Is Manifesting Haram? Islamic Perspective Explained

Explore the Islamic stance on manifesting. Is Manifesting Haram or Permissible? Uncover scholarly views and Quranic guidance on the topic. Manifesting, the practice of using positive thoughts and visualization to attract certain outcomes, has gained widespread popularity in recent years. While some view it as a harmless method of achieving their goals, others question its permissibility in Islam. In this article, we will explore the Islamic perspective on manifesting.

By examining scholarly views and referring to Quranic guidance, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of whether manifesting is considered haram (forbidden) or permissible in Islam. Join us as we delve into this topic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Manifesting is the practice of using positive thoughts and visualization to attract certain outcomes.
  • We will explore the Islamic perspective on whether manifesting is considered haram or permissible.
  • We will examine scholarly views and Quranic guidance to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
  • It is important to seek knowledge and maintain a balanced approach when it comes to manifesting in Islam.
  • Certain practices and beliefs associated with manifestation may require careful consideration and evaluation in light of Islamic teachings.

Understanding Manifestation in Islam

Manifestation, in the context of Islam, refers to the concept of bringing one’s desires and wishes into reality through a spiritual and metaphysical connection with Allah. It is believed that one’s thoughts and intentions can have a powerful impact on their life.

Islamic teachings on manifestation revolve around the principle of tawakkul, which means to rely on Allah for all matters and place complete trust in His plan. Muslims believe that their efforts and actions must align with Islamic teachings and that they must seek Allah’s assistance through supplication (dua) and by following prophetic traditions.

Furthermore, Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of setting righteous and pious goals that benefit oneself and society, rather than pursuing materialistic or selfish desires.

The Role of Faith and Spirituality

In Islam, manifestation is often viewed as a spiritual practice that involves a deep connection with Allah and the power of faith. Muslims believe that by strengthening their relationship with Allah through prayer, fasting, and other acts of worship, they can manifest their desires in a way that aligns with His will and benefits them in this life and the hereafter.

Islamic teachings also emphasize the importance of a positive mindset and outlook. Muslims are encouraged to maintain a state of gratitude, contentment, and optimism, which can enhance their ability to manifest their desires and overcome any challenges that may arise.

Is Manifesting Haram?

The concept of manifesting has gained significant attention in recent years, with many individuals using it as a tool to achieve their goals and desires. However, when it comes to the question of whether manifesting is haram or not, it is crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect for differing beliefs.

In Islam, the term “haram” refers to actions that are forbidden or prohibited by Islamic law. While there may be varying interpretations among scholars and individuals, there is no explicit mention of manifesting in Islamic teachings.

Manifesting is often associated with the law of attraction, which suggests that positive thoughts and visualization can attract desired outcomes into one’s life. Some may argue that this practice aligns with Islamic principles such as having faith in Allah’s plan and striving towards one’s goals through positive thinking.

On the other hand, some individuals may view manifesting as a form of relying solely on personal desires rather than surrendering to Allah’s will. They may believe that putting too much emphasis on materialistic goals can lead to attachment and distract from spiritual growth.

Ultimately, whether manifesting is considered haram or not depends on individual beliefs and interpretations within the Islamic faith. It is essential for individuals seeking guidance on this matter to consult knowledgeable religious scholars who can provide insights based on Quranic teachings and Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad).

It is important to approach these discussions with an open mind, respecting different perspectives while seeking clarity within one’s own faith.

The Concept of Qadr (Divine Decree)

An important aspect of manifestation in Islam is the concept of Qadr, which refers to Allah’s Divine Decree. Muslims believe that Allah has complete control over all matters and that everything that happens is a part of His plan.

For this reason, Muslims are encouraged to place their trust in Allah and not become overly attached to their desires. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of accepting Allah’s will and being content with whatever He decrees, as this is the key to true success and happiness in this life and the hereafter.

“Manifestation is not about manipulating the universe or demanding one’s desires in a selfish manner. It is about aligning one’s thoughts and intentions with the will of Allah and trusting in His plan.”

Islamic Perspectives on Manifesting Desires

Manifesting desires is a popular concept in the world of self-help and personal development. From a purely Islamic perspective, it is crucial to align our intentions with the will of Allah. Therefore, while manifesting is permissible in Islam, it should be done in a way that does not conflict with the values and principles of the faith.

Supplication (dua) plays a critical role in seeking one’s desires in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua.” Accordingly, Muslims are encouraged to rely on dua to seek their desires while recognizing that the power ultimately lies with Allah.

The concept of Qadr (Divine Decree) is also essential to understand when considering manifesting in Islam. Muslims believe that everything happens by the will of Allah and that whatever happens is ultimately for our own betterment, even if we do not understand it at the time. Therefore, manifesting desires should not be seen as a way to control the outcomes of our lives but rather a means to align our intentions with the Divine will.

As the Quranic verse states, “And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know” (2:216). The same sentiment applies to manifesting desires. While it is natural to want things in life, Muslims must remember that Allah knows what is best for them, and it is essential to trust in His wisdom and plan for their lives.


  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • The Quran (2:216)

Ruling on Manifesting in Shariah

Manifestation has gained popularity in recent years, encouraging people to focus on their desires and attract positive outcomes in their lives. However, as with any practice, its permissibility under Shariah law is subject to debate and interpretation.

Islamic scholars and jurists have differing opinions on the ruling of manifestation. Some argue that manifestation goes against the Islamic concept of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah), while others believe that it aligns with the principle of positive thinking encouraged in Islam.

“Manifestation, in its essence, is not forbidden by Shariah. It is a matter of intention and approach. As long as one’s intentions align with Islamic principles and do not involve any un-Islamic practices, such as invoking or relying on supernatural powers, manifesting one’s desires is permissible.”

Similarly, Islamic scholar Mufti Menk has emphasized that while pursuing one’s desires is allowed in Islam, it should not come at the expense of disobeying Allah or violating Islamic values.

Therefore, the ruling on manifestation in Shariah depends on the approach and intention of the individual. As long as the practice does not involve any un-Islamic beliefs or practices and aligns with Islamic principles, it can be considered permissible.

Islamic Jurists’ Views on Manifestation

Islamic jurists have also expressed varying views regarding manifestation. Some consider it a permissible practice, while others categorize certain aspects of it as doubtful or even prohibited.

For instance, Sheikh Uthaymeen, a prominent Islamic jurist, has stated that manifestation becomes unlawful when it involves reciting phrases or invocations that are not based on Islamic teachings or contains shirk (associating partners with Allah).

On the other hand, Sheikh Ibn Jibreen, another respected jurist, has endorsed the concept of “positive affirmation” and its role in achieving desired outcomes. He believes that the Quranic principle of “And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out” (65:2) encourages believers to have a positive outlook and trust in Allah’s plans, which can, in turn, improve their lives and circumstances.

Islamic Scholars and Jurists’ Views on Manifestation

Islamic Scholars/JuristsViews on Manifestation
Dr. Yasir QadhiManifesting desires is permissible if intentions align with Islamic principles and do not involve any un-Islamic practices.
Mufti MenkPursuing desires is allowed in Islam as long as it does not conflict with Islamic values or disobey Allah.
Sheikh UthaymeenManifestation becomes unlawful when it involves reciting invocations not based on Islamic teachings or contains shirk.
Sheikh Ibn JibreenPositive affirmation and positive thinking are encouraged in Islam and can help improve one’s life and circumstances.

Despite differing views among scholars and jurists, the general consensus is that the approach and intention of the individual determine the ruling on manifestation under Shariah law.

Quranic Guidance on Manifesting

When it comes to manifesting, the Quran offers guidance that can help us understand its permissible aspects in Islam. One of the most frequently cited verses related to manifestation is:

“And when My servants ask you, concerning Me—indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:186)

This verse highlights the importance of supplicating to Allah (SWT) when seeking our desires and ensures that Allah (SWT) responds to our invocations. Additionally, the Quran also emphasizes the need to focus on righteousness and submission to Allah (SWT) instead of materialism:

“And seek through that which Allah has given you the [means of] home and do not forget the portion of this world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters.”
(Surah Al-Qasas 28:77)

Therefore, it can be deduced from Quranic guidance that while manifestation in Islam is permissible, it should be done in alignment with Islamic principles, with a focus on submission to Allah (SWT) and avoidance of materialism.

The Compatibility of Manifestation with Islamic Beliefs

In the previous sections, we have explored the Islamic perspective on manifesting, including its definition, teachings, and rulings. But what about practices such as the Law of Attraction? Is manifesting in line with core Islamic principles?

While there is no consensus among Islamic scholars on the permissibility of the Law of Attraction and other similar practices, many argue that certain aspects of manifesting may contradict Islamic beliefs and values.

For example, some scholars argue that the Law of Attraction promotes a self-centered approach to manifesting, ignoring the will of Allah and the importance of relying on Him in all matters. Additionally, the focus on material desires may distract individuals from spiritual growth and the pursuit of righteous deeds.

On the other hand, some argue that the Law of Attraction and similar practices can complement Islamic teachings, in that they encourage positive thinking, gratitude, and a focus on aligning one’s intentions with the will of Allah. By visualizing and affirming one’s desires while also relying on Allah’s will and guidance, individuals can manifest their desires in a way that is consistent with Islamic principles.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals to seek knowledge, evaluate different perspectives, and make informed decisions regarding their approach to manifesting. By seeking guidance from Islamic scholars and being mindful of the Islamic concept of intention (niyyah), individuals can take steps towards manifesting their desires while also maintaining a strong connection with Allah and staying true to their faith.

Conclusion: Is Manifesting Haram

After exploring the Islamic perspective on manifesting, it is clear that the topic requires a nuanced understanding. While some practices and beliefs associated with manifestation may contradict core Islamic principles, manifesting desires in alignment with Islamic principles and relying on dua (supplication) appears to be permissible.

It is important for Muslims seeking to manifest their desires to maintain a balanced approach and consult Islamic scholars to ensure their practices align with Islamic teachings. Ultimately, the concept of manifestation should not be used as a means to circumvent the Divine Decree (Qadr) or to pursue materialistic goals at the expense of spiritual development.

By seeking knowledge and remaining mindful of Islamic principles, Muslims can harness the power of manifestation to enhance their faith and spirituality, while also improving their worldly circumstances.

Thus, in conclusion, the question of whether manifesting is haram or permissible in Islam is not a straightforward one, but with careful consideration and adherence to Islamic teachings, Muslims can navigate the concept of manifestation in a way that aligns with their faith and enhances their spiritual growth.