Why We Dream: Psychological Insights into Your Dreams

Dreams are a fascinating window into our subconscious mind. While scientific understanding of dreams remains incomplete, there are compelling psychological facts about dreams that shed light on their function, content, and potential connection to our waking lives. From universal symbols to emotional processing, delve into the intriguing world of dream psychology.

Key Takeaways

  • Emotional Processing: Dreams may serve as a way to process emotions, both positive and negative, that we haven’t fully dealt with in our waking life.
  • Problem-Solving Potential: Dreams can sometimes offer creative solutions to problems or generate innovative ideas.
  • The Universal and the Personal: Dreams often contain archetypal symbols with common meanings across cultures, but also reflect individual experiences.
  • Recurring Themes: Recurring dreams can highlight unresolved issues, traumas, or patterns in your life that need attention.
  • Not Always Literal: Dream interpretation is complex. Take them as symbolic landscapes of your inner world, rather than premonitions.

Psychological Facts About Dreams

Psychological facts about dreams are the different aspects of dreams that have been studied and observed by psychologists. These facts include how dreams are formed, what they can reveal about our emotions and thoughts, how they affect our mental health, and much more.

Dreams can provide us with valuable insights into our subconscious mind and offer a window into our deepest fears, desires, and hopes. In this article, we will explore some of the most fascinating psychological facts about dreams.

10 Psychological Facts About Dreams

Fact 1: Why do we remember dreams? Some people remember most of their dreams, while others can’t remember any. Why is there such a difference?

One of the reasons why some people may remember most of their dreams is that they wake up during the night, even if only for a moment. In order for dreams to pass into long-term memory, we need to be awake, otherwise, they will be forgotten forever.

Fact 2: While dreaming, your muscles are immobile – During the REM phase, there is complete inhibition of skeletal muscles, increased brain activity, heart and respiratory function vary, eye muscles are active, and body temperature varies depending on the ambient temperature.

Fact 3: Some of the external stimuli can be incorporated into the dream – If someone in the room next to you is listening to music loudly, you can dream at that moment that you are at a concert.

Fact 4: People around the world dream of the same things. Dreams are like hallucinations: people, places, events, and objects seem to be merged into one and mixed. The most common feeling in a dream is anxiety. Negative emotions are more common than positive ones. Most people dream of color. People who watched black and white television as children are more likely to dream in black and white. Only 10% of dreams are sexual in nature, and that percentage is slightly higher among adolescents.

Fact 5: You can’t dream while snoring – This has long been considered true, although there is no concrete scientific evidence that it really is.

Fact 6: Women and men do not dream the same – Men dream men more often than women. As many as 70% of the characters in men’s dreams are men, while for women the ratio is approximately 50:50. In addition, aggression is more present in men’s dreams than it is in women’s dreams.

Fact 7: Dreams hide symbolism – If you dream of a specific object or phenomenon, often it is not the object of our dream but its symbol. In ancient Rome, dreams were interpreted even in the Senate, believing that they were messages from the gods expressed through symbols.

Fact 8: In dreams, we see only faces we have seen before – During our lives we meet thousands of new faces. They remain written as information in our brain, so if they seem unknown to us it is because we have forgotten them, not invented them.

Fact 9: And blind people dream – People who went blind later in life dream in pictures. Those who are blind from birth also dream, but in their dreams, there are no images, but sounds, smells, and emotions.

Fact 10: 90% of dreams are forgotten – More than half of dreams are forgotten only five minutes after waking up, and within ten minutes 90% of dreams disappear.


In conclusion, dreams are a fascinating aspect of our lives that have puzzled humans for centuries. Through the study of dreams, psychologists have uncovered many psychological facts about dreams that offer insights into our subconscious mind and the mysteries of human psychology.

We now know that dreams can reveal our emotions, thoughts, and desires, and they can affect our mental health. By understanding these psychological facts about dreams, we can learn more about ourselves and gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the human mind.


  1. What are some common themes in dreams? Common themes in dreams include falling, being chased, flying, losing teeth, and being naked in public.
  2. Can dreams predict the future? There is no scientific evidence to suggest that dreams can predict the future.
  3. Can dreams be controlled? Yes, it is possible to learn how to control and influence the content of our dreams through techniques such as lucid dreaming.
  4. Why do we forget our dreams? We may forget our dreams due to various factors, such as poor sleep quality or lack of interest in dreams.
  5. Do animals dream? Yes, animals also experience REM sleep, which is associated with dreaming, and some studies suggest that animals may have dreams similar to humans.