16 Black Obsidian Affirmations: Harnessing Strength and Clarity

Black obsidian, a highly protective crystal, holds the key to enhancing your spiritual journey. By practicing positive affirmations, you can tap into the powerful healing energy of obsidian and attract positivity into your life. In this article, we will explore the benefits of black obsidian affirmations and provide you with empowering affirmations to kickstart your transformative journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Black obsidian is a powerful crystal known for its healing properties.
  • Reciting affirmations can help you attract positive people and repel negative energy.
  • Black obsidian affirmations can safeguard you during spiritual work and keep your aura vibrant.
  • By transforming negative thoughts, black obsidian affirmations help you harness the power of the law of attraction.
  • Carrying a piece of obsidian with you throughout the day reinforces the power of the affirmation and provides added protection and grounding.

These affirmations are based on the belief that black obsidian can support emotional grounding and resilience. They are not a replacement for professional medical or mental health care.

Why Should I Recite Obsidian Affirmations?

Reciting obsidian affirmations can unlock a range of healing properties. If you are looking to attract positive people into your life, safeguard yourself during spiritual work, maintain a vibrant aura, transform negative thoughts, or tap into the power of the law of attraction, then obsidian affirmations are perfect for you.

These affirmations can also be beneficial for individuals interested in reading, psychic abilities, grounding their root chakra, and fostering personal growth. By incorporating obsidian affirmations into your daily practice, you can harness the transformative energy of this powerful crystal and align yourself with positive intentions and manifestations.

Here are some of the key benefits of reciting obsidian affirmations:

  • Attracting Positive People: Obsidian affirmations can help you attract like-minded individuals who support your personal growth and spiritual journey.
  • Safeguarding During Spiritual Work: By reciting obsidian affirmations, you can create a protective shield around yourself, providing spiritual and energetic defense during your practices.
  • Maintaining a Vibrant Aura: Obsidian affirmations can assist in clearing negative energy from your aura, allowing you to radiate positivity and attract favorable circumstances.
  • Transforming Negative Thoughts: Using obsidian affirmations helps shift your mindset from negativity to positivity, promoting healthier thought patterns and emotional well-being.
  • Tapping into the Power of the Law of Attraction: By adopting positive affirmations and aligning them with the law of attraction, you can manifest your desires and create a more abundant and fulfilling life.

By embracing the healing properties of obsidian affirmations, you can enhance your spiritual practice, unlock your inner potential, and cultivate a positive mindset that attracts abundance and positivity.

16 Black Obsidian Affirmations

Reciting positive affirmations for black obsidian can amplify the healing properties of obsidian and help you manifest positive changes in your life. Here are 16 powerful affirmations based on the energy of obsidian:

  1. “I am protected by the powerful energy of obsidian.”
  2. “I attract positive relationships into my life with the help of obsidian.”
  3. “My aura is filled with the light and positivity of obsidian.”
  4. “I release negative thoughts and embrace self-love through obsidian.”
  5. “I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity, aided by obsidian.”
  6. “I am grounded and connected to the earth’s energy, thanks to obsidian.”
  7. “I am always protected and safe with the power of obsidian.”
  8. “I let go of fear and embrace courage with the assistance of obsidian.”
  9. “I am in tune with my intuition and guided by obsidian.
  10. “I release all negativity and embrace positivity through obsidian.”
  11. “I am surrounded by a shield of protection created by obsidian.”
  12. “I am open to receiving the powerful healing energy of obsidian.”
  13. “I am aligned with my higher self through the energy of obsidian.
  14. “I trust my journey and navigate life’s challenges with obsidian by my side.”
  15. “I am grounded, stable, and secure with obsidian’s support.”
  16. “I release all negative attachments and find peace with obsidian.”

Repeat these affirmations for black obsidian daily to harness the transformative power of obsidian and manifest your desires.

“I am protected by the powerful energy of obsidian.”Attract protection and ward off negative energies.
“I attract positive relationships into my life with the help of obsidian.”Enhance your interpersonal connections and attract positive people.
“My aura is filled with the light and positivity of obsidian.”Elevate your aura’s vibration to radiate positivity.
“I release negative thoughts and embrace self-love through obsidian.”Let go of self-doubt and embrace self-acceptance.
“I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity, aided by obsidian.”Attract abundance, wealth, and success into your life.
“I am grounded and connected to the earth’s energy, thanks to obsidian.”Enjoy a strong grounding connection to the Earth’s energy.
“I am always protected and safe with the power of obsidian.”Feel safe and secure, shielded from harm and negativity.
“I let go of fear and embrace courage with the assistance of obsidian.”Overcome fear and find the courage to take bold steps.
“I am in tune with my intuition and guided by obsidian.”Enhance your intuition and trust your inner guidance.
“I release all negativity and embrace positivity through obsidian.”Let go of negativity and invite positivity into your life.
“I am surrounded by a shield of protection created by obsidian.”Experience a protective energy shield around you.
“I am open to receiving the powerful healing energy of obsidian.”Allow the healing energy of obsidian to flow into your life.
“I am aligned with my higher self through the energy of obsidian.”Connect with your higher self and align with your true purpose.
“I trust my journey and navigate life’s challenges with obsidian by my side.”Face life’s challenges with confidence and trust in your path.
“I am grounded, stable, and secure with obsidian’s support.”Feel grounded, stable, and secure in all areas of your life.
“I release all negative attachments and find peace with obsidian.”Detach from negative attachments and find inner peace.

Obsidian and the Foot and Root Chakras

Obsidian resonates with the foot and root chakras, which are responsible for grounding, protection, and releasing negative energy. These chakras play a vital role in helping us feel safe, secure, and stable.

By working with obsidian and reciting obsidian affirmations, we can enhance our ability to protect ourselves, find peace amidst negativity, and let go of any negative energy attachments. Obsidian can help create a sense of safety and security in our lives.

“Obsidian resonates with the foot chakra, providing grounding and stability in our physical and energetic bodies. It helps us connect with the earth’s energy and stay rooted in the present moment.”

The Root Chakra and Obsidian

The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the foundation of our energy system. Located at the base of the spine, it helps us feel grounded and secure. Obsidian can be an excellent crystal for balancing and activating the root chakra.

When the root chakra is in balance, we feel stable, safe, and connected to the earth. However, when it is imbalanced, we may experience feelings of fear, insecurity, and instability. By working with obsidian, we can release any blockages or negative energy that may be affecting our root chakra and restore harmony and stability.

“Obsidian acts as a powerful shield, protecting the root chakra from external influences and helping us feel safe and grounded. It allows us to release any fear or negative energy that may be blocking our root chakra, ultimately restoring balance and stability.”

By incorporating obsidian into our daily practices and affirmations, we can strengthen our connection to the foot and root chakras, fostering a sense of security, stability, and groundedness in our lives.

Calling Upon the Energy of Obsidian Affirmations

To fully harness the energy of obsidian affirmations, it is important to have a piece of obsidian with you. While holding the gemstone in your non-dominant hand, take slow, deep breaths to center yourself in the present moment. Repeat the chosen affirmation, either out loud or in your mind, until you feel confident in its energy. Carrying the obsidian with you throughout the day can reinforce the power of the affirmation and provide added protection and grounding.

Obsidian, with its natural volcanic origins, possesses a unique energy that resonates with our spiritual and energetic beings. When combined with affirmations, the healing properties of obsidian can be amplified, bringing about transformative change and enhancing our connection with our inner selves.

By consciously using obsidian affirmations, we can tap into the ancient wisdom and strength that this crystal offers. The process involves incorporating obsidian into our daily lives and being mindful of its energy and the intentions we set. The combination of gemstone and affirmation creates a powerful synergy that can support us in our personal growth, healing, and manifestation journeys.

In the words of renowned crystal expert Jane Doe, “Using obsidian affirmations is like holding a mirror up to your soul. It reveals the truth, removes barriers, and helps you step into your authentic power.”

When we hold obsidian while reciting affirmations, we create a physical and energetic connection with the crystal. This connection allows us to tap into its protective and grounding energy, while the affirmations empower and uplift our mindset. Together, they create a harmonious blend of strength and positivity.

Enhancing the Experience:

To enhance your experience with obsidian affirmations, consider the following tips:

  • Cleanse and charge your obsidian regularly to ensure its energy is clear and vibrant.
  • Create a sacred space dedicated to your affirmation practice, where you can connect with the energy of obsidian.
  • Integrate other supportive practices like meditation or journaling to deepen your connection with your affirmations and the energy of obsidian.
  • Experiment with different affirmations and observe how they resonate with you. Trust your intuition to guide you towards the most empowering ones.

Affirmations for Different Intentions

ProtectionI am surrounded by a shield of positive energy that repels negativity.
GroundingI am grounded and connected to the Earth, anchoring myself in stability.
Manifestation“I am aligned with the abundant energy of the universe, attracting my desires effortlessly.”
Self-Healing“I am releasing all past wounds and embracing my inner strength and wholeness.”
Positive Energy“I am a magnet for positive experiences, attracting joy, love, and abundance into my life.”

Remember, when working with obsidian affirmations, it’s essential to set clear intentions, believe in the power of your affirmations, and be open to receiving the blessings that come your way.

Properties & Benefits of Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a powerful crystal with various properties and benefits. It is known for its deep soul healing abilities, promoting growth and grounding.

One of the key properties of black obsidian is its ability to create a shield of energy protection. This crystal effectively dispels negative energy and provides a sense of power and strength. By carrying black obsidian, you can shield yourself from external negativity and maintain a balanced energy field.

In addition to its protective qualities, black obsidian is a potent healer. It can assist in the healing of trauma, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and addiction. The crystal’s energy encourages emotional release and helps you confront and heal deep-seated wounds.

Moreover, black obsidian contributes to spiritual growth, awareness, and connection to the higher self. By working with this crystal, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you. It supports personal transformation, allowing you to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

Furthermore, black obsidian is an excellent crystal for grounding and releasing negative energy. It helps you stay rooted in the present moment and release any stagnant or unwanted energies from your aura. By using black obsidian, you can feel more balanced, centered, and connected to the Earth’s energy.

Overall, black obsidian is a versatile crystal that offers numerous benefits in various aspects of life. Whether you seek protection, healing, spiritual growth, or grounding, incorporating black obsidian into your practice can be highly beneficial.


Black obsidian affirmations can be a powerful tool to enhance your spiritual journey. By incorporating these affirmations into your daily practice, you can attract positive energy, protect yourself during spiritual work, transform negative thoughts, and harness the power of the law of attraction. The combination of black obsidian and affirmations amplifies the healing properties of this protective crystal, allowing you to deepen your connection to your inner strength and resilience.

When using black obsidian affirmations, it is important to set clear intentions and focus on positive statements that align with your goals and desires. By holding a piece of obsidian in your non-dominant hand and reciting these affirmations, you can create a powerful synergy between your intentions and the energy of the crystal.

Remember, the journey towards spiritual growth and transformation is a personal one. It is essential to find the affirmations that resonate with you and your unique path. As you continue to work with black obsidian affirmations, you will discover the profound impact they can have on your life. Embrace the power of this crystal and allow it to guide you on your spiritual journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


What are black obsidian affirmations?

Black obsidian affirmations are positive statements or phrases that are recited to harness the healing and protective properties of black obsidian. They can help attract positive energy, safeguard during spiritual work, transform negative thoughts, and tap into the power of the law of attraction.

How can black obsidian affirmations benefit me?

Black obsidian affirmations can benefit you by enhancing your spiritual journey, attracting positive people, safeguarding during spiritual work, keeping your aura full of light, transforming negative thoughts, and harnessing the power of the law of attraction. They can also be beneficial for reading, psychic abilities, grounding the root chakra, and fostering personal growth.

How can I use black obsidian affirmations?

To use black obsidian affirmations, you can hold a piece of obsidian in your non-dominant hand, take slow, deep breaths to center yourself, and repeat the chosen affirmation either out loud or in your mind. Carrying the obsidian with you throughout the day can reinforce the power of the affirmation and provide added protection and grounding.

What are the healing properties of black obsidian?

Black obsidian is known for its deep soul healing abilities, promoting growth and grounding. It creates a shield of energy protection, dispels negative energy, and provides a sense of power and strength. It can assist in healing trauma, fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and addiction, while enhancing spiritual growth, awareness, and connection to the higher self.

How can black obsidian affirmations enhance my spiritual journey?

Black obsidian affirmations can enhance your spiritual journey by attracting positive energy, safeguarding during spiritual work, transforming negative thoughts, and tapping into the power of the law of attraction. They help deepen your connection to your inner strength and resilience.