How to Write Your Own Subliminal Messages: A Step-by-Step Guide

Subliminal messages are affirmations or suggestions designed to bypass your conscious mind and influence your subconscious. While there’s debate on their effectiveness, many believe they can help change deep-seated beliefs, habits, and behaviors. Learning how to write your own subliminal messages allows you to tailor them to your specific goals and needs, potentially boosting their impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Subliminal Techniques: Explore the different ways subliminals are embedded (audio masking, visual layering, etc.) and how they work.
  • The Power of Positive Language: Focus on affirmations in the present tense that are positive, specific, and resonate with you.
  • Keep It Simple: Short, direct phrases are most effective for subliminal messages.
  • Personalization is Key: Tailor your subliminals to your unique goals, whether it’s boosting confidence, breaking bad habits, or achieving a specific target.
  • Consistency and Belief: Like all affirmations, the more you’re exposed to your subliminals and the more deeply you believe them, the greater their potential impact.

What are Subliminal Messages?

Subliminal messages are messages or images that are designed to be below the threshold of conscious perception. In other words, they are messages that are hidden from our conscious mind, but are still processed by our subconscious mind. The idea behind subliminal messaging is that these hidden messages can influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without us even realizing it.

Subliminal messages can be used for a variety of purposes, including advertising, personal development, and therapy. They are often used to help individuals overcome negative thought patterns, boost self-esteem, or break bad habits. While there is some controversy surrounding the effectiveness of subliminal messaging, many people believe that it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development.

5 Steps How to Write Your own Subliminal Messages

Creating your own subliminal messages can be an effective way to achieve your desired outcomes. Here are the steps you can follow:

Step 1: Determine Your Goal

Before you can create your own subliminal messages, you need to determine what you want to achieve. Your goal should be specific and measurable. For example, if you want to improve your self-confidence, your goal might be to feel more confident in social situations.

Step 2: Choose Your Affirmations

Once you have determined your goal, you can choose the affirmations that will help you achieve it. Affirmations are positive statements that reflect your desired outcome. For example, if your goal is to improve your self-confidence, your affirmations might include statements like “I am confident” or “I am worthy of love and respect.” Be sure to choose affirmations that feel true and relevant to you.

Step 3: Create Your Subliminal Messages

To create your subliminal messages, you can use audio editing software or a word processing program. Write your affirmations in a clear and concise way, using language that is positive and present tense. For example, instead of saying “I want to be confident,” say “I am confident.” You can also use visualization techniques to create a mental image of your desired outcome.

Step 4: Add Subliminal Messages to Audio or Visuals

Once you have created your subliminal messages, you can add them to an audio or visual format. For example, you can create a subliminal audio track by recording your affirmations at a low volume and playing them beneath relaxing music or nature sounds. Alternatively, you can create a subliminal video by displaying your affirmations on the screen at a low opacity while playing relaxing music or nature sounds.

Step 5: Listen or Watch Regularly

To benefit from your subliminal messages, you need to listen or watch them regularly. It’s recommended to listen or watch them for at least 30 minutes a day, preferably while relaxed or meditating. As you continue to listen or watch your subliminal messages, you may notice positive changes in your thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being.

By following these steps, you can create your own personalized subliminal messages and use them to achieve your desired goals.

Is it Better to Make Your Own Subliminals?

While there are plenty of pre-made subliminal audios available online, many people believe that creating your own personalized subliminals can be more effective. This is because when you create your own subliminals, you can tailor the messages specifically to your goals and desires. This allows you to focus on the specific areas that you want to improve, rather than relying on a generic subliminal audio that may not be as relevant to your individual needs.

Additionally, creating your own subliminals allows you to use your own voice, which can be a powerful tool for personal transformation. When you listen to subliminal messages that are recorded in your own voice, it can help to reinforce the positive affirmations and messages in your mind. This can be especially effective for individuals who struggle with self-esteem or self-confidence issues.

Overall, while pre-made subliminal audios can be a good starting point, creating your own personalized subliminals can be a highly effective way to target your specific goals and desires.

How to Make Your Own Subliminal Audio

Making your own subliminal audio can be a simple and straightforward process. Here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. Determine Your Goal: Before you begin creating your subliminal audio, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. This will help you to focus on the specific messages and affirmations that you want to include in your audio.
  2. Write Your Affirmations: Once you have determined your goal, you can begin writing your affirmations. These should be positive statements that reflect your desired outcome. For example, if your goal is to boost your self-confidence, your affirmations might include statements like “I am confident” or “I am worthy of love and respect.”
  3. Record Your Audio: Once you have written your affirmations, you can record your audio using a microphone and audio editing software. Be sure to speak clearly and confidently, and repeat your affirmations multiple times.
  4. Add Subliminal Messages: After you have recorded your audio, you can add subliminal messages using audio editing software. These messages should be recorded at a low volume and played beneath the sound of your spoken affirmations. Be sure to use positive and supportive messages that align with your goal.
  5. Listen to Your Audio: Once you have completed your subliminal audio, be sure to listen to it regularly. It’s recommended to listen to your audio for at least 30 minutes a day, preferably while relaxing or meditating.

By following these simple steps, you can create your own personalized subliminal audio to help you achieve your desired goals and improve your overall well-being.


Creating your own subliminal messages can be a powerful tool for self-improvement and personal growth. By crafting messages that speak directly to your subconscious mind, you can overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your goals. With the right approach and tools, anyone can learn how to make their own subliminal.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start creating them today. Remember to focus on positive affirmations, use clear and concise language, and choose music or sounds that enhance the effectiveness of your messages.


  1. How long does it take to see results from using self-made subliminal messages? A: Results can vary depending on the individual and the goals they are trying to achieve. It’s important to be consistent and use your subliminal messages regularly to see the best results.
  2. Can subliminal messages be used for any type of goal? A: Yes, subliminal messages can be tailored to any goal, from weight loss to improving self-confidence.
  3. Do I need any special equipment to make my own subliminal messages? A: While there are tools and software available that can help with the process, all you really need is a recording device and access to music or sounds that can be used as a background for your messages.
  4. Can subliminal messages be used to overcome anxiety or depression? A: While subliminal messages can be a useful tool for promoting positive thinking and reducing negative thoughts, they should not be used as a replacement for professional help or medication.