71 Affirmations for Hard Times: Revive Your Spirit

Look, when life throws you a curveball (or an entire dumpster fire), affirmations can feel a little eye-roll worthy. But here’s the thing: they’re not about pretending everything’s fine. Positive affirmations for hard times are about keeping your head above water, reminding yourself there’s still a sliver of strength left to fight another day.

Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledge the Suck: Affirmations like “This is really hard, and that’s okay” let you feel the struggle without getting buried by it.
  • Tiny Victories Matter: On those brutal days, “I got out of bed today” or “I asked for help” are HUGE. Affirmations that celebrate these wins keep you going.
  • Focus on the Now: When everything feels overwhelming, affirmations like “I can handle this moment” bring you back to the present, instead of spiraling into what-ifs.
  • Resilience, Not Perfection: Affirmations like “I may bend, but I won’t break” remind you this isn’t about being a superhero, just about surviving.
  • A Glimmer of Hope: It’s okay if you don’t truly believe them yet. Affirmations like “Things can get better” plant a seed for when you’re ready to see the light again.

Examples of Affirmations for Hard Times:

  • “I am stronger than I feel right now.”
  • “I allow myself to ask for help when I need it.”
  • “This feeling is temporary.”
  • “I will get through this, one step at a time.”

Remember: Don’t force yourself to feel positive if you’re not. Pair affirmations with actions that support you – getting outside, talking to a friend, even just watching a dumb movie. Tiny steps matter.

What Are Affirmations for Hard Times?

Positive affirmations for difficult times are statements that are intended to reprogram our subconscious mind and help us develop a positive self-image. Affirmations for hard times are specifically designed to help us overcome challenges and stay motivated during difficult times.

Positive affirmations for hard times can be simple statements that help us reframe our thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of our lives.

71 Positive Affirmations for Hard Times

  1. I am strong enough to handle anything that comes my way.
  2. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  3. I have the power to create positive change in my life.
  4. I am capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way.
  5. I am resilient and will bounce back from this.
  6. I am surrounded by love and support.
  7. I am worthy of happiness and success.
  8. I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life.
  9. I choose to focus on the positive and let go of the negative.
  10. I am confident in my ability to handle any situation.
  11. I am worthy of love and respect.
  12. I release all fear and doubt and trust in the universe to guide me.
  13. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  14. I am at peace with myself and my circumstances.
  15. I trust that the universe has a plan for me.
  16. I am worthy of abundance and prosperity.
  17. I am grateful for my health and well-being.
  18. I am surrounded by positive energy and good vibes.
  19. I am open to receiving all of the good things that life has to offer.
  20. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and emotions.
  21. I am worthy of joy and happiness.
  22. I am grateful for the lessons that challenges bring.
  23. I trust in my inner wisdom and intuition.
  24. I am filled with courage and strength.
  25. I am deserving of success and happiness.
  26. I am surrounded by beauty and abundance.
  27. I choose to see the good in every situation.
  28. I am grateful for my family and friends.
  29. I am capable of achieving my dreams.
  30. I trust in my ability to overcome any obstacle.
  31. I am worthy of love and belonging.
  32. I am grateful for my resilience and ability to bounce back.
  33. I am surrounded by positivity and abundance.
  34. I choose to focus on what I can control.
  35. I am confident in my abilities and strengths.
  36. I am worthy of all of the good things that life has to offer.
  37. I trust in the journey and the process.
  38. I am filled with hope and optimism.
  39. I am grateful for my inner strength and courage.
  40. I am surrounded by support and encouragement.
  41. I am capable of manifesting my dreams into reality.
  42. I choose to let go of fear and embrace love.
  43. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment.
  44. I trust in the divine plan for my life.
  45. I am surrounded by positive and uplifting people.
  46. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.
  47. I am confident in my ability to navigate any challenge.
  48. I am worthy of self-love and self-care.
  49. I trust in my ability to make good decisions for myself.
  50. I am surrounded by beauty and inspiration.
  51. I choose to see the best in others.
  52. I am grateful for my ability to grow and evolve.
  53. I am capable of achieving my goals and aspirations.
  54. I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life.
  55. I trust in my intuition and inner guidance.
  56. I am filled with positivity and optimism.
  57. I am grateful for my inner peace and calm.
  58. I am surrounded by love and positivity.
  59. I choose to let go of past hurt and embrace forgiveness.
  60. I am deserving of success and prosperity.
  61. I trust in my ability to make my dreams a reality.
  62. I am strong and capable of overcoming any challenge.
  63. I am worthy of love and respect, no matter what I am going through.
  64. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  65. I am grateful for the lessons I am learning during this difficult time.
  66. I am surrounded by love and support from those who care about me.
  67. I am worthy of abundance and financial prosperity.
  68. I am resilient and able to bounce back from any setback.
  69. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my life and let go of negativity.
  70. I have the strength and courage to face any challenge that comes my way.
  71. I am capable of creating a happy and fulfilling life, even in hard times.

How to Write Positive Affirmations for Hard Times

Positive affirmations for tough times can be a powerful tool to help us overcome hard times and maintain a positive mindset. When writing affirmations for hard times, it’s important to focus on positive statements that help us reframe our thoughts and stay motivated. Here are some tips for writing effective affirmations for hard times:

  1. Keep it positive: When writing affirmations, focus on positive statements that help you focus on your strengths and capabilities. Instead of saying “I’m not good enough,” focus on affirmations that say “I am capable and worthy.”
  2. Keep it present tense: Use the present tense when writing affirmations to help you feel like you are already embodying the qualities or traits you are affirming. For example, instead of saying “I will be strong,” say “I am strong.”
  3. Keep it personal: Write affirmations that are specific to you and your situation. This can help you feel more connected to the affirmations and make them more effective.
  4. Keep it believable: Choose affirmations that are believable and realistic for you. This can help you feel more confident in your ability to achieve the goals you are affirming.
  5. Keep it specific: Write affirmations that are specific to the challenges you are facing. For example, if you are facing financial difficulties, write affirmations that focus on abundance and financial prosperity.

How to Use Positive Affirmations for Hard Times

Using words of affirmation during hard times can be a helpful way to maintain a positive mindset and overcome challenges. Here are some tips for effectively using positive affirmations to get through tough times:

  1. Repeat affirmations daily: The more you repeat an affirmation, the more it can sink in and become a part of your subconscious mind. Set aside time each day to repeat affirmations that resonate with you, either in the morning or before bed.
  2. Visualize your affirmations: As you repeat your affirmations, visualize yourself embodying the qualities or traits you are affirming. For example, if you are affirming that you are strong and capable, visualize yourself overcoming a difficult challenge with ease and grace.
  3. Use positive affirmations during difficult times at the moment: When you are faced with a difficult situation, use affirmations to help you stay positive and focused. Repeat words of affirmation during hard times that feel relevant to the situation, such as “I am capable of handling this” or “I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.”
  4. Write down your affirmations: Writing down your affirmations can help you remember them more easily and make them feel more tangible. Write them on sticky notes and place them around your home or workspace, or keep a journal where you write them down each day.
  5. Use positive affirmations to get through tough times to reframe negative thoughts: When you notice yourself having negative thoughts, use affirmations to reframe them in a positive light. For example, if you find yourself thinking “I can’t do this,” reframe it as “I am capable of finding a solution.”
  6. Stay consistent: Like any habit, using affirmations takes consistency and practice. Stick with it and make it a part of your daily routine, and over time you may start to see a shift in your mindset and attitude toward difficult situations.

Overall, using positive affirmations for hard times can be a powerful tool to help you stay positive, motivated, and resilient in the face of challenges. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and see how positive affirmations during hard times can help you overcome any obstacle with grace and positivity.


In conclusion, positive affirmations during difficult times can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive mindset and overcoming challenges during hard times. By repeating affirmations daily, visualizing their effects, and using them to reframe negative thoughts, we can start to shift our mindset and see situations in a more positive light.

With consistency and practice, affirmations can become a part of our daily routine and help us navigate difficult times with grace and resilience. Remember, the power of positive affirmations lies in their ability to help us believe in ourselves and our ability to overcome any obstacle.


  1. What are affirmations for hard times? Affirmations for hard times are positive statements that you can repeat to yourself to help you stay motivated and focused during difficult periods in your life. They can be used to help you shift your mindset and overcome negative thoughts and emotions.
  2. How can affirmations help during difficult times? Affirmations can help you stay positive and focused during difficult times by reminding you of your strengths and your ability to overcome challenges. They can also help you shift your mindset from one of negativity and self-doubt to one of positivity and self-confidence.
  3. How do I use affirmations for hard times? To use affirmations for hard times, simply choose a few positive statements that resonate with you and repeat them to yourself throughout the day. You can write them down, say them out loud, or even record them and listen to them later. The key is to make affirmations a regular part of your daily routine.
  4. Are affirmations scientifically proven to work? While there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of affirmations, many people have found them to be a helpful tool for staying positive and motivated during difficult times. The power of affirmations lies in the way they can help you shift your mindset and focus on the positive aspects of your life.