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Sep 12, 2024

7 Surefire Signs He Wants You to Be His Girlfriend

You’ve been hanging out with this guy, and things are going great—laughing at each other’s jokes, having meaningful conversations, and feeling those butterflies. But now you’re wondering: Does he want to take it to the next level? Is he thinking about you as girlfriend material? Let’s explore some subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs that show he’s ready to make it official.

Decoding what a guy’s feeling can sometimes feel like solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. But don’t worry—we’re here to help you spot the signs that he’s totally into you. So, sit back, relax, and let’s unravel the mystery of his heart together. By the end, you’ll be a pro at reading his signals.

Is It Possible to Recognize He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend?

Absolutely! While guys aren’t always great at expressing their feelings, they show plenty of signs when they’re smitten. It’s all about knowing what to look for. Men often communicate through actions rather than words, so instead of waiting for a big romantic confession, focus on how he treats you and the effort he puts into your interactions. The key is picking up on those little cues that say, “I’m totally into you!”

7 Subtle Signs That Can Tell He’s In Love With You

Here are seven signs that can clue you in on whether he’s ready to take your relationship to the next level. Every guy is different, so he might not tick all these boxes, but if he’s showing several, there’s a good chance he’s feeling something deep.

He Calls You Often

Gone are the days when phone calls were just for emergencies or grandma. If he’s calling to chat, not just sending those late-night “you up?” texts, it’s a good sign. Whether it’s a quick call on his lunch break or to hear about your day, these check-ins show you’re important to him.

If your phone’s buzzing more than usual with his name on the screen, it’s a great sign he’s falling hard.

He Gives You Compliments

Who doesn’t love a compliment? When a guy is into you, it’s not just about telling you that you look good (though that’s nice, too). He’ll notice and appreciate the little things that make you unique.

Maybe he praises your intelligence after solving a tricky problem or admires your kindness when you help someone out. These thoughtful compliments show he’s paying attention to who you are, not just how you look. If he’s regularly giving you genuine compliments, he’s likely falling for you, quirks and all.

He Laughs At Your Jokes

Not everyone’s destined for stand-up comedy, but when a guy is into you, you’ll suddenly seem hilarious. He’ll laugh at your jokes, even the ones that make you cringe. It’s not just about the laughter; it’s about connecting on the same wavelength.

If he appreciates your sense of humor and enjoys being around you, it’s a strong sign that he’s emotionally invested. After all, who wouldn’t want to be with someone who makes them laugh?

He Initiates Communication

In the dating world, there’s often a game of “who texts first.” But if he’s really into you, he’ll cut through that and reach out on his own. Maybe he sends you a good morning text or shares something funny he knows you’ll like.

If he’s making the effort to communicate and keep you in the loop throughout the day, it’s a clear sign that you’re on his mind, and he’s eager to keep the connection going.

He’s Asking You Personal Questions

When a guy is interested in more than just a casual fling, he’ll want to get to know you on a deeper level. He’ll ask about your childhood, your dreams, and even your opinions on important topics.

These conversations show he’s investing time to understand the real you. Pay attention to whether he remembers the details you share and follows up later. If he’s genuinely interested in your life and who you are, it’s a clear sign he’s looking for something more serious.

He’s Always Around You

If he’s suddenly showing up at your favorite yoga class or grabbing lunch at the café you frequent, chances are it’s no coincidence. When a guy is into you, he’ll look for opportunities to be around you.

This doesn’t mean he’s being creepy—it’s more about him finding ways to spend time together because he values your company. Just make sure it feels natural and not overwhelming. A little effort to be around you is sweet, as long as it doesn’t cross any boundaries.

He Buys You Gifts and Gives You Attention

You don’t need grand gestures or expensive gifts to know he cares. When a guy is into you, he’ll show it through small, thoughtful acts—like remembering your favorite candy or sending you a funny video when you’re having a bad day.

These little gestures show he’s paying attention to your likes and moods, and he’s invested in making you smile. It’s not about material things; it’s about showing he cares about your happiness.

What Should You Do if You Suspect He Wants You to Date You?

So, you’ve noticed some (or all) of these signs, and you’re pretty sure he’s into you. Now what? First, take a moment to reflect on your own feelings. How do you feel about him? Are you interested in taking things to the next level? If you are, great! You can drop hints by suggesting more one-on-one time, initiating deeper conversations, or even just being more flirty.

If you’re not sure or don’t feel ready for a relationship, that’s totally fine, too. Just be honest with yourself and with him—leading someone on or jumping into something prematurely will only complicate things down the line.

Remember, communication is vital in any relationship, whether it’s just beginning or going on for years. If you’re comfortable with it, try openly conversing with him about where you both see things going. It might feel a little scary, but clarity is always better than confusion regarding heart matters.

How Soon Should You Tell Him About Your Feelings?

Timing is everything, but there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for when to tell him how you feel. If you’ve noticed several signs that he’s into you and you’re feeling the same way, don’t be afraid to open up.

It doesn’t have to be a grand declaration—just a casual but sincere expression of how much you enjoy being around him can work wonders. Choose the right moment, like after a great date or during a quiet evening when the two of you are relaxed.

If the idea of confessing your feelings directly makes you nervous, you can also show your interest by making an effort to spend more time together, initiating communication, or being a little more flirtatious. The key is to be true to yourself and not put too much pressure on the moment.

How Can Love Reading Help You Start a New Relationship?

Here’s a fun option you might not have considered—a love reading! Whether it’s tarot, astrology, or another form of divination, a love reading can offer interesting insights into your romantic situation.

It’s not something to base your entire decision on, but it can give you a fresh perspective. A tarot reading might reveal cards that hint at new beginnings or emotional fulfillment, giving you the nudge to take that leap and express your feelings.

Alternatively, it could show the need for patience, reminding you to take things slow and get to know each other better before jumping in. Love readings aren’t about predicting the future with certainty, but they can help you reflect on your relationship from a new angle. Just remember to trust your own instincts more than anything else.


Navigating the waters of a new relationship can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. If you’re noticing these signs that he wants you to be his girlfriend, it’s a good indication he’s falling for you. But remember, every relationship moves at its own pace. The key is feeling comfortable and happy with how things are progressing.

Communication is crucial. Whether you decide to have “the talk” or let things evolve naturally, it’s important to be open and honest about your feelings and expectations. This builds the foundation for a strong, healthy relationship. And if he’s showing that he’s ready to step up and be your boyfriend, and you’re feeling the same way, embrace the excitement of new love!

Ultimately, you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel valued, respected, and adored. So if this guy is checking all the boxes, go ahead and enjoy the ride. Who knows? This could be the beginning of something truly special.