Positive Affirmations for Anxiety: Find Calm and Overcome Worry

Anxiety and depression can leave us trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts, making it challenging to see the positive. Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression are a powerful tool to break this cycle. By replacing negative self-talk with empowering statements, you can cultivate self-compassion, resilience, and a belief in brighter days ahead.

Key Takeaways

  • Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression offer a counterbalance: When negativity consumes you, affirmations provide an alternative perspective, focused on strength and potential.
  • Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression foster self-compassion: They encourage acceptance and kindness towards yourself during difficult times.
  • Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression promote hope: These affirmations highlight resilience and the possibility of improvement, igniting a sense of optimism for the future.
  • Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression give you control: When these conditions feel overwhelming, affirmations provide a tangible way to shift your mindset.
  • Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression are a tool, not a cure: They provide powerful support but work best alongside other strategies like therapy or medication.

What are Positive Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression?

Positive affirmations for anxiety and depression are statements that help to reprogram our minds to focus on positive thoughts and emotions. They are powerful tools in promoting mental wellbeing by shifting our attention away from negative self-talk and fears, and towards positivity and self-compassion.

Positive affirmations for depression and anxiety can be tailored to specific challenges and concerns, such as social anxiety, health anxiety, or sleep anxiety, and can be repeated throughout the day to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes.

100 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

  1. I am worthy of love and acceptance just as I am.
  2. My strength is greater than my struggles.
  3. I trust in my ability to overcome any challenges I face.
  4. I choose to let go of worry and embrace peace.
  5. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  6. My mind is filled with positive and empowering thoughts.
  7. I am grateful for the blessings in my life, no matter how small.
  8. I release all negative thoughts and emotions and focus on the present moment.
  9. I am enough, just as I am.
  10. I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.
  11. I am surrounded by love and support.
  12. I am worthy of self-care and self-love.
  13. My past does not define me, and I am free to create a better future.
  14. I am confident and capable in all that I do.
  15. I choose to see the beauty in myself and the world around me.
  16. I am deserving of happiness and joy.
  17. My thoughts and actions create a positive impact on my life.
  18. I am resilient and can overcome any setback.
  19. I am worthy of forgiveness, both from others and myself.
  20. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  21. I am capable of experiencing inner peace and calmness.
  22. I am filled with energy and vitality.
  23. I am grateful for my unique qualities and strengths.
  24. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  25. I am worthy of rest and relaxation.
  26. I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
  27. I am worthy of respect and kindness.
  28. I am strong and capable of facing any challenges that come my way.
  29. I choose to let go of fear and trust in the universe’s plan for me.
  30. I am open to receiving help and support when I need it.
  31. I am capable of making positive changes in my life.
  32. I am grateful for the lessons that my struggles have taught me.
  33. I choose to see the good in myself and others.
  34. I am deserving of love, happiness, and success.
  35. I trust in the process of life and know that everything happens for a reason.
  36. I am free to be myself and express my true feelings and emotions.
  37. I am worthy of achieving my dreams and living my best life.
  38. I choose to let go of the past and live in the present moment.
  39. I am grateful for my inner strength and resilience.
  40. I am confident in my ability to overcome anxiety and depression and live a fulfilling life.
  41. I am worthy of love and happiness, and I choose to focus on the good in my life.
  42. I am strong enough to overcome my fears and face my challenges with confidence.
  43. I am capable of achieving my goals and living a fulfilling life.
  44. I release all negative thoughts and emotions and embrace positivity and hope.
  45. I trust in my ability to handle any situation that comes my way.
  46. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, big and small.
  47. I deserve to be happy and I will not let my anxiety or depression control me.
  48. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on the positive.
  49. I am capable of healing and finding peace within myself.
  50. I am surrounded by love and support, and I am not alone in my struggles.
  51. I am worthy of self-love and self-care, and I prioritize my mental health.
  52. I am resilient and have the strength to bounce back from any setback.
  53. I am a work in progress, and I embrace the journey of self-growth and self-discovery.
  54. I am worthy of forgiveness and choose to let go of past mistakes and regrets.
  55. I am enough just as I am, and I embrace my imperfections as a part of my unique journey.
  56. I am worthy of success and abundance, and I trust in my abilities to achieve them.
  57. I am open to receiving love, happiness, and positivity into my life.
  58. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations.
  59. I am capable of handling stress and challenges in a healthy and productive way.
  60. I am grateful for my past experiences, as they have shaped me into the person I am today.
  61. I am worthy of rest and relaxation, and I prioritize self-care in my daily routine.
  62. I trust in my intuition and listen to my inner voice when making decisions.
  63. I am not defined by my anxiety or depression, and I choose to focus on my strengths and positive qualities.
  64. I choose to approach each day with a positive attitude and a grateful heart.
  65. I am surrounded by people who love and support me, and I am not alone in my struggles.
  66. I am deserving of peace, joy, and contentment in my life.
  67. I am resilient and can handle any challenge that comes my way.
  68. I choose to let go of self-doubt and embrace my worth and value.
  69. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on the good in my life.
  70. I am grateful for the opportunities and blessings in my life, and I embrace them fully.
  71. I am worthy of love, respect, and kindness, and I show myself the same.
  72. I am capable of achieving my dreams and living the life I desire.
  73. I am worthy of happiness, and I choose to pursue it with a positive attitude.
  74. I release all negative thoughts and emotions and choose to focus on the present moment.
  75. I trust in the journey of my life and the path that it takes me on.
  76. I am deserving of good things in life, and I choose to receive them with open arms.
  77. I am surrounded by positivity and love, and I choose to let it into my life.
  78. I am a unique and valuable individual, and I embrace my strengths and weaknesses.
  79. I am capable of overcoming any obstacle or challenge that comes my way.
  80. I am worthy of respect, love, and happiness, and I choose to live my life in alignment with these values.
  81. My mind is becoming clearer and more positive with each passing day.
  82. I choose to focus on the present moment, rather than worry about the past or future.
  83. I have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenge that comes my way.
  84. I am capable of finding joy and happiness in my life, despite any obstacles.
  85. I trust that everything will work out for the best, even if it doesn’t happen according to my plan.
  86. I am worthy of love, compassion, and understanding from myself and others.
  87. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, both big and small.
  88. I release all negative thoughts and emotions, and embrace positivity and hope.
  89. I am in control of my thoughts and feelings, and choose to cultivate peace and calm within myself.
  90. I am confident in my abilities and talents, and know that I have much to offer the world.
  91. I am surrounded by love and support, and feel connected to those who care for me.
  92. I am enough, just as I am, and accept myself for who I truly am.
  93. I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any obstacle in my path.
  94. I trust in the universe and the path that it has set for me, knowing that everything happens for a reason.
  95. I am at peace with myself and my surroundings, and radiate positive energy to those around me.
  96. I am deserving of happiness, joy, and abundance in my life.
  97. I choose to live in the present moment, rather than dwell on the past or worry about the future.
  98. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way, and embrace them with open arms.
  99. I am surrounded by a supportive and loving community, who help me through my struggles.
  100. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams, and will not let fear hold me back.

List of Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief

  1. I release all my worries and embrace peace and calm.
  2. I choose to focus on positivity and let go of negativity.
  3. I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am.
  4. My mind is clear and my thoughts are calm.
  5. I trust in the Universe and know that everything will work out for my highest good.
  6. I am surrounded by love and support.
  7. I am strong and capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.
  8. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life and choose to focus on abundance.
  9. My breath is a source of calmness and peace.
  10. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  11. I am confident in my abilities and trust in my intuition.
  12. I am worthy of happiness and fulfillment in all aspects of my life.
  13. I choose to let go of fear and embrace faith and trust in myself.
  14. I am surrounded by positivity and light.
  15. I am safe and protected, and everything is going to be okay.

Positive Morning Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. Today is a new day, and I am ready to face it with courage and positivity.
  2. I choose to let go of worry and embrace calm and peaceful thoughts.
  3. My mind and body are filled with energy and vitality, ready to take on any challenges that come my way.
  4. I am grateful for another day to live, love, and grow.
  5. I trust in my ability to handle any situation that arises, and I am confident in my strength and resilience.

Positive Affirmations for Morning Anxiety

  1. I release all anxiety and worry from my mind, and focus on the present moment.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to start my day with positive affirmations.
  3. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good, and I am open to new opportunities and experiences.
  4. I am worthy of love and acceptance, and I embrace my unique qualities and strengths.
  5. I am filled with gratitude for another day to pursue my goals and dreams, and make a positive impact in the world.

Powerful Daily Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and focus on the present moment with clarity and calmness.
  2. I am strong, capable, and resilient, and I can handle any challenges that come my way.
  3. I trust in the universe to guide me towards my highest good, and I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.
  4. I am worthy of love, respect, and success, and I embrace my unique talents and abilities.
  5. I am grateful for each day, and I choose to live it with joy, peace, and positivity.

Positive Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety

  1. I choose to let go of fear and embrace love, compassion, and kindness towards myself and others.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on positive and uplifting thoughts.
  3. I trust in my ability to handle any situation that arises, and I am confident in my strength and resilience.
  4. I am worthy of happiness and inner peace, and I am open to receiving it in abundance.
  5. I am grateful for the present moment, and I choose to live it with gratitude, joy, and positivity.

Grounding Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am rooted and grounded in the present moment, and I trust in my ability to handle any challenge that comes my way.
  2. My breath is my anchor, and I can find peace and stillness within myself at any moment.
  3. I release any anxious thoughts or worries and focus on the present moment and all its blessings.
  4. I am safe and secure in my body and in my surroundings, and I trust that everything is unfolding for my highest good.
  5. I trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be in this moment, and I am open to all the goodness that life has to offer me.

Positive Affirmations for Work Anxiety

  1. I am capable and competent, and I trust that I have the skills and knowledge to succeed in my work.
  2. I trust in my ability to handle any challenge or obstacle that comes my way, and I remain calm and focused under pressure.
  3. I release any fear or self-doubt and embrace the confidence and self-assurance within me.
  4. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow in my work, and I approach each task with curiosity and enthusiasm.
  5. I am proud of my achievements and successes in my work, and I trust that I am making a valuable contribution to my team and organization.

Short Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am calm and centered.
  2. I trust in my ability to handle any situation.
  3. I am safe and secure.
  4. I release all anxiety and embrace peace and tranquility.
  5. I am surrounded by love and support.

Positive Mantras for Anxiety

  1. I am stronger than my anxiety.
  2. This too shall pass.
  3. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  4. I choose peace and calm.
  5. I am deserving of joy and happiness, and I allow myself to experience them fully.

Positive Affirmations for Social Anxiety

  1. I am confident in social situations.
  2. I am worthy of love and acceptance from others.
  3. I am capable of making meaningful connections with others.
  4. I trust myself to handle any social situation that arises.
  5. I release my fear and embrace the joy of socializing.

Health Anxiety Affirmations

  1. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  2. I trust my body and its ability to heal.
  3. I release my worries and trust the medical professionals supporting me.
  4. My mind and body are strong and healthy.
  5. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my health and well-being.

Anxiety Affirmation Quotes

  1. “I am not my anxiety, I am so much more.”
  2. “Anxiety does not control me, I control my anxiety.”
  3. “I am brave and capable, even in the face of anxiety.”
  4. “I am strong enough to overcome my anxiety.”
  5. “I have the power to calm my anxious thoughts and find peace within.”

Peaceful Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am calm and centered in this moment.
  2. I am surrounded by peace and tranquility.
  3. I choose to let go of anxiety and embrace inner peace.
  4. I am safe and protected from harm.
  5. I release all tension and allow myself to relax completely.

Affirmations for Performance Anxiety

  1. I trust in my skills and abilities.
  2. I am calm and focused during performances.
  3. I let go of any self-doubt and embrace my confidence.
  4. I trust that my preparation has prepared me for this moment.
  5. I am proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and performing.

Words of Affirmation for Someone With Anxiety

  1. You are strong and capable of managing your anxiety.
  2. Your anxiety does not define you, and you can overcome it.
  3. You are not alone in your struggles with anxiety.
  4. You are deserving of love and support, even with anxiety.
  5. You have the power to calm your mind and find peace.

Positive Self Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am worthy of love and respect, despite my anxiety.
  2. I trust in my ability to manage my anxiety and take care of myself.
  3. I am strong and resilient, and I can overcome my anxious thoughts.
  4. I choose to focus on the present moment and find peace within.
  5. I am capable of achieving my goals, even with anxiety.

Calming Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am safe and protected, and I trust in the universe to guide me.
  2. I choose to release any negative thoughts and emotions, and embrace peace.
  3. I breathe in calmness and release any tension from my body.
  4. I focus on the present moment and find gratitude in small things.
  5. I trust in my ability to handle any challenges that come my way.

Spiritual Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am connected to a higher power that guides and supports me.
  2. I release any fears or worries, and trust in the divine plan for my life.
  3. I am surrounded by love and light, and I am protected from negative energy.
  4. I surrender my worries and trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  5. I am grateful for the blessings in my life, and trust that the universe will provide for me.

Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Attacks

  1. This anxiety attack will pass, and I am strong enough to handle it.
  2. I am safe and protected, and this anxiety does not define me.
  3. I choose to focus on my breathing and find peace within.
  4. I am not alone in my struggles with anxiety, and there is support available to me.
  5. I have the power to calm my mind and find peace, even during an anxiety attack.

Positive Affirmations for General Anxiety Disorder

  1. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  2. I trust in my ability to handle any challenges that come my way.
  3. I am strong and capable of overcoming anxiety.
  4. I release all fears and worries and embrace inner peace.
  5. I choose to focus on the positive and let go of negativity.

Anti Anxiety Affirmations

  1. I am calm and centered.
  2. I let go of anxious thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
  3. I trust in the process of life and know that everything will work out for the best.
  4. I am safe and protected, and everything is going to be okay.
  5. I breathe deeply and release all tension and anxiety.

Positive Affirmations for Sleep Anxiety

  1. I release all worries and relax my mind and body.
  2. I am surrounded by calmness and tranquility.
  3. I let go of the day and embrace peaceful sleep.
  4. I trust in the universe to take care of me as I sleep.
  5. I am grateful for another day and look forward to a restful sleep.

Bedtime Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am safe and protected as I sleep.
  2. I let go of all stress and tension from the day.
  3. I am surrounded by peace and tranquility.
  4. I am thankful for all the good things in my life.
  5. I am deserving of a peaceful and restful night’s sleep.

Night Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  2. I let go of all the worries and concerns of the day.
  3. I am surrounded by love and support.
  4. I am deserving of a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
  5. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

Sleep Affirmations for Anxiety

  1. I release all tension and anxiety as I prepare for sleep.
  2. I trust in my ability to handle any challenges that come my way.
  3. I am safe and protected, and everything is going to be okay.
  4. I let go of all negative thoughts and embrace inner peace.
  5. I am surrounded by calmness and tranquility as I drift off to sleep.

List of Positive Affirmations for Depression

  1. I am strong and capable of overcoming my depression.
  2. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  3. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  4. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my life.
  5. I am grateful for all the good things in my life.
  6. I am deserving of good things in life.
  7. I am surrounded by positive and supportive people.
  8. I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks.
  9. I am learning and growing from my experiences.
  10. I am enough just as I am.
  11. I have the power to change my thoughts and beliefs.
  12. I am open to new possibilities and opportunities.
  13. I am at peace with myself and my past.
  14. I am kind and compassionate towards myself.
  15. I have the strength and courage to face my challenges.

Morning Affirmations for Depression and Anxiety

  1. Today is a new day, full of opportunities for joy and happiness. I choose to focus on the positive and let go of negative thoughts and feelings.
  2. I am strong and capable of handling any challenges that come my way. I trust in my abilities and have faith that I can overcome any obstacles.
  3. I am grateful for the blessings in my life and choose to see the beauty in everything around me. I am surrounded by love and support.
  4. I am worthy of love and respect, and I treat myself with kindness and compassion. I am deserving of happiness and joy.
  5. I trust in the universe and know that everything happens for a reason. I release my worries and fears and allow the universe to guide me towards my highest good.

Daily Positive Affirmations for Depression

  1. I choose to focus on the present moment and find joy in the little things. I am grateful for each new day and the opportunities it brings.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on positivity and optimism. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  3. I trust in my inner strength and resilience, and I know that I can overcome any challenges that come my way. I am strong and capable.
  4. I am surrounded by love and support, and I am grateful for the people in my life who uplift and encourage me. I am never alone.
  5. I am deserving of success and abundance, and I believe in my ability to achieve my goals and dreams. I am confident and empowered.

Positive Self Affirmations for Depression

  1. I am worthy of love and happiness, and I will work to achieve it every day.
  2. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and focus on positive ones.
  3. I am strong enough to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.
  4. I am grateful for the good things in my life, and I choose to focus on them.
  5. I am capable of finding joy and meaning in my life, even during difficult times.

Positive Mantras for Depression

  1. “I am not my thoughts, I am the observer of my thoughts.”
  2. “I am in control of my own happiness and well-being.”
  3. “I choose to let go of things I cannot control and focus on what I can.”
  4. “I am worthy of love, compassion, and understanding.”
  5. “I am surrounded by positivity, and it uplifts and inspires me.”

Affirmation Quotes for Depression

  1. “You are not alone in this fight against depression, and it is okay to seek help and support.”
  2. “This too shall pass, and I will emerge stronger and more resilient than before.”
  3. “I am worthy of love and happiness, and I will not let my depression define me.”
  4. “I am capable of overcoming my depression, and I have the strength and courage to do so.”
  5. “I choose to focus on the positive and find joy in even the smallest things.”

Anti Depression Affirmations

  1. “I am grateful for all the good things in my life, and I choose to focus on them instead of my depression.”
  2. “I choose to let go of negative thoughts and emotions that contribute to my depression.”
  3. “I am worthy of love and happiness, and I will not let my depression hold me back.”
  4. “I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming my depression.”
  5. “I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to cultivate positivity and joy in my life.”

Biblical Affirmations for Depression

  1. “The Lord is my strength and my shield, and in Him, I find refuge from my depression.” (Psalm 28:7)
  2. “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
  3. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
  4. “The joy of the Lord is my strength, and in Him, I find comfort and peace.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
  5. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Positive Affirmations to Get Out of Depression

  1. “I am making progress towards healing and getting better every day.”
  2. “I am worthy of happiness and joy, and I will not let my depression hold me back.”
  3. “I choose to focus on the positive and find joy in the present moment.”
  4. “I am grateful for the love and support of those around me who help me through my depression.”
  5. “I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming my depression.”

How to Write Positive Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of positivity and self-worth. Here are some steps to follow when writing positive affirmations to reduce anxiety:

  1. Identify your negative thoughts and beliefs: Take note of any negative thoughts or beliefs that contribute to your anxiety. These might include feelings of self-doubt, fear of failure, or worries about the future.
  2. Reframe your thoughts: Once you have identified your negative thoughts, reframe them in a positive and affirming way. For example, if you often worry about making mistakes, you could reframe this thought as “I trust in my abilities and know that mistakes are a natural part of learning and growth.”
  3. Keep it short and simple: When writing affirmations, it’s important to keep them short and simple so they are easy to remember and repeat throughout the day. Try to focus on one or two affirmations at a time.
  4. Use the present tense: Write affirmations in the present tense to create a sense of immediacy and make them feel more real. For example, instead of saying “I will be confident,” say “I am confident.”
  5. Use positive language: Make sure your affirmations are worded in a positive and uplifting way. Instead of saying “I am not anxious,” say “I am calm and relaxed.”

By following these steps, you can create powerful positive affirmations that can help reduce anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

How to Use Positive Affirmations to Relieve Anxiety and Depression

Incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine can be a powerful tool in relieving anxiety and depression. Here are some tips on how to effectively use positive affirmations:

  1. Choose affirmations that resonate with you: Select affirmations that reflect your personal values, goals, and aspirations. These affirmations should be meaningful and relevant to your life.
  2. Repeat affirmations consistently: Consistency is key when it comes to using affirmations. Make a habit of repeating your affirmations multiple times throughout the day, and incorporate them into your daily routine.
  3. Use present tense: When writing affirmations, use present tense language. This helps to create a sense of immediacy and reinforces the idea that the affirmation is already true.
  4. Visualize positive outcomes: As you repeat your affirmations, visualize positive outcomes associated with them. This helps to solidify the affirmation in your mind and create a more positive mindset.

By following these tips and incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine, you can effectively relieve anxiety and depression and promote a more positive outlook on life.

Benefits of Words of Affirmation for Anxiety

Words of affirmation can have numerous benefits for people experiencing anxiety. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Boosting self-esteem: When we repeat positive affirmations to ourselves regularly, we start to believe them, and this can help to increase our self-esteem and self-confidence.
  2. Promoting positive thinking: Positive affirmations can help to reframe negative thoughts and promote a more positive mindset, which can help manage anxiety.
  3. Reducing stress: Repeating positive affirmations can help to calm the mind and reduce stress levels, which can be particularly helpful for those experiencing anxiety.
  4. Encouraging self-care: Incorporating positive affirmations into a self-care routine can help individuals prioritize their mental health and well-being.

Overall, incorporating positive affirmations for anxiety and depression into a daily routine can be an effective way to manage anxiety and promote overall mental health.


In conclusion, positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to manage anxiety and depression. By focusing on positive and uplifting thoughts, we can change our mindset and approach to life. While affirmations alone may not solve all our problems, they can certainly help us build a more positive and resilient outlook on life.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey with anxiety and depression is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some experimentation and trial and error to find the right affirmations and techniques that work for you. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to try new things, we can all work towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

FAQs about Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

Do affirmations help anxiety?

Yes, affirmations can help alleviate anxiety by promoting positive thinking patterns and self-belief. They can help to shift your focus from negative thoughts and feelings to more positive and empowering ones, which can reduce anxiety symptoms.

What are Good Affirmations for Anxiety?

Good affirmations for anxiety are those that focus on promoting feelings of calmness, peace, and self-assurance. Some examples include: “I am calm and in control,” “I trust in my ability to handle any situation,” and “I am worthy of love and respect.”

Can Affirmations Cause Anxiety?

It is unlikely that affirmations themselves would cause anxiety. However, if an affirmation triggers a negative thought or feeling, it could potentially contribute to anxiety. It’s important to choose affirmations that resonate with you and feel authentic.

Can Affirmations Cure Depression?

Affirmations alone may not cure depression, but they can be a helpful tool in managing symptoms and promoting a more positive outlook. It’s important to seek professional help if you are struggling with depression.

Can Affirmations Cure Anxiety?

Affirmations alone may not cure anxiety, but they can be a useful tool in managing symptoms and promoting a more positive outlook. It’s important to seek professional help if you are struggling with anxiety.

How to Combat Depression Using Affirmations?

To combat depression using affirmations, choose affirmations that focus on promoting positive self-talk and self-belief. Repeat them regularly and try to incorporate them into your daily routine. However, it’s important to seek professional help if you are struggling with depression.