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Jul 31, 2024

How Long Does It Take to Get Over a Breakup? 5 Key Factors

Breaking up is tough, no matter how long the relationship lasted. Whether it was a few months or several years, the end can leave you feeling lost and hurt, wondering when you’ll start to feel okay again. Moving on is unique to each person and influenced by various factors that can either speed up or slow down your emotional recovery. Remember, healing isn’t a race, and there’s no set timeline for getting over a breakup.

You might compare your progress to friends or even strangers, but that’s not fair to yourself. Your journey is yours alone and deserves patience and self-compassion. Understanding the factors influencing your recovery can help you navigate this challenging time and find your way back to happiness.

Is It Really Possible to Get Over a Breakup?

Yes, it is possible to get over a breakup. While it might feel impossible right after the split, countless people have moved on from past relationships and found happiness again. Your pain is temporary, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. Time, self-care, and support from loved ones can all help you heal.

Getting over a breakup doesn’t mean forgetting the person or the memories you shared. Instead, it means reaching a point where those memories no longer cause you pain, and you can look forward to the future with optimism. It might be hard to believe now, but you will get there.

How to Recognize Your Relationship Is Over

One of the hardest parts of getting over a breakup is accepting that it’s really over. This can be tough, especially if you still have feelings for your ex. Some signs that your relationship is over include a lack of communication, your ex clearly stating they don’t want to continue, and a mutual decision to part ways.

Holding onto hope can just make the pain last longer. If your ex has moved on or told you they don’t want to be together anymore, it’s crucial to accept this reality. Acknowledging the end of the relationship is the first step toward moving forward.

Factors That Influence How Long It Will Take You to Feel Better After a Breakup

There are several factors that can influence how long it takes to get over a breakup. Understanding these can help you navigate your emotional recovery more effectively.

Your Commitment

How committed you were in your relationship plays a big role in how long it takes to heal. If you were deeply invested emotionally and mentally, it might take longer to move on. High levels of commitment often mean shared lives, plans, and dreams, all of which take time to untangle and grieve.

If the relationship was more casual, you might find it easier to move on. Without deep emotional bonds and long-term plans, letting go can be quicker and less painful.

Who Ended the Relationship

Who ended the relationship can also affect how you heal. If you decided to break up, you might feel a sense of relief and closure sooner. You likely had time to process your feelings before the breakup.

If your partner ended the relationship, you might feel blindsided, rejected, and left with unresolved feelings. This can make it harder to move on, as you have to come to terms with the breakup without having had the chance to prepare emotionally.

How Deep the Relationship Was

The depth of your relationship, including emotional intimacy and how long you were together, plays a big part in how long it takes to heal. If you were in a long-term relationship with deep emotional bonds, it might take more time to get over it. You’re not just losing a partner, but also a confidant, friend, and a big part of your daily life.

On the flip side, if the relationship was shorter or less emotionally intense, it might be easier to move on. With fewer memories and shared experiences, you might find yourself ready to move forward sooner.

Your Other Social Relationships

Your support network is crucial in helping you recover from a breakup. Having a solid circle of friends and family can provide emotional support, distractions, and reassurance, making the healing process more bearable. They can offer a shoulder to cry on, give advice, and help you see that life goes on.

If you don’t have a strong support system, it can make the process more challenging. Feeling isolated can intensify feelings of loneliness and sadness, prolonging your recovery. It’s essential to reach out to friends, family, or support groups during this time.

Personal Hobbies and Activities

Getting involved in your hobbies and activities can really speed up your healing process. Having interests outside your relationship gives you a positive focus and a sense of purpose. Whether it’s playing a sport, painting, reading, or any other activity, staying busy can help you focus on something enjoyable and uplifting.

If you neglected your hobbies during the relationship, now is the perfect time to rediscover them. Doing things you love can boost your mood, give you a sense of accomplishment, and help you reconnect with yourself.

Steps to Start Moving on from a Relationship

Moving on from a relationship can be tough, but taking proactive steps can help you heal and find happiness again.

Focus on Self-care

Taking care of yourself should be a top priority after a breakup. This includes physical, emotional, and mental self-care. Make sure you’re eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Physical activity, in particular, can help release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.

Emotional self-care involves acknowledging your feelings without judgment. Let yourself feel sad, angry, or whatever emotions come up. Suppressing your feelings can delay your healing process. Mental self-care can include meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature to help calm your mind.

Feel Free to Grieve

Grieving is a natural part of getting over a breakup. Let yourself mourn the loss of the relationship. This might involve crying, talking about your feelings, or even creating a ritual to mark the end of the relationship. Grieving helps you process your emotions rather than getting stuck in them.

Take your time with this process. Grief doesn’t follow a straight path, and you might feel better one day and worse the next. Be patient with yourself and recognize that it’s okay to feel sad for as long as you need to.

Surround Yourself with People You Love

Spending time with loved ones can really help you get through a breakup. Friends and family can offer a listening ear, distractions, and remind you that you’re not alone. Even when you don’t feel like it, socializing can lift your spirits and provide a sense of normalcy.

If you’re struggling to find support, consider joining a support group or finding online communities where people share similar experiences. Sometimes, talking to others who understand what you’re going through can be incredibly comforting.

Ask for Professional Help

If you’re finding it tough to cope with your emotions or move on from the breakup, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide a safe space to talk about your feelings and offer strategies to help you heal. They can also help you work through any underlying issues affecting your ability to move on.

Therapy isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a tool to help you navigate a difficult time. Even just a few sessions can make a big difference in your emotional well-being.

Keep Distance from Your Ex

Giving yourself some space from your ex is crucial for your healing process. It might be tempting to stay in touch or check their social media, but this can just prolong your pain and make it harder to move on. Try to avoid contact as much as possible to give yourself the room you need to heal.

If you have mutual friends or run into each other often, set some boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Let your friends know you need some time and space, and they should respect your wishes.

What If It Takes You Too Long to Get Over a Breakup?

Everyone heals at their own pace, and there’s no “right” amount of time to get over a breakup. But if you feel stuck and can’t move on despite your efforts, it might be time to reassess your situation. Persistent sadness, anger, or hopelessness could mean you need some extra support.

Consider seeking professional help if you’re having a hard time moving on. A therapist can help you explore why you’re feeling this way and offer strategies to help you move forward. Sometimes, unresolved issues from the past can resurface during a breakup, and working through these can be crucial to your healing process.

It’s also important to take a look at your current habits and lifestyle. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you doing activities that bring you joy? Are you surrounding yourself with supportive people? Making positive changes in these areas can help you break free from the cycle of grief and start moving forward.


Getting over a breakup is a challenging and deeply personal journey. The time it takes to heal varies for everyone, depending on factors like the level of commitment, who ended the relationship, the depth of the relationship, your support system, and your hobbies and activities.

By focusing on self-care, allowing yourself to grieve, surrounding yourself with loved ones, seeking professional help if needed, and keeping distance from your ex, you can navigate this tough time and find your way to a brighter future.

Remember, there’s no set timeline for healing, and it’s okay to take as long as you need. Be patient with yourself, and trust that with time, you’ll come out stronger and ready to embrace new opportunities and experiences.