79 Positive Affirmations for Sunday: Embrace Positivity

Sundays have the potential to be bittersweet. The promise of rest and rejuvenation mixes with a tinge of “Monday dread.” But what if we reclaimed Sunday? Positive affirmations for Sunday can infuse this special day with intentionality, joy, and a deep sense of preparedness for the week ahead. It’s time to make Sundays count!

Key Takeaways

  • A Reset for Mind and Soul: Affirmations help you shake off the week’s baggage and embrace Sunday as a fresh start, both mentally and spiritually.
  • Permission for Mindful Rest: Productivity culture whispers, “Never stop!” Affirmations empower you to unapologetically embrace guilt-free relaxation and activities that nourish your soul.
  • Intentional Goal Setting: Sunday is ideal for reflecting and setting focused intentions for the week ahead. Affirmations fuel both clarity and motivation.
  • Sowing Seeds for Self-Care: Affirmations inspire you to weave self-care into your Sunday, whether it’s a long walk in nature, a nourishing meal, or a creative project – refill your cup!
  • Gratitude as Your Compass: Acknowledging all that’s good diminishes those “Sunday Scaries.” Affirmations help you cultivate gratitude, banishing anxiety and amplifying peace.

Bonus Tip: Create a Sunday ritual you love! Pairing specific affirmations with a cherished activity builds anticipation and a sense of sacredness.

What are Sunday Affirmations?

Sunday affirmations are a powerful tool for starting the week on a positive note. They help to set your intentions and focus your mind on the things you want to achieve during the coming week. The practice of repeating positive affirmations can help to reprogram your subconscious mind and overcome negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.

Sunday affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your personal preferences and needs. Some people like to start their day with a morning ritual that includes positive affirmations, while others prefer to reflect on their goals and desires at night before going to bed.

You can also incorporate affirmations into your daily routine by repeating them during meditation, exercise, or other activities that help you relax and focus.

79 Positive Affirmations for Sunday

  1. I am grateful for this beautiful day and all its opportunities.
  2. Today is filled with endless possibilities and new beginnings.
  3. I trust the journey and know everything is working out for my highest good.
  4. I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any challenge.
  5. My mind is focused, and my heart is open to receive all the blessings life has to offer.
  6. I radiate love, joy, and positivity to everyone I meet today.
  7. My thoughts and actions align with my highest self and deepest desires.
  8. I am worthy of love, abundance, and success in all areas of my life.
  9. My soul is at peace, and my spirit is free to explore the beauty of this world.
  10. I trust my intuition and follow my heart’s true calling.
  11. I am surrounded by supportive and loving people who uplift me.
  12. My body is healthy, vibrant, and filled with energy.
  13. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and emotions and focus on positivity.
  14. My past does not define me, and my future is full of endless possibilities.
  15. I am deserving of all the abundance, love, and joy that the universe has to offer.
  16. I am surrounded by an abundance of blessings, and I am grateful for each and every one.
  17. My dreams and aspirations are within reach, and I am moving towards them with confidence and clarity.
  18. I am calm, peaceful, and centered in the present moment.
  19. I am constantly growing and evolving into my best self.
  20. I release all fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve me.
  21. I am open to receiving all the abundance and blessings that the universe has in store for me.
  22. I am confident, courageous, and capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  23. My heart is filled with love and compassion for myself and others.
  24. I am worthy of success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of my life.
  25. I trust that everything is working out for my highest good, even if it may not seem like it at the moment.
  26. I am grateful for all the lessons and experiences that have brought me to where I am today.
  27. I choose to let go of any negativity and embrace positivity and optimism.
  28. My thoughts and words are powerful, and I use them to create a positive and fulfilling life.
  29. I am open to receiving all the abundance and prosperity that the universe has in store for me.
  30. I am constantly learning and growing, and I am proud of all that I have achieved so far.
  31. I am surrounded by positivity, love, and abundance in all areas of my life.
  32. My heart is open to receiving and giving love, joy, and compassion to myself and others.
  33. I am confident in my abilities and trust that I can overcome any obstacle or challenge.
  34. My life is filled with purpose, passion, and meaning.
  35. I am grateful for all the love, support, and kindness that I receive from others.
  36. My body, mind, and spirit are in perfect harmony and balance.
  37. I am worthy of respect, love, and kindness from myself and others.
  38. I choose to let go of any negativity and embrace positivity and hope.
  39. I am surrounded by abundance, prosperity, and happiness in all areas of my life.
  40. I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor and that everything is working out for my highest good.
  41. I am grateful for another beautiful Sunday to enjoy.
  42. My mind and body are at peace on this lovely Sunday.
  43. Today, I choose to focus on all the good in my life.
  44. My heart is filled with joy and happiness on this Sunday.
  45. I am surrounded by positivity and love on this Sunday.
  46. I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
  47. I am deserving of all the blessings that come my way on this Sunday.
  48. I let go of any stress or worry and embrace the peace of this Sunday.
  49. My soul is refreshed and rejuvenated on this beautiful Sunday.
  50. I am open to receive all the abundance that this Sunday has to offer.
  51. I am filled with energy and vitality on this Sunday.
  52. I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and recharge on this Sunday.
  53. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for another day of life.
  54. I am surrounded by positive and uplifting people on this Sunday.
  55. I choose to see the beauty in everything on this lovely Sunday.
  56. I am confident and ready to tackle any challenges that come my way on this Sunday.
  57. Today, I choose to focus on my personal growth and development.
  58. I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends on this Sunday.
  59. I am at peace with myself and the world on this Sunday.
  60. I trust that the universe has my back on this Sunday.
  61. My Sunday is filled with laughter, joy, and fun.
  62. I am worthy of all the happiness and success that comes my way on this Sunday.
  63. I am filled with hope and optimism on this Sunday.
  64. I am surrounded by beauty and positivity on this lovely Sunday.
  65. I am grateful for all the lessons and opportunities that come my way on this Sunday.
  66. My Sunday is filled with love, light, and positivity.
  67. I am blessed beyond measure on this beautiful Sunday.
  68. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to on this Sunday.
  69. My heart is open to giving and receiving love on this Sunday.
  70. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life on this Sunday.
  71. I choose to let go of any negativity or limiting beliefs on this Sunday.
  72. I am surrounded by positive energy and good vibes on this Sunday.
  73. My Sunday is filled with peace, love, and harmony.
  74. I am confident in my abilities to create a life of my dreams on this Sunday.
  75. I am grateful for the opportunity to relax and unwind on this lovely Sunday.
  76. I am filled with motivation and inspiration on this Sunday.
  77. I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly for me on this Sunday.
  78. I am surrounded by blessings and miracles on this beautiful Sunday.
  79. My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for this wonderful Sunday.

Sunday Morning Affirmations

Starting your Sunday off with positive affirmations can help you feel refreshed and energized for the day ahead. Here are some great Sunday morning affirmations to try:

  • Today is a new day full of endless possibilities.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to start fresh today.
  • I am capable of achieving my goals and creating the life I want.
  • I choose to focus on the good in my life and let go of negativity.
  • I am worthy of love, happiness, and success.

Sunday Night Affirmations

As you wind down your Sunday evening, take some time to reflect on the week ahead and set your intentions for the days to come. Here are some powerful Sunday night affirmations to help you do just that:

  • I am ready to tackle the week ahead with confidence and positivity.
  • I am proud of everything I accomplished this week and excited for what’s to come.
  • I choose to let go of any stress or worry from this past week and start fresh tomorrow.
  • I am grateful for the people and experiences that bring joy and fulfillment to my life.
  • I am confident in my ability to handle any challenges that come my way this week.

Positive Sunday Affirmations

In addition to specific morning and night affirmations, there are a number of positive affirmations that can be used throughout your Sunday to create a sense of positivity and motivation. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Today is a gift, and I choose to make the most of it.
  • I am surrounded by love, abundance, and positivity.
  • I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life, big and small.
  • I trust in the journey of life and know that everything happens for a reason.
  • I am capable of creating the life I desire, and I take action towards my goals every day.

Happy Sunday Affirmations

Who doesn’t love a happy Sunday? Here are some affirmations specifically designed to help you feel happy and content on your day off:

  • I choose to live in the present moment and savor the beauty of this day.
  • I am surrounded by people who love and support me.
  • I am at peace with where I am in my life right now.
  • I choose to do things that bring me joy and fulfillment on this Sunday.
  • I am excited for the opportunities and adventures that await me this week.

Why Positive Affirmations for Sunday are Important

Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself, often to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and empowering ones. By practicing positive affirmations on Sunday, you can set your mind up for a more positive and productive week ahead. Here are some reasons why positive affirmations for Sunday are important:

  1. They help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back.
  2. They help you focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the future.
  3. They help you cultivate a more positive and grateful mindset.
  4. They can improve your self-esteem and confidence, which can help you tackle challenges with more resilience and optimism.

How to Use Positive Affirmations for Sunday

To use positive affirmations for Sunday, start by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind. Then, choose affirmations that resonate with you and reflect your goals and desires. You can find inspiration for affirmations for Sunday online or create your own based on your personal experiences and values.

Once you have your affirmations for Sunday, repeat them to yourself several times, either out loud or in your head. Try to feel the emotions and sensations associated with each affirmation, and visualize yourself already embodying these qualities or achieving your goals. You can also write down your affirmations in a journal or on sticky notes to remind yourself throughout the day.

How to Write Affirmations for Sunday

Writing your own affirmations for Sunday can be a powerful way to personalize your practice and connect with your inner wisdom. When writing affirmations for Sunday, start by reflecting on your goals and intentions for the week ahead. What do you want to achieve or experience? What qualities do you want to embody?

Next, choose affirmations that reflect your desires and values. Begin each affirmation with “I am” or “I choose,” and make them present tense. For example, instead of saying “I will be successful,” say “I am successful.” This helps to shift your mindset from a future-oriented perspective to a present-oriented one, which can be more empowering and motivating.

How Positive Affirmations for Sunday Work?

Positive affirmations for Sunday work by helping to reprogram your subconscious mind and replace negative self-talk and limiting beliefs with positive and empowering ones. When you repeat affirmations to yourself, you are reinforcing positive neural pathways in your brain and strengthening your sense of self-worth, motivation, and resilience.

By focusing on positive affirmations on Sunday, you are setting the tone for the rest of the week and creating a mindset of possibility, abundance, and gratitude. You are also creating a sense of purpose and direction for yourself, which can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Sunday

There are many benefits of using positive affirmations for Sunday, including:

  1. Increased self-confidence and self-worth
  2. Greater clarity and focus on your goals and desires
  3. Improved mood and emotional wellbeing
  4. Greater resilience and ability to cope with stress and challenges
  5. Enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities
  6. More positive relationships with yourself and others.

By incorporating positive affirmations for Sunday into your Sunday routine, you can create a more positive and fulfilling life for yourself, and enjoy greater success, happiness, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.


In conclusion, positive affirmations for Sunday are a powerful tool for cultivating a positive and fulfilling life. By setting your intentions and focusing your mind on your goals and desires, you can create a mindset of possibility, abundance, and gratitude.

Whether you use affirmations for Sunday in the morning, at night, or throughout the day, they can help you overcome negative self-talk, boost your self-confidence, and enhance your emotional wellbeing.

So take some time this Sunday to reflect on your goals and desires, and incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference it can make!


  1. What are the benefits of using positive affirmations for Sunday?

Positive affirmations for Sunday can help increase self-confidence, focus your mind on your goals and desires, improve your mood and emotional wellbeing, enhance your creativity and problem-solving abilities, and foster more positive relationships with yourself and others.

  1. How can I use positive affirmations for Sunday?

To use positive affirmations for Sunday, find a quiet and comfortable space, choose affirmations that resonate with you, repeat them to yourself several times throughout the day, and visualize yourself already embodying these qualities or achieving your goals.

  1. Can I write my own affirmations for Sunday?

Yes, writing your own affirmations for Sunday can be a powerful way to personalize your practice and connect with your inner wisdom. Start by reflecting on your goals and intentions for the week ahead, and choose affirmations that reflect your desires and values.

  1. When is the best time to use positive affirmations for Sunday?

The best time to use positive affirmations for Sunday depends on your personal preferences and needs. Some people prefer to start their day with a morning ritual that includes positive affirmations, while others prefer to reflect on their goals and desires at night before going to bed. You can also incorporate affirmations into your daily routine by repeating them during meditation, exercise, or other activities that help you relax and focus.

  1. Can positive affirmations for Sunday really make a difference in my life?

Yes, positive affirmations for Sunday can make a significant difference in your life by helping you reprogram your subconscious mind and replace negative self-talk and limiting beliefs with positive and empowering ones. By focusing on positive affirmations on Sunday, you are setting the tone for the rest of the week and creating a mindset of possibility, abundance, and gratitude.