Master the Broken Record Assertiveness Technique

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the broken record assertiveness technique! Are you looking for a powerful way to communicate your needs assertively without resorting to aggression or passivity? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of the broken record technique and how it can transform your communication skills.

The broken record assertiveness technique is a highly effective method of clearly expressing your boundaries and desires while maintaining respect for yourself and others. It involves calmly and persistently reiterating your point, even in the face of resistance or attempts to divert the conversation. With this technique, you can confidently assert yourself and ensure that your message is heard.

Key Takeaways:

  • The broken record assertiveness technique empowers you to communicate your needs assertively and effectively.
  • By calmly repeating your point, even in the face of resistance, you can establish clear boundaries.
  • The technique helps you to avoid aggression or passivity, leading to improved relationships and outcomes.
  • An important element of the broken record technique is remaining calm and focused on your message.
  • By mastering this technique, you can differentiate between assertion and aggression or passivity.

Understanding the Broken Record Technique

In the realm of assertiveness, the broken record technique is a powerful communication tool that empowers individuals to express their needs effectively without resorting to aggression or passivity. By understanding the principles behind this technique, you can enhance your assertiveness skills and achieve positive outcomes in various situations.

The broken record technique involves calmly and persistently repeating your desired message, even when faced with resistance or attempts to divert the conversation. It allows you to stay focused on your objective and avoid getting derailed by distractions. This technique is particularly useful in situations where assertiveness is required, such as negotiations, conflict resolution, or setting boundaries.

What sets the broken record technique apart from other assertiveness techniques is its emphasis on repetition and maintaining a calm demeanor. By calmly reiterating your message, you can reinforce your position and assert your needs without escalating the situation. This technique is based on the premise that repetition can have a persuasive effect and increase the chances of achieving a desired outcome.

“The broken record technique is a valuable assertiveness tool that can be employed to communicate your needs effectively and achieve desired outcomes in various situations.” – Dr. Emily Anderson, Assertiveness Expert

To further illustrate the broken record technique, consider the following example:

Colleague repeatedly interrupts you during a meeting.Politely assert your point and request uninterrupted speaking time.
Colleague continues to interrupt.Repeat your request calmly and firmly, emphasizing the importance of uninterrupted speaking time.
Colleague persists in interrupting.Continue calmly reiterating your message, maintaining a steady and assertive tone, until your colleague acknowledges your request.

In this example, the broken record technique allows you to assert your need for uninterrupted speaking time, despite the initial resistance from your colleague. By persistently repeating your request, you assert your boundaries and communicate your message effectively.

Now that we have explored the basic principles of the broken record technique, let us dive deeper into practical examples of its application in Section 3.

Applying the Broken Record Technique

Now that we have a solid understanding of the broken record assertiveness technique, let’s delve into practical examples of how it can be applied in real-life situations. By following the step-by-step guidance provided below, you’ll be able to use this technique effectively and confidently.

Step 1: Identify your needs

Before using the broken record technique, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you need or want to communicate. Take a moment to identify the specific issue or request that requires assertive communication.

Step 2: Remain calm and composed

One of the key elements of the broken record technique is maintaining assertiveness while remaining calm and composed. It’s important to keep your emotions in check and focus on expressing your needs clearly.

Step 3: Repeat your message

Next, start by stating your needs in a clear and concise manner. Use simple and direct language. If the other person tries to dismiss or ignore your request, calmly and assertively repeat your message.

“I understand your perspective, but it’s important for me to [state your need].”

Step 4: Stay firm and assertive

As you continue to repeat your message, it’s essential to stay firm and assertive. Don’t be swayed by distractions or attempts to derail the conversation. Restate your needs consistently, ensuring that your message is heard.

Step 5: Provide reasons (if necessary)

In some cases, it may be helpful to provide brief and logical reasons to support your request. This can strengthen your position and help others understand the importance of meeting your needs.

Step 6: Seek common ground

Throughout the assertive communication process, make an effort to seek common ground and find a mutually beneficial solution. The broken record technique is not about confrontation; it’s about assertively expressing your needs while maintaining respect for others.

By following these steps and applying the broken record technique, you can effectively communicate your needs and assert your boundaries without resorting to aggression or passivity. Practice this technique in various real-life situations to build your confidence and improve your assertiveness skills.

Benefits of Using the Broken Record Technique

When it comes to assertive communication, the broken record technique can be a powerful tool. By employing this technique, individuals can effectively convey their needs and boundaries without resorting to aggression or passivity. The benefits of utilizing the broken record technique extend beyond immediate outcomes and can positively impact relationships and interactions in various contexts.

Improved Relationships

One of the key advantages of using the broken record technique is the potential for improved relationships. By assertively reiterating your message, you demonstrate clarity and consistency, allowing others to understand your needs more effectively. This can foster open communication, trust, and mutual respect, strengthening the foundation of your relationships.

Achievement of Desired Outcomes

Assertive communication is about respectfully expressing your needs, opinions, and boundaries. The broken record technique enables you to stay focused on your message and assertively assert your viewpoint, increasing the likelihood of achieving your desired outcomes. By persistently and calmly restating your stance, you can influence the direction of a conversation or negotiation, leading to more favorable results.

Confidence Building

The broken record technique allows individuals to assert themselves confidently, enhancing their self-esteem and self-efficacy. By using this technique, you can feel empowered to speak up for yourself, communicate your needs, and maintain personal boundaries. Over time, this assertiveness can spill over into other areas of your life, bolstering your confidence and improving your overall well-being.

Benefits of the Broken Record Technique
Improved Relationships
Achievement of Desired Outcomes
Confidence Building

Key Elements of the Broken Record Technique

The broken record technique involves several key elements that are essential for effectively communicating assertively. By understanding and implementing these elements, you can navigate challenging conversations with confidence and clarity.


One of the primary elements of the broken record technique is repetition. When using this technique, you repeat your message calmly and consistently, regardless of the response or attempts to divert the conversation. This repetition reinforces your message and highlights its importance, increasing the chances of being heard and understood.

Remaining Calm

Remaining calm is crucial when employing the broken record technique. By staying composed and composed, you project confidence and control, which can help de-escalate tense situations. It’s important to manage your emotions and respond to resistance or pushback with patience and composure.

Staying Focused on Your Message

Another critical element of the broken record technique is staying focused on your message. Despite potential distractions or attempts to change the subject, it’s essential to center the conversation on your needs or concerns. By maintaining a clear focus on your message, you enhance its impact and ensure that your point is heard and addressed.

Remember, the broken record technique is not about being stubborn or repetitive for the sake of it. It’s a strategic approach to assertive communication that allows you to express yourself effectively while respecting your boundaries.

Elements of the Broken Record Technique

RepetitionConsistently repeating your message to reinforce its importance.
Remaining CalmMaintaining composure and emotional control during the conversation.
Staying Focused on Your MessageCentring the conversation on your needs or concerns.

Tips for Effectively Using the Broken Record Technique

Mastering the broken record technique requires practice and a deep understanding of assertive communication. Here are some helpful tips and strategies to enhance your utilization of this assertive technique:

1. Remain Calm and Composed

When employing the broken record technique, it is essential to maintain a calm and composed demeanor. Keep your emotions in check and avoid getting defensive or aggressive, as this may undermine the effectiveness of your assertiveness. Stay focused on your message and deliver it with a calm and confident tone.

2. Use Repetition Mindfully

Repetition is a key element of the broken record technique. However, it is crucial to use it mindfully and not to come across as stubborn or inflexible. Repeat your message assertively and respectfully, emphasizing your needs without becoming overly repetitive.

3. Stay Firm and Assertive

The broken record technique is about asserting your needs and boundaries confidently. Stand your ground and remain firm in your position, even in the face of resistance or pushback. Remember that assertiveness is about expressing yourself honestly while respecting the rights and opinions of others.

4. Maintain a Positive Body Language

Your body language plays a significant role in effective communication. Maintain an open and confident posture, make eye contact, and use appropriate hand gestures to convey your assertiveness. A positive body language reinforces your conviction and helps establish your credibility.

5. Choose Your Battles Wisely

While the broken record technique can be a powerful tool, it is essential to choose your battles wisely. Consider the situation and the significance of the issue at hand. Reserve this assertive technique for situations where it truly matters and can lead to a positive outcome.

“The broken record technique is like a dance. You take small steps, repeat your moves, and wait for the right moment to lead the conversation in the desired direction.” – Emma Johnson, Communication Expert

To further illustrate the effective use of the broken record technique, let’s take a look at the following table:

Examples of the Broken Record Technique in Action

Requesting a Raise“I understand the budget constraints, but based on my performance and contributions, I believe a raise is justified.”
Dealing with a Pushy Salesperson“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’m not interested in purchasing right now.”
Negotiating Workload“I understand there’s a lot on our plate, but I would like to discuss how we can distribute the workload more evenly.”

By following these tips and referring to the examples showcased in the table, you can enhance your assertiveness and make the broken record technique work effectively for you. Remember, assertive communication is a valuable skill that empowers you to express your needs confidently while maintaining healthy relationships.

Differentiating Between Assertion and Aggression or Passivity

When it comes to effective communication, it is essential to understand the crucial distinction between assertion and aggression or passivity. The broken record assertiveness technique serves as a powerful tool for assertive communication, enabling individuals to express their needs firmly but respectfully. By employing this technique, you can convey your message confidently while maintaining a considerate demeanor.

Unlike aggression, which involves forceful and hostile behavior, assertiveness focuses on expressing one’s needs and opinions without disregarding the rights and feelings of others. The broken record technique allows you to assert your needs calmly and directly, avoiding any unnecessary confrontations or aggression.

Similarly, the broken record technique sets itself apart from passivity, where individuals tend to avoid expressing their needs or opinions altogether. Passive individuals often yield to the demands of others, leading to feelings of resentment and powerlessness. The broken record technique empowers individuals to stand up for themselves and communicate their needs effectively, promoting healthy boundaries and self-advocacy.

“By utilizing the broken record assertiveness technique, you can differentiate yourself from aggressive individuals while avoiding the pitfalls of passivity.”

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the distinction between assertion, aggression, and passivity. Imagine a scenario where you are asked to take on additional work outside of your job description. Here’s how each approach may play out:

  1. Aggression: A person with an aggressive communication style may respond by expressing anger or annoyance, dismissing the request outright, or berating the person making the ask. This type of response can lead to heightened tensions and strained relationships.
  2. Passivity: On the other hand, a passive individual may agree to take on the additional work despite feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated. They may choose to suffer silently, avoiding any conflict or confrontation. This can result in increased stress and a diminished sense of self-worth.
  3. Assertion: Using the broken record assertiveness technique, an assertive individual would respond by acknowledging the request and expressing their current workload or limitations. They would calmly and firmly communicate their inability to take on additional tasks, proposing alternative solutions or delegating the responsibility to a more suitable person. This approach respects both their own boundaries and the needs of others, fostering open and honest communication.

The broken record technique exemplifies the power of assertive communication in maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. By understanding the difference between assertion, aggression, and passivity, you can navigate various situations with greater confidence and effectiveness.

In the next section, we will explore the key elements of the broken record assertiveness technique, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of its principles and application.


In conclusion, we have explored the broken record assertiveness technique and its various aspects. By utilizing this technique, individuals can effectively communicate their needs without resorting to aggression or passivity.

Throughout the article, we discussed the key elements of the broken record technique, such as repetition, remaining calm, and staying focused on the message. We also provided practical examples on how to apply this technique in real-life situations.

Using the broken record technique has numerous benefits, including improved relationships and outcomes. By consistently employing assertive communication, individuals can establish clear boundaries and enhance their overall assertiveness skills.

To effectively use the broken record technique, it is essential to remain persistent, respond calmly, and not be swayed by distractions. By following these tips, individuals can maximize the effectiveness of this technique and overcome common challenges that may arise.


What is the broken record assertiveness technique?

The broken record assertiveness technique is a communication strategy that allows individuals to express their needs firmly and consistently without becoming aggressive or passive. It involves repeating your message calmly and assertively, regardless of any resistance or attempts to derail the conversation.

How does the broken record technique involved in assertiveness?

The broken record technique in assertiveness involves staying focused on your message and calmly repeating it, even in the face of resistance or attempts to deflect the conversation. By using this technique, you can assertively communicate your needs and boundaries, ensuring they are heard and understood.

Can you provide an example of the broken record assertiveness technique?

Certainly! Let’s say you’re asking a coworker to complete a task, but they keep making excuses. You can calmly and firmly repeat your request, such as saying, “I understand you have other commitments, but it’s crucial for the team that you complete this task. Please let me know when you can get it done.”

What are the benefits of using the broken record technique in assertiveness?

Using the broken record technique can bring several benefits. It helps you communicate your needs clearly and assertively, ensuring they are not ignored or dismissed. It also prevents others from manipulating or deflecting the conversation. Overall, the broken record technique promotes effective communication and strengthens your assertiveness skills.

What are the key elements of the broken record technique?

The broken record technique involves a few key elements. It emphasizes remaining calm and composed, even if others try to provoke you. It also involves clear and concise communication, sticking to your main message without getting sidetracked. Additionally, repetition is an essential element, allowing you to reinforce your point assertively.

How can I effectively use the broken record technique?

To effectively use the broken record technique, focus on being consistent in your message and tone. Stay calm and composed, avoiding aggression or passivity. Be confident in expressing your needs and keep repeating your message assertively while actively listening to the other person.

What is the difference between assertion and aggression or passivity?

Assertion involves expressing your needs and boundaries in a respectful and confident manner, while also considering the needs and feelings of others. Aggression, on the other hand, involves being forceful, intimidating, or disrespectful. Passivity means not asserting yourself and allowing others to disregard or manipulate your needs. The broken record technique aligns with assertiveness, promoting respectful communication.