that in truth we could write a whole book on this subject!

The beauty of shamanic calling is that it will always be present and a part of one’s true self.

There is no escaping destiny or our souls, shamanism is inherent within our DNA.

The Shaman’ is our roots.

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Sunday 4th of October 2020

Very informative article on many levels, except one that needs to be corrected. While anyone can learn the art and craft of medicine, NOT everyone can be a Shaman. Shamans are born, NOT made. As Sandra Ingerman, a Shaman herself states in her teachings, EVERY Shaman is a medicine man/woman, but not all medicine men/women are Shamans. Shamanism is a calling, a spiritual path and way of life, a journey and a liaison between the spiritual world and the souls in need, in the temporal world. The life of a Shaman is marked by trial, tragedy and suffering, traits designed by Spirit to shape them into the vessel they are called to be, to selflessly carry and impart the gifts poured into them. These initiations and seasons of trial can’t be learned or earned in a course. Many may be beguiled by what may look like a glamorous and powerful role, but this is not what it is to a true, Shaman.