57 Affirmations for PTSD Recovery: How to Move Forward

PTSD makes the world feel unsafe, both from external threats and the overwhelming echoes of the past. Affirmations for PTSD won’t single-handedly heal my trauma, but they’re a lifeline when those waves of panic or dissociation hit. They remind me of the tools I have, of the strength I’ve developed, and that I’m not alone in this battle.

Key Takeaways

  • Anchors in the Present: When flashbacks threaten, affirmations center me in the here and now– “I am safe in this moment,” “My body is in the present.”
  • Calming My System: Focusing on my breath, noticing the sensations around me, affirmations guide me back into my body when dissociation kicks in.
  • Small Victories Matter: PTSD recovery is often setbacks and tiny steps forward. Affirmations help me acknowledge my progress, no matter how small, fueling resilience.
  • Compassion is Key: My inner critic gets harsh during difficult moments. Affirmations replace that voice with kindness– “This is hard, and I’m doing my best,” “I am worthy of healing.”
  • Support Exists: Remembering I’m not alone is essential. Affirmations about my therapist, support network, or communities remind me help is there when I need it.

What are Positive Affirmations For PTSD?

Positive affirmations are statements that are designed to shift your mindset towards a more positive outlook. For those with PTSD, affirmations can help manage symptoms and provide a sense of comfort and support.

Writing positive affirmations for PTSD involves selecting statements that resonate with you personally and repeating them regularly.

57 Positive Affirmations For PTSD

  1. I am strong enough to overcome anything that comes my way.
  2. I am worthy of love and respect.
  3. I choose to focus on the present moment and let go of the past.
  4. My mind and body are capable of healing.
  5. I am not defined by my trauma.
  6. I choose to let go of negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
  7. I am safe in this moment.
  8. My experiences have made me stronger and more resilient.
  9. I am capable of achieving my goals.
  10. I am deserving of happiness and peace.
  11. I choose to forgive myself and others for past mistakes.
  12. I am surrounded by love and support.
  13. My life is entire of abundance and prosperity.
  14. I am free to live my life on my own terms.
  15. I am worthy of success and achievement.
  16. I choose to focus on the present and let go of worries about the future.
  17. I am grateful for the positive things in my life.
  18. My thoughts are powerful and I choose to focus on positivity.
  19. I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.
  20. I am confident in my ability to make good decisions for myself.
  21. I choose to let go of feelings of guilt and shame.
  22. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  23. I am worthy of respect and kindness from myself and others.
  24. I am open to receiving love and support.
  25. My past does not define my future.
  26. I am worthy of a happy and fulfilling life.
  27. I choose to focus on the good in my life and let go of negativity.
  28. I am capable of achieving inner peace and calm.
  29. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned from my experiences.
  30. I am worthy of being treated with love and compassion.
  31. I choose to let go of fear and embrace courage.
  32. My life is full of purpose and meaning.
  33. I am worthy of taking care of myself.
  34. I am capable of achieving my dreams.
  35. I am deserving of forgiveness and understanding.
  36. I choose to focus on the present and not dwell on the past.
  37. I am capable of overcoming obstacles and challenges.
  38. I am worthy of being loved unconditionally.
  39. I am grateful for the opportunities in my life.
  40. I choose to let go of negative energy and embrace positivity.
  41. I am confident in my ability to create a fulfilling life for myself.
  42. I am deserving of respect and dignity.
  43. I am open to receiving help and support from others.
  44. I choose to let go of feelings of anger and resentment.
  45. I am worthy of a life full of joy and happiness.
  46. I am capable of achieving inner peace and calm.
  47. I am grateful for the people in my life who support and care for me.
  48. I choose to focus on the good in my life and let go of negativity.
  49. I am worthy of being heard and understood.
  50. I am capable of creating a better future for myself.
  51. I am deserving of love and acceptance.
  52. I choose to let go of feelings of unworthiness and embrace my self-worth.
  53. I am confident in my ability to overcome any obstacle.
  54. I am grateful for the beauty in life, both big and small.
  55. I choose to let go of negative self-talk and embrace positive affirmations.
  56. I am worthy of a life full of love and happiness.
  57. I am capable of finding peace and happiness within myself.

10 Positive Affirmations for Complex PTSD

Complex PTSD can be challenging to manage, but positive affirmations can help individuals struggling with this condition to reframe negative thoughts and beliefs. By repeating positive affirmations regularly, people can start to shift their focus towards more empowering and constructive ways of thinking.

Here are ten complex ptsd affirmations:

  1. I am strong and capable of overcoming any challenge.
  2. My experiences have made me resilient and courageous.
  3. I am worthy of love and acceptance.
  4. I trust my intuition and make choices that serve my highest good.
  5. I am healing and growing every day.
  6. My struggles do not define me; I am more than my trauma.
  7. I am deserving of happiness and peace.
  8. I release all negative emotions and welcome positivity into my life.
  9. I am surrounded by a supportive and loving community.
  10. I am grateful for the progress I have made in my healing journey.

The Power of Affirmations

Positive affirmations for PTSD recovery are short, affirmative statements that are designed to shift one’s mindset and promote a positive outlook on life.

These affirmations for PTSD are not mere words but can serve as a beacon of light during the darkest of times. In this article, we’ll explore how affirmations can play a crucial role in the healing journey of individuals with PTSD.

How to Write PTSD Positive Affirmations?

When writing PTSD positive affirmations, it’s important to choose statements that are meaningful to you and address the symptoms you are experiencing. Here are some tips for writing effective positive affirmations for PTSD:

  1. Use present tense: Write your affirmations as if you are already experiencing the positive outcome you desire.
  2. Please keep it simple: Use simple, clear language that is easy to remember and repeat.
  3. Be specific: Focus on the particular symptoms or challenges you are experiencing.
  4. Make it personal: Use “I” statements to make the affirmations feel more personal and powerful.
  5. Repeat regularly: Repeat your affirmations daily to reinforce the positive message.

What are the Benefits of Positive Affirmations for PTSD?

Positive affirmations can provide several benefits for those with PTSD, including:

  1. Shifts focus to the positive: Affirmations can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts and towards positive beliefs.
  2. Promotes self-care: Affirmations can be a form of self-care and self-love, which can be especially important for those who have experienced trauma.
  3. Increases resilience: Regularly practicing positive affirmations can help increase resilience and provide a sense of strength and empowerment.
  4. Reduces symptoms: Affirmations can help manage symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety and depression, by providing a sense of comfort and support.

How Can Positive Affirmations Help with PTSD?

PTSD is a mental health condition that is characterized by negative thoughts and feelings related to past traumatic events. Individuals with PTSD often experience a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, which can contribute to ongoing feelings of anxiety and depression.

PTSD affirmations can help individuals with PTSD replace negative thoughts with positive, self-affirming thoughts. By repeating positive affirmations for PTSD regularly, individuals can begin to shift their mindset from one of fear and negativity to one of hope and positivity.


PTSD is a complex mental health condition that can be challenging to manage. While there are many treatment options available, positive affirmations have emerged as a powerful tool for managing the symptoms of PTSD.

By replacing negative self-talk with positive, self-affirming thoughts, individuals with PTSD can begin to shift their mindset from one of fear and negativity to one of hope and positivity.

With regular practice, positive affirmations for PTSD can help individuals with PTSD overcome trauma one thought at a time and improve their overall quality of life.